Scam Alert!


Well-Known Member
Seen a" too good to be" true scam on "Facebook" yesterday.It looked genuine, it concerned "Aventon" having a "pre-Independence day" special or something like that, all the bikes( first 100) were being sent with free shipping at 90% or more off of retail. They even had some genuine looking "Pay Pal" stuff including a "Pay Pal" feature I had never seen before-I tried to call Aventon{of course couldn't get through}.
It was taken down pretty quick, it looked like a scam that nailed Me last year(Pennie Bruce), "Caveat Emptor!" the thieves are ever so resourceful!
Thanks for sharing this story. A great example of why every buyer should consider reputation of seller...always. It is to easy to get excited about saving some money in forget to make sure you are dealing with a reputable, honest seller. People ignore this admonition and example at their own peril.
Seen a" too good to be" true scam on "Facebook" yesterday.It looked genuine, it concerned "Aventon" having a "pre-Independence day" special or something like that, all the bikes( first 100) were being sent with free shipping at 90% or more off of retail. They even had some genuine looking "Pay Pal" stuff including a "Pay Pal" feature I had never seen before-I tried to call Aventon{of course couldn't get through}.
It was taken down pretty quick, it looked like a scam that nailed Me last year(Pennie Bruce), "Caveat Emptor!" the thieves are ever so resourceful!
Your first clue was that you saw it on Facebook.
Then as you did, I would have verified with the seller and checked their website directly, not using any Facebook links.
It's really not that hard to protect yourself.