Shipping Delays


New Member
RE: Fold XS Delays. Delays are one thing, using our money for months is not OK. I don't care what the reasons are for the delays. They should not commit to dates they have no control over. They are committing to shipping dates by charging our credit cards immediately for bikes that aren't available and then using our money for months and then extending the dates. That is wrong. We should at least get a discount if the shipping dates change. I went with Sondors, even though they were significantly higher priced than competitors (after extensive research) because I wanted good customer service. This is a real turn off.
To top it off, I asked for a confirmation on the shipping date, which they confirmed by email and then got an email the next day extending the shipping date.
To top it off, I asked for a confirmation on the shipping date, which they confirmed by email and then got an email the next day extending the shipping date.
Hey Sondors family,
I totally understand your frustration, I went through the same thing waiting for my Fold XS, if you don't mind, I said and felt exactly the same until I talked with a good representative from Sondors. So I'll give you what I know, So I ordered my bike for July delivery in the middle of Covid, I didn't get the bike until the end of August, beginning of September.I probably flipped out way worst the you can imagine, mind you I said and felt like you. This rep explained it fully to me, so I understood what's not being told to us without asking. The bikes sellout fast, which in return puts pressure on the manufacturer to make more bikes fast, Now the shipping containers are a whole different headache, Trump stopped the regular shipping methods, only important essential products were aloud 1st, if there was a little room left in the containers the bikes get in, if not, then our delivery time definitely changes.The process is China to California, California to every other state.But we don't get this info
RE: Fold XS Delays. Delays are one thing, using our money for months is not OK. I don't care what the reasons are for the delays. They should not commit to dates they have no control over. They are committing to shipping dates by charging our credit cards immediately for bikes that aren't available and then using our money for months and then extending the dates. That is wrong. We should at least get a discount if the shipping dates change. I went with Sondors, even though they were significantly higher priced than competitors (after extensive research) because I wanted good customer service. This is a real turn off.
if we assume they do not have any control over the dates, then we know that going in, and we decide we want the thing anyway. this is sort of the world we live in now. it’s very much a first world problem i think.
Yes you're right, I ordered my bike during the pandemic, where all the bikes were sold out. So I was thirsty to get my bike and mad as hell. But when you guys get this bike I hope and believe you all will be happy with it, I love it, I always have people looking and complimenting the bike, we don't look like delivery guys on it, I hope you guys ennui it as much as I do
So here it goes... I was told mid June that my (wife's) Cruiser is on track for end of July. On July 7, I got the email that it shipped, but because of port delays, that it will take additional (undetermined) time. Today's update is that due to port backups and container shortages, it 'should' now be mid to end of October. Yes, this thing was fully paid for by early January. Hard to explain it to her that she doesn't get her 'shipped' bike. Anyway, the container shortage issue is moot, since it already shipped, but there's got to be a way to get stuff through that port quicker.
...but there's got to be a way to get stuff through that port quicker.
The videos in this thread will provide some insight to the shipping issues (including port problems) that ebike vendors are running into:

Ok,last year when I ordered my bike I went through the same headache.From what I understood the bikes will probably be last to load in the containers,all essential products go in first, then the bikes get what little space is left
The videos in this thread will provide some insight to the shipping issues (including port problems) that ebike vendors are running into:

Thank you. That Arda guy does give an excellent breakdown of the issues, but there are also $200 rebates going to those who keep their orders. I got a $50 voucher toward goods when I slipped from February to May.
I don't have any problem with the delay, but I think it would be fair to accept deposits rather than have to pay the entire amount months in advance. It's not like it is custom made especially for me like furniture or something like that. There seems to be high demand for their bikes so they would have no problem selling all the bikes they get.

Why isn't this a problem with Rad Power bikes? My neighbors got their bikes in a week. They have high volume and use similar brands and parts so why don't they have extreme delays? I would have bought from them, but there were a few differences that convinced me to order a Sondors.

It IS truly a first world problem and I am fortunate to be able to fully pay for a $2k bike in advance, but I am old and gray and hope that I don't break a hip or die before I get the bike. :)
Update! I sent an email to Sondors explaining my disappointment and the new (4 days) customer service manager called me. Honestly, to get any kind of response, let alone a call when I didn't even ask for a response was very impressive. In my opinion, the main difference between all of the bike companies, since they all use so many of the same parts, manufacturers, shippers, etc., IS the customer service. They are going to be setting more realistic expectations regarding delivery, keeping customers up to date on shipments, etc. They welcome calls with feedback or questions. I am very happy that they recognized that this is a difficult situation for the company and the customers and are taking action to make things better by hiring an experienced customer service manager to implement some new strategies.
Yes they told me on the phone yesterday that they know they have dropped the ball and have failed their customers with customer service and lack of communication and that they are working on things that will make the situation better.
They need to announce openly and publicly that they have dropped the ball and failed their customer base and then tell the public what they intend to do to fix it and how long it will take to fix it and every little detail possible because total transparency is key.
I told them to ask Storm if I can get some swag along with my bike. Ordered in May for Sept shipping, still on a boat by the sounds of it for the last 3 weeks. Hard not to get upset when the end of the seasons coming and the bikes in a box somewhere.
I got an email today that said I should expect to get my bike in about 2 weeks! Original shipping time frame was end of August. If I get it by the end of September, I will consider myself lucky.
Down here in Texas, the comfortable riding season hasn't arrived yet, so I'm willing to wait until October or November. Are the estimates on the Sondors website when they estimate it'll leave port in China, when it'll get to me, or somewhere in between? And, yes, I know the schedule can slip.
From our hilltop home in Bellingham, Washington we have a great view of Bellingham Bay, 70 nautical miles north of Seattle. For the past three months we have had container ships lying at anchor in the bay, waiting their turn to head down to Seattle and unload, with intermittent reports of covid aboard. The same two ships have been out there for the past few weeks, generators humming, irritating a town full of amazon shoppers griping about the noise. There are several other federally designated ship anchorages between here and Seattle, all of which are full of container ships, waiting their turn to unload and head back to Asia.

Bellingham has been our home port for 5 decades. Before this year their have probably been two boat anchored here, for a day or three, waiting to get into the Port of Seattle. This year we have had perhaps 5 days all summer without at least one ship at anchor.

This stuff is not theoretical or a fabricated is real. Here is the view from our deck right now.
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I got an email today that said I should expect to get my bike in about 2 weeks! Original shipping time frame was end of August. If I get it by the end of September, I will consider myself lucky.
So, how did it turn out. When did your bike actually show up?