Say Hello To Storm


Active Member
The bike in the video must be a prototype because it doesn't appear to have pedals, but on the website the bike does appear to have working pedals. Coming soon.

(Link Removed - No Longer Exists)
Might be a promo price. Not sure what the parts are worth. It's pretty basic.

Their first Facebook post was the 16th. They have 2,000 followers. Isn't this how you market stuff, anymore? You do something that creates some buzz, bounce it through the echo chamber of social media.

I guess we will know more in ten days.
Supposed to sell for under $500? Does not compute.

Apparently, they are serious about the price:

Facebook Post by Storm 012215

Hi everyone! Thank you all for all of the support. We are truly humbled by the responses we have seen...

We have been crunching some numbers with the overwhelming response to the bike and pending the number of people requesting the invite, we may be able to cut some more cost with a larger initial order of select parts that we need. In short, the cost goes down the more we order.

With that, might we ask a quick favor? Can you press the share button below, ask your friends to check out the Storm eBike?

Trust us, you want your buddies to have one too. It's 10x the fun when with a friend!

Question and answer posted on Facebook:

Under $500 with battery and motor? After building EBikes, I don't see that being possible with today's materials and price points. I would definitely buy one if legit

Marc Ripey, our founder, has sourced and built for under $500. He has over 15 years of manufacturing experience and all parts are commercially available, so no new technology.

Further, he has lived in Hong Kong for over a decade but currently reside back in the US. It is more of a projcet of passion. He built the bike for friends to ride on the beach in Malibu and subsequently, people started to want to buy it. You will note in the promo video, that is our prototype "friend bike". We are currently putting together some promo materials with the new bike that will be delivered to everyone. Lastly, turn around time from orders to delivery is quick. Storm (founders name and the bikes name) has everything already to go. A true professional. The secret is in the team behind Storm!
You have to admit, it sounds pretty good, and I agree, it's more fun to ride with a friend.
They're really pushing this bike on face book. If it really comes out for anything near $500 I might buy one for my wife to ride.
I signed up on their face book page. It says they'll send me an email when they launch in 4 days. For $500 I'd buy one of these. I'll figure out some way to stuff it in my garage.

I couldn't even get their website to load last night. They've got a lot of followers on Facebook, for a new ebike. Somebody will certainly lay out all the parts once they show up. Be nice to know what the battery is. I signed up. Can't hurt.:D

Sam Sewell and his Aussie crew have sold a ton of his really low priced folder. They've been in the business for a half dozen years, and they designed a neat little mobility scooter.
I notice the face book page says the price is an introductory price offered to people that sign up for notification when it comes out. That kind of implies the actual price may be higher after it goes on sale.
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I've been studying the information on the link provided in the email they sent me.

Everything looks pretty good to me. 36v, 10 ah lithium battery. 350w motor. Shipping is promised to be less than $194, depending on how many units they sell. Their goal is to raise $75000, and right now after only about 2 1/2 hours they're already up to almost $53000. Looks like the goal will be attainable. This only amounts to 150 bikes.

One thing I really like is, it looks like you could easily build a custom battery to fit inside the frame, and there's a lot of room for a bigger one.
They've now left the goal way behind with over $95,000 raised so far. This looks like one of the most successful launches ever.
Alright, I ordered one. After riding around with my son on his Neo Carbon which is 36v 350w, I've learned that you don't need more power than that to have fun. It may be a little slow for some circumstances, but for joy riding it's all you really need. You can't go faster than that on a bike trail anyway.

Congrats biknut! Looking forward to reading about your experience. 20 mph is plenty for an off road bike like that.
Alright, I ordered one. After riding around with my son on his Neo Carbon which is 36v 350w, I've learned that you don't need more power than that to have fun. It may be a little slow for some circumstances, but for joy riding it's all you really need. You can't go faster than that on a bike trail anyway.

It really does look like fun! And no one can say that's not an ebike.:)

Storm is at a quarter of a million dollars. This was one brilliant marketing campaign. How did you find out, since you were the first? After some people heard about it, they were on Facebook and other social media. They never said it would go to Indiegogo, at first, but when they did, what a response. A lot of people knew about it. A quarter of a million in one day? They have an entrepreneur and crowdsource advertising agency, Agency 2.0, involved. This is a pretty sophisticated company, when you look at the media, the way they managed the website and got people involved. Wonder where they end up in March? Wonder how many people will copy the idea?
George, I found out about the Storm on face book, about 6 days before the launch began. The response it's gotten is phenomenal, especially for an eBike. This will probably go down in history as the most successful launch of an eBike company ever. By the time the launch is over they'll probably be in the millions.

I'm also think this may somehow have influence in future pricing. It's pretty obvious for all to see that the number one thing holding eBikes back is the price. That's the first thing most people complain about. Offer a eBike for a reasonable price, and customers are coming out of the woodwork.

The founders have stated up front they expect to make money on volume, not huge profit margins. It looks like they might be on to something. Even a slow, low powered eBike like this will create a demand for faster more expensive bikes after people get a taste of riding an electric.

I've been saying all along that these are the exciting, early days of electric bikes, and I think these guys may be among the first to not only tap into that excitement, but actually create it. I've thought all along that a gas bike with all it's hundreds of different parts should cost way more than a simple electric.

I hope Storm does to eBikes, what Tesla did to electric cars.
George, I found out about the Storm on face book, about 6 days before the launch began. The response it's gotten is phenomenal, especially for an eBike. This will probably go down in history as the most successful launch of an eBike company ever. By the time the launch is over they'll probably be in the millions.

I'm also think this may somehow have influence in future pricing. It's pretty obvious for all to see that the number one thing holding eBikes back is the price. That's the first thing most people complain about. Offer a eBike for a reasonable price, and customers are coming out of the woodwork.

The founders have stated up front they expect to make money on volume, not huge profit margins. It looks like they might be on to something. Even a slow, low powered eBike like this will create a demand for faster more expensive bikes after people get a taste of riding an electric.

I've been saying all along that these are the exciting, early days of electric bikes, and I think these guys may be among the first to not only tap into that excitement, but actually create it. I've thought all along that a gas bike with all it's hundreds of different parts should cost way more than a simple electric.

I hope Storm does to eBikes, what Tesla did to electric cars.

If they can back up their claims they will OWN this market... And they would be the first startup to do so.

I already see a problem with their claims that i know they will have trouble with: 30 miles from a 36v10ah battery on a 4.8" wide tired fatbike that seems to be throttle only. Doubt they can get 20 miles from that setup.. Thing is why do they need to make that claim? No other throttle only bike with that battery size claims anything over 20 miles.
If they can back up their claims they will OWN this market... And they would be the first startup to do so.

I already see a problem with their claims that i know they will have trouble with: 30 miles from a 36v10ah battery on a 4.8" wide tired fatbike that seems to be throttle only. Doubt they can get 20 miles from that setup.. Thing is why do they need to make that claim? No other throttle only bike with that battery size claims anything over 20 miles.

In this video the founder, Strom Sondors claims a range of 20 to 25 miles.

Every eBike company I've seen makes optimistic claims. Maybe riding at 10 mph it might go 30 miles.