Say Hello To Storm

Sorry @wa5 but you can't really be independent; you bought an ebike from Storm Sonders so you are a funder.

Nope I havn't. were you refering to Bikenut perhaps?

Having said that, I see the Storm as a cheap way into the hobby / sport, IF it is legit...
Nope I havn't. were you refering to Bikenut perhaps?

Having said that, I see the Storm as a cheap way into the hobby / sport, IF it is legit...

Reality is, it is cheap, and it's probably legit. That's why the industry hates it so much.
But, is Storm Sondors the new Henry Ford .. attempting to put the world on wheels.. or is he just a bloke who saw the opportunity to make a few dollars by re selling a few hundred electric push bikes bought in from China with his name on them? do the two things have to be mutually exclusive?
Reality is, it is cheap, and it's probably legit. That's why the industry hates it so much.
Reality is, the price is certainly not the only reason the industry hates it. The other big one is that it's still being sold with ridiculously inflated claims (50 mile range, 90 min charging time) and can get 10,000 ebike buyers to go sour on the whole industry for a long time.
What an interesting twist.
Indiegogo is now offering "perk insurance" which seems to indicate a vote of confidence that these ebikes will actually be delivered in reasonable time, yes?

I'm not sure what to think next. There's a cynical side of me that sees the potential for this to be an even bigger scam now.

But I rode the bike on Sunday. That means it's real, right? And I should have one of my own, by June/July-ish... right?

Why does this continue to feel so... "too good to be true?"
Hey guys, now that there is a Sondors forum you can breakout some of these topics into new threads... Like: Sondors crowd-funding insurance. Could be a big thread on it's own. It's very difficult to reference past posts when there 17 pages. Big, long threads die because nobody wants to go back that far to read the whole thing. Think of the person that just joined EBR today, they may not want to read 17+ pages so their comments are lost. Food for thought.
Wow, I would be very wary of this insurance scheme. There is no way this guy can deliver 6500+ bikes By June/July.
He was just aiming for $75K and now it has blown up to 50 times bigger than what he had planned initially.

Do people realize that 6500 bikes (approx) = 45+ containers = year worth of inventory for both BH Easy Motion and Currie Inc combined. This many bikes takes year wor of planning and coordination between the company and the factory.

PS: The underwriters for these insurance schemes are not known, no history, where's the fine print? very sketchy.
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Wow, I would be very wary of this insurance scheme. There is no way this guy can deliver 6500+ bikes By June/July.

If you think there's no way he can deliver within that time frame... then wouldn't the insurance be a GOOD buy? (I mean, to those of us who are already on board.) That would mean Indiegogo would independently refund our $599 at the end of August, if our eBike was still undelivered. If we got it finally later on, it'd be free. Well, $120, if you count the cost of the insurance.

That said, I, too, am interested in the fine print.
If you think there's no way he can deliver within that time frame... then wouldn't the insurance be a GOOD buy? (I mean, to those of us who are already on board.) That would mean Indiegogo would independently refund our $599 at the end of August, if our eBike was still undelivered. If we got it finally later on, it'd be free. Well, $120, if you count the cost of the insurance.

That said, I, too, am interested in the fine print.

Welcome to the world of capitalism. Another nice way to get money form gullible E-bike enthusiasts.
I have heard of E-bike insurance but I have never heard of insurance for missing the delivery deadline for an already bloated crown funding campaign.
I'd just like to clarify, this insurance has nothing to do with Sondors. This is all indiegogo responding to outside articles slamming them that compare them to Kickstarted. They're offering insurance on other products besides the Storm bike.

It's also a way for indiegogo to take advantage of all the scare tactics used by industry competitors to make extra money on this project.

Hey biknut, "just to clarify", I didn't comment on the Sondors ebike, the insurance "perk" being offered for this ebike or indiegogo. If I were to comment on this at this moment I would say be worried! Be worried for the reasons @Ravi Kempaiah noted. This is a big development. I have had all sorts of business insurance and a 3 month, $120.00 policy is extremely expensive for a $599.00 claim. That's what I would say if I were to comment, but I didn't and I won't. I also didn't say that this perk is on Sondors' page and is part of their campaign, so I imagine that Sondors or Agency 2.0 agreed to this perk.

I did say this thread is too long and since there is a Sondors forum why not organize these topics better and start some new threads.

Where the ell is my popcorn! :confused:
If you think there's no way he can deliver within that time frame... then wouldn't the insurance be a GOOD buy? (I mean, to those of us who are already on board.) That would mean Indiegogo would independently refund our $599 at the end of August, if our eBike was still undelivered. If we got it finally later on, it'd be free. Well, $120, if you count the cost of the insurance.

That said, I, too, am interested in the fine print.

If that is the case, with the current port backups in los Angeles that is a sure bet, not insurance!

Sounds like it is just indiegogo setting aside a lump sum, throwing the idea at the wall and seeing if it sticks. My bet would be they'd shut it down at the drop of a hat with any negative or unfavorable result on their books.
A lot of people here have said they hope this works out, but actually I get the feeling none of you want to see this work. No one needs to worry though, all I plan to do is show off my new bike, and enjoy it, and I have no interest in anything beyond that.

I'll admit to being more of a "Glass half empty" person.. BUT that doesn't mean I want to see this fail.. I certainly wouldn't like seeing thousands of people out of pocket. and I don't think anybody else here would either.. My only concerns are that it seems "too cheap" and the (unproven) rumours that Mr Sondors may have some previous shady dealings..

I want it to succeed, because it is a cheap way into the hobby / sport, but I'll be waiting til I can buy one through Ebay with the protection that Pay pal brings (for free)... I'm just not a big enough gambler to lay $800 on the line for something with no guarantees.. (yes I'm aware of the insurance option)
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Seems rather silly to spend $120 to protect $500 or $600.. That is awful leverage for an insurance policy. Maybe if it were a $5000 bike...

With that money buyers should double down and buy a second battery.. The 8.8Ah 1C Chinese sourced battery pack needs a backup! and a second one is a bargain.
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We don't WANT it to fail. I just feel like a parent calming down kids who don't know what it means if something is too good to be true.

Bike is too cheap and too underpowered for actual fatbiking.
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We don't WANT it to fail. I just feel like a parent calming down kids who don't know what it means if something is too good to be true.

Bike is too cheap and too underpowered for actual fatbiking.

LOL, you put me in an odd position. I think it probably has enough power, and yet I advocate that almost all production bikes are terribly underpowered. o_O
@wa5 That could be easily fixed by limiting controller output..

Which brings up an interesting question.. In the EU max output is 250W and top speed is 25 kmh.. Will Storm have EU specific controllers built for that market, and AU as well?