Rockstar owners

I upgraded my suspension today and I'm very happy with the results. Thanks for the advice it worked out great, and then I swapped out the front fork with a Rockshox Yari the difference is unbelievable. 👍
It’s like a new bike now right? Congratulations enjoy!
I don't have a wide riding experience when it comes to different brands of e-bikes, it is mostly what I read, though I have had two of them and currently do own a large hub drive e-bike so kind of know what I like and dislike.
Quite a lot of talk here about the quality of the standard components that come on the Sondors RS bike. There isn't much talk about the satisfaction of the propulsion system though, mainly the motor and controller smoothness and programing. I am kind of a stickler on the smoothness of the power delivery on e-bikes. I like to have as much of a natural feel and sound on an e-bike as possible. I have read of some (actually quite a few) disappointments regarding this on various brands using the Bafang M 6--- series motors.
My questions are.
Does the power delivery come on and off smoothly? Can one ride at a nice slow leisurely speed in 1 or 2 PAS while in the lower gears without the constant on and off bursts of motor assistant?
Does the throttle come on smoothly and is it linear? I have read of chain breaks from throttle use. Is this true or not?
Can a person re-program the controller or not? I don't mean just change the PAS levels but the controller itself?
The one chain break I had heard of was documented early in "Simple Pleasures " youtube videos of the RS and attributed specifically to a bad shift at a sudden incline.

After you get what info you do about stock motor and controler you may want to look at Watt Wagons Archon X1 upgrade controler which can be affordably installed in the RS motor. Cost and process are listed on WW website. Description of power coming on and off is in at least one youtube vid by WW. can elect to take power much higher also if you want.....wait, wait, there's more - the Archon uses power in a more conservatory way.
I think that your review is fair and honest.
I've had my Rockstar for about the same amount of time, have done very similar upgrades with the suspension, handlebars, and pedals. Simple Pleasures showied some of the major the upgrades the bike needed , it was a good place to start. I've got around 500 miles on mine with no major issues. I'd suggest that you upgrade the stock chain
To an E 11 chain. It made a big difference on smoothing out the way mid drive system works.
I think that your review is fair and honest.
I've had my Rockstar for about the same amount of time, have done very similar upgrades with the suspension, handlebars, and pedals. Simple Pleasures showied some of the major the upgrades the bike needed , it was a good place to start. I've got around 500 miles on mine with no major issues. I'd suggest that you upgrade the stock chain
To an E 11 chain. It made a big difference on smoothing out the way mid drive system works.
Interesting information about the chain
Lighting, at some point could you share info on the E 11 chain you purchased, like manufacture, an Amazon link, or other? Thanks
I'll make this one a regular post. I replaced the original chain that was on
The Rockstar with a KMC e11 126L.
After about 200 miles I measured it and found out that it was stretching to about 50 % of its usable life. I had been using it pretty hard doing some super steep hill climbs and a few other things. It was starting to feel like it wasn't working as smoothly as it should have been so I replaced it and the difference was amazing. I came to the conclusion that stronger chain is a must have.
Rockstar price has jumped from $2899 to $3399 since beginning of August, glad I purchased a few weeks ago lol
Lightning 123,
Thanks for the response on the chain. I'm taking notes on suggestions and what works for the current Rockstar owners.
There's nothing wrong with getting some of the things when you can. The supply shortages are not going to get better any time soon. I've already got another set of tires coming so I will have them when they are needed.
Lightning or bafang boy would you be able to tell me the measurements of the stock dnm rear shock? I believe the length is 200mm but what’s the stroke? I have a chance to buy a brand new rockshox rear shock for pretty cheap that buddy took off his new bike and would be a definite upgrade but my bike won’t be here until February so I can’t measure myself and I dont wanna miss out on this deal.
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