ShareRoller - Quick and Dirty Electric Bikes

Does anyone have an idea yet of when the first ONEMOTORs will be sent to any or all backers?

Two months ago, on October 11, 2018, this was posted...
So on account of all this, we've had to shift our production plans from when we last wrote, and it's going to take us another month to get everything ready to start shipping. But please rest assured that delivering the very first batch of the groundbreaking ONEMOTOR to our original Backers is our overriding priority from here on out, and it is within sight.

Of course, that was an added month to "get everything ready" not to "start shipping."

Also, "from here on out" implies that "delivering the first batch" was not previously the "overriding priority."
Does anyone have an idea yet of when the first ONEMOTORs will be sent to any or all backers?

I have no idea when this will really happen, but given the past history, I would not hold my breath. I have a sense that they will finally carry through with their promise for backers, but it sure is taking a long time.
From what they've told me, in response to my inquiry trying to time the sale of my car, I would say early backers might receive shipments in January. Apparently, shifting the stream of parts to avoid tariffs has caused some delays. Quite rightly, they wouldn't commit to a specific time for me (acknowledging their past efforts were way off) especially since each unit will undergo testing before shipping. My gut is telling me February; we will see how close I am. I've got a bet on with a backer of the Helix bicycle (also 3+ years late) to see who gets delivered first!
Another update and another delay....shipping supposed to start in late January now:

Hello ShareRoller Indiegogo backer:

We hope you are all enjoying the Holiday Season. As you've likely guessed, things are moving more slowly than expected on our end, as our battery supplier had a surge in last-minute orders from customers trying to beat the Jan 1st tariff implementation. And as a small customer, we get pushed to the back of the line, so they now anticipate shipping our packs to us on Jan 15th.

However on the good news side, our custom Battery Chargers are finally done and we can share the first pics below. While using an off-the-shelf Charger would've been easier, faster, and cheaper, we really thought it critical to have these key features (and we hope you agree!):

Built-in RoPD Jack: Our magnetic Battery Pack connectors can now plug DIRECTLY into the charger. Not only is this slick and super-easy to use, but it also saves having to carry a 2nd bulky cable with the Charger (one cable for A/C, one cable to connect to the Battery). And since our Battery Pack already has a 2.5-ft long cable built in, it makes no sense to have a duplicate!

Automatic Charge Rate Selection: Our RoPD plugs are uniquely coded so that the Charger can detect whether a Compact or Extended Battery Pack is connected, and adjust the charging rate accordingly (2A for Compact, 4A for Extended). This way you can use ONE charger for all your Battery Packs, and there's never any worry about accidental over-charging.


The latest Battery Pack shipping schedule should allow us to begin your OneMotor shipments in the back half of January, though our production will ramp slowly over the first 1-2 months so it will take some time to fulfill all Indiegogo orders. We will ship NYC-area orders first, to ensure prompt feedback cycles for any new learnings from the first production units. Thereafter, shipping sequence will mirror Backer position.

Once your order is within a week of shipment, we will send out the Invoice for any additional funds from the Google Form accessories update. In the meantime, please feel free to reach out with any further questions.

Thank you again for your patience and support.

Jeff Guida & The ShareRoller Team
Another update and another delay....shipping supposed to start in late January now:

Hello ShareRoller Indiegogo backer:

We hope you are all enjoying the Holiday Season. As you've likely guessed, things are moving more slowly than expected on our end, as our battery supplier had a surge in last-minute orders from customers trying to beat the Jan 1st tariff implementation. And as a small customer, we get pushed to the back of the line, so they now anticipate shipping our packs to us on Jan 15th.

However on the good news side, our custom Battery Chargers are finally done and we can share the first pics below. While using an off-the-shelf Charger would've been easier, faster, and cheaper, we really thought it critical to have these key features (and we hope you agree!):

Built-in RoPD Jack: Our magnetic Battery Pack connectors can now plug DIRECTLY into the charger. Not only is this slick and super-easy to use, but it also saves having to carry a 2nd bulky cable with the Charger (one cable for A/C, one cable to connect to the Battery). And since our Battery Pack already has a 2.5-ft long cable built in, it makes no sense to have a duplicate!

Automatic Charge Rate Selection: Our RoPD plugs are uniquely coded so that the Charger can detect whether a Compact or Extended Battery Pack is connected, and adjust the charging rate accordingly (2A for Compact, 4A for Extended). This way you can use ONE charger for all your Battery Packs, and there's never any worry about accidental over-charging.


The latest Battery Pack shipping schedule should allow us to begin your OneMotor shipments in the back half of January, though our production will ramp slowly over the first 1-2 months so it will take some time to fulfill all Indiegogo orders. We will ship NYC-area orders first, to ensure prompt feedback cycles for any new learnings from the first production units. Thereafter, shipping sequence will mirror Backer position.

Once your order is within a week of shipment, we will send out the Invoice for any additional funds from the Google Form accessories update. In the meantime, please feel free to reach out with any further questions.

Thank you again for your patience and support.

Jeff Guida & The ShareRoller Team

I suspect he may get caught with Chinese New Year holiday break - and more delays. I'm thinking March now.
(Another Shareroller year, another post about Chinese New Year.)

I posted this on February 26, 2018:
(1) Backers have the right to be unhappy with long delays.
(2) Backers have the right to be unhappy about repeatedly being told that things will happen but those things don't happen.

I posted this on March 5, 2018:
ShareRoller will remind us in the next update that Chinese New Year related delays are really not over until the end of March. It is not ShareRoller's fault. ShareRoller is just as frustrated by it as you are.

Here is a 2019 version of the 2018 CNY timeline I posted on March 5, 2018:

Chinese New Year (CNY) 2019 Timeline
  • November: Confirm when your supplier is closing and reopening for the CNY
  • December 10 – 15: Last day to place an order for delivery before the CNY
  • January 21: Some suppliers and subcontractors stop production, causing disruption in the supply chain
  • January 28: Many workers have already left the factories. Sales reps, engineers and management may still be around for a couple of days more.
  • February 4: All personnel has left the factory
  • February 5: Chinese New Years Eve
  • February 18: Employees, mostly sales reps and some engineers, start to come back. Some may have extended holidays.
  • February 25: Most employees, including assembly line workers, are back in the factories.
  • March 4: Operations are getting back to normal after the Post-CNY disruption.
Jeff has chosen not to follow my unsolicited and unseen advice :) from many months ago about not making predictions about anything anymore:
The latest Battery Pack shipping schedule should allow us to begin your OneMotor shipments in the back half of January, though our production will ramp slowly over the first 1-2 months so it will take some time to fulfill all Indiegogo orders.

I am so pleased that Jeff took it easy on himself by leaving himself several "outs" in the above statement: (1) "should allow" is obviously not a promise and means "might or might not," (2) "production will ramp slowly" is fair-warning to all, (3) "the first 1-2 months" is cleverly NOT Jeff saying when your OneMotor might ship--it is how long it takes for "production to ramp."
The latest Battery Pack shipping schedule should allow us to begin your OneMotor shipments in the back half of January, though our production will ramp slowly over the first 1-2 months so it will take some time to fulfill all Indiegogo orders.

The back half of January is only one week away! At least one lucky Indiegogo-er "should" get a OneMotor soon.

On the other hand, the back half of January lasts for over two weeks, soooooo...
The latest Battery Pack shipping schedule should allow us to begin your OneMotor shipments in the back half of January, though our production will ramp slowly over the first 1-2 months so it will take some time to fulfill all Indiegogo orders.

How many of you Indiegogo folks have received your OneMotor here in the back half of January? Or was Jeff just throwing dates out perniciously (or even malevolently?) as he has for over two years?

To Jeff I say: Good God! why should he mock poor fellows thus? Achieve the OneMotor THEN sell it. (See also Henry V.)
I have no pony in this race, but if I had a dime to bet, I'd bet that nobody can be found happily typing their tracking numbers into UPS or FedEx's website at the moment.
I have no pony in this race, but if I had a dime to bet, I'd bet that nobody can be found happily typing their tracking numbers into UPS or FedEx's website at the moment.
Helix still hasn't shipped yet, either. Both are getting close but those last few steps are taking forever, lol. I still have a $20 bet that SR/1M will ship first, but could go either way. Both are 3 years +. Ehh, waiting builds character, and we all have a ton of character now ;-).
I'm sure Jeff is out of breath whipping his supplier. Remember at some time he sent over 500 emails/month which makes it over 2 emails per working hour. What do you say to that, guys? Or am I nuts ...
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I am glad Jeff has lots and lots of time to create a new name and a new web site--all that content!--while urging others to get you your products. It must be those bad, bad suppliers, the ones that Jeff picked--in China. Jeff warned us that Chinese suppliers can be difficult to work with; Jeff was brave enough to ignore his own warnings. I wonder why. (No, it can't be because his promises/statements to you mean less than his other priorities. Can't be.)
My guess is that the reason everyone is still waiting comes down to money. This company has generated almost zero revenue in, what... five years? Jeff is likely spending his time chasing investors, which is probably a difficult proposition if the share structure is already highly diluted. Never mind all the debt that may be on his books.
My guess is that the reason everyone is still waiting comes down to money.

So it is and was about money rather than product changes and supplier delays? So Jeff has been lying all this time?

The dozens of messages from Jeff over the years have all--every one--blamed the delays on new or changed features and/or supplier delay.

Are you are saying Jeff's real problem is he can't buy the parts and/or can't pay to have them assembled and/or can't afford to ship the finished product?

Hard to believe.
My guess is that the reason everyone is still waiting comes down to money. This company has generated almost zero revenue in, what... five years? Jeff is likely spending his time chasing investors, which is probably a difficult proposition if the share structure is already highly diluted. Never mind all the debt that may be on his books.
I'm inclined to think that's not the problem since this is not his first rodeo ;-). Not only did he bring his first version of SR to conclusion and deliver it, but he also is the inventor of Bromfoot, a brompton accessory, which has provided him with experience in developing, marketing, and delivering product. I think this would be absolutely true for inventors new to this process - I've even crowdfunded some that have failed because of this lack of experience.