Scratching sound from my Allant


New Member
I started hearing this scratching sound as you can here in the video. I took it to LBS, they couldn’t find any issue. If someone can figure out what this sound is, it would be much appreciated!

Hhhhmmm... difficult to tell what that is from the clip. Is your fender barely rubbing your tire? Could your disc rotor be bent (out of true) and rubbing every rotation?

You have probably already tried this, but do you hear it when you rotate your wheel very slowly by hand?
I ride rail trails a lot. Most are not paved and when it rains the fine limestone dust always collects on the brake pads. Takes awhile to work through, often I have to clean the pads. Makes a heck of a scratching sound even pushing the bike around my driveway. Did you ride in the rain recently?
Thank you for the answers.

I don’t hear anything when I rotate it slowly by hand.

Another thing is that the noise becomes more prominent when I lean to right or left to turn.

I didn’t ride on trail but I did ride on gravel, so I’ll check the pads.
I started hearing this scratching sound as you can here in the video. I took it to LBS, they couldn’t find any issue. If someone can figure out what this sound is, it would be much appreciated!

What do you have for an Allant? Those of us with 9.9S have had the Shimano rear hubs failing. My second one is failing now. The 8.8 and 7.7 are using bontrager hubs and don’t seem to be a problem. Check to see if the sound is associated with the speed of the bike or pedal speed by shifting and listening. Really hard to tell where the Noise is coming from and many bike shops think it is the motor. Search for some threads on the 9.9 and you find quite a bit.
That doesn't sound like the hub - at least not the same as the hub failure I had on the 9.9s. It really sounds like something rubbing. I like the tire/fender suggestion.
This is the sound from my second failing hub. I have been in touch with Trek and they are helping me resolve.

This was the sound from the first failed hub.

They are a bit different but similar, and it is always difficult to discern where the sound is coming from. Many people think it is the motor, but when you change gears, the cadence of the sound does not change. It is entirely based on the speed of the bike, and obviously the back wheel. Shifting makes not difference in the sound.
The problem has been resolved, in a very unexpected way.

I took it to by local shop twice, they couldn’t figure it out.
I took it to the store where I bought the bike - which is about 25 miles away. First, they checked the breaks, no issue. Then they checked the hub, they disassembled and reassembled the whole thing, no change. The bike is still in the return window, so at that point, we started the return process.

When I was taking out the receipt from by backpack, the guy said; “Wait a second. That front reflector looks crooked”.
Yeah, a very inglorious resolution, but that was it. He moved the reflector. And the sound is gone.

I love my bike again :)
What do you have for an Allant? Those of us with 9.9S have had the Shimano rear hubs failing. My second one is failing now. The 8.8 and 7.7 are using bontrager hubs and don’t seem to be a problem. Check to see if the sound is associated with the speed of the bike or pedal speed by shifting and listening. Really hard to tell where the Noise is coming from and many bike shops think it is the motor. Search for some threads on the 9.9 and you find quite a bit.

Wow! 2nd one failing now....uuuggggh :(
I have to say, although Trek goes the distance for their customer, the length of time pertaining to this issue and it still being unresolved is totally unacceptable.
Ask Trek for your money back...they gave me mine, as I had the Allant+ 9.9S for almost 6 months, it was in the shop more than it was able to be ridden, and I was lucky to break the 700 miles in those 6 months.
Get a Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0 for $1800 less than the Allant+ 9.9S, enjoy the ride.
I have to say so far (fingers crossed) ZERO issues with the Turbo Vado 5.0, killer bike, agile, responsive, nice, can't wait to see the next years models.
I WAS a Trek loyalist, but given the issues with the previous Super Commuter +8S and then the Allant+ 9.9S, one might begin to wonder what the heck is going on.
After all, it's a frame, it has components, and if the components are faulty, resolve the issues, right?
Just had to chime in everyone.
Oh, and have had it only 3-1/2 weeks, closing in on 400 miles, perfect!
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Wow! 2nd one failing now....uuuggggh :(
I have to say, although Trek goes the distance for their customer, the length of time pertaining to this issue and it still being unresolved is totally unacceptable.
Ask Trek for your money back...they gave me mine, as I had the Allant+ 9.9S for almost 6 months, it was in the shop more than it was able to be ridden, and I was lucky to break the 700 miles in those 6 months.
Get a Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0 for $1800 less than the Allant+ 9.9S, enjoy the ride.
I have to say so far (fingers crossed) ZERO issues with the Turbo Vado 5.0, killer bike, agile, responsive, nice, can't wait to see the next years models.
I WAS a Trek loyalist, but given the issues with the previous Super Commuter +8S and then the Allant+ 9.9S, one might begin to wonder what the heck is going on.
After all, it's a frame, it has components, and if the components are faulty, resolve the issues, right?
Just had to chime in everyone.
Oh, and have had it only 3-1/2 weeks, closing in on 400 miles, perfect!

There are many happy Trek owners here. Yes any brand can have some issues I'm not defending Trek in any way nor am I a fan boy.
However I have 1,000 miles on my Allant +7S. I have had ZERO problems with it. I would have to say not everyone has encountered the problems you have.
Wow! 2nd one failing now....uuuggggh :(
I have to say, although Trek goes the distance for their customer, the length of time pertaining to this issue and it still being unresolved is totally unacceptable.
Ask Trek for your money back...they gave me mine, as I had the Allant+ 9.9S for almost 6 months, it was in the shop more than it was able to be ridden, and I was lucky to break the 700 miles in those 6 months.
Get a Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0 for $1800 less than the Allant+ 9.9S, enjoy the ride.
I have to say so far (fingers crossed) ZERO issues with the Turbo Vado 5.0, killer bike, agile, responsive, nice, can't wait to see the next years models.
I WAS a Trek loyalist, but given the issues with the previous Super Commuter +8S and then the Allant+ 9.9S, one might begin to wonder what the heck is going on.
After all, it's a frame, it has components, and if the components are faulty, resolve the issues, right?
Just had to chime in everyone.
Oh, and have had it only 3-1/2 weeks, closing in on 400 miles, perfect!
Hi GuruUno,

Yes, a bit of a bummer, but the Trek team has been working with the Shimano guys to figure out the issue. As you likely remember, several of us contacted the Trek team a few months ago. Ryan said to call them immediately if there was another problem and they would expedite a fix. So, I called Ryan the other day. He informed me that Shimano had come up with a fix, he would call my LBS to set up the repair, and Shimano would send the parts.

Trek has been very good standing behind the bike, and the rear hub is the only issue I have with it. Awesome bike except for the hub. I had zero problems with my SuperCommuter, and my wife has had no problems with her SuperCommuter after 2500 miles.
There are many happy Trek owners here. Yes any brand can have some issues I'm not defending Trek in any way nor am I a fan boy.
However I have 1,000 miles on my Allant +7S. I have had ZERO problems with it. I would have to say not everyone has encountered the problems you have.
Hi tpete61, the 9.9 has a different rear hub than the 7.7 and 8.8, which are Bontrager hubs. The 9.9 hub is a Shimano, and they have explained to me that it is tricky to assemble. I have been working with Trek/Shimano to fix the problem, but some of the guys just went ahead and replaced their Shimano hub with an Onyx hub. Other than that, the bike has been fantastic. It is fun to ride, and it will be nice to update the firmware to raise the torque. I will do that when they have the parts,
Update on the new Shimano hub rebuild. The parts arrived from Shimano/Trek to my LBS as well as instructions on how to rebuild. I now have about 350 miles on the new hub (1,108 total miles). It runs totally silent, in stark contrast to the other hubs that failed. Each of the other hubs started silent, but very quickly began buzzing, and then failed. So far so good. Although a bit of a pain, Trek has totally stood behind the bike. Bike runs smooth and fast, totally happy.
The problem has been resolved, in a very unexpected way.

I took it to by local shop twice, they couldn’t figure it out.
I took it to the store where I bought the bike - which is about 25 miles away. First, they checked the breaks, no issue. Then they checked the hub, they disassembled and reassembled the whole thing, no change. The bike is still in the return window, so at that point, we started the return process.

When I was taking out the receipt from by backpack, the guy said; “Wait a second. That front reflector looks crooked”.
Yeah, a very inglorious resolution, but that was it. He moved the reflector. And the sound is gone.

I love my bike again :)
I know this was resolved some time ago but I had to mention that I was riding my Allant+7 the other day on the short gravel road pictured when I suddenly had a really raspy noise that continued when I got back on the paved trail. I was sure it was some dirt between the brake pad and rotor. I tried the brakes a number of times and with varying firmness to no avail. After a couple of hundred yards, I got concerned enough to stop. Examined the brakes front and back but couldn’t find anything. Started walking the bike forward and the sound was still there and even louder. Stopped and looked at the underneath part of the fender and spotted a very crispy thick leaf stuck in there just enough to be rubbing the tire. Removed the leaf and all was fine again. I just was really shocked at how much noise that damn thing made!
I know this was resolved some time ago but I had to mention that I was riding my Allant+7 the other day on the short gravel road pictured when I suddenly had a really raspy noise that continued when I got back on the paved trail. I was sure it was some dirt between the brake pad and rotor. I tried the brakes a number of times and with varying firmness to no avail. After a couple of hundred yards, I got concerned enough to stop. Examined the brakes front and back but couldn’t find anything. Started walking the bike forward and the sound was still there and even louder. Stopped and looked at the underneath part of the fender and spotted a very crispy thick leaf stuck in there just enough to be rubbing the tire. Removed the leaf and all was fine again. I just was really shocked at how much noise that damn thing made!
Very interesting. Have not run into that yet, but good to know!
I've had those maple seed/helicopters stubbornly get stuck inside the fender. And the noise is a light version of the playing cards we used to pin to our bmx spokes when I was a kid. Annoying enough to make me stop riding to remove the thing.