RipCurrent S - Cruise control doesn't work ?


On my RipCurrent S I've had for about a month now, I just tried for the first time the Cruise Control.

Seems you activate it just like you would the Walk mode - by pressing / holding the "-" key.

Well it seems my bike just tries to go into Walk mode, even though I'm at 10 or 15 mph. Peddling or using the throttle, it just kind of kills the motor when I press and hold the "-" key. No "C" pops up on the display that I can see, which is what the manual says should happen.

Walk mode works fine (also by pressing the "-" key).

All other features of the display work, and PA modes cycle fine through the LCD unit, light works, and can get to all normal LCD screens OK.

Any trick to this?

On my CCS I noticed that I must be pedaling in order for the cruise control feature to activate. If I press the "-"button and am not pedaling i just get the walk mode.
On my CCS I noticed that I must be pedaling in order for the cruise control feature to activate. If I press the "-"button and am not pedaling i just get the walk mode.
Exactly right. Pedaling is how the controller knows you want cruise control instead of walk mode.
Exactly right. Pedaling is how the controller knows you want cruise control instead of walk mode.

I'll have to try again, but pretty sure it doesn't matter if I peddle or use throttle. I do know the manual for the bike / LCD control unit specifically states it doesn't matter if you reach the desired speed by peddling or using the throttle.

I'll say I don't use the throttle much other than starting off or on hills, so pretty sure I've been peddling every time I've tried to engage cruise control.
The manual does say that you can go into cruise control if you are pressing on the throttle, same as if you are pedaling. (Peddling, by the way, is selling something. Just so you know.)

I tried to use the throttle variation when I first got my CCS, just for the heck of it. Hard to do, because any push on the throttle turns off the cruise control, so if your thumb gives just a little extra pressure on the throttle when trying to set the cruise control it will turn it off instead.

If you're pedaling, pushing the "-" button, and holding it for several seconds, and it isn't going into cruise control, then something is wrong.
The manual does say that you can go into cruise control if you are pressing on the throttle, same as if you are pedaling. (Peddling, by the way, is selling something. Just so you know.)

I tried to use the throttle variation when I first got my CCS, just for the heck of it. Hard to do, because any push on the throttle turns off the cruise control, so if your thumb gives just a little extra pressure on the throttle when trying to set the cruise control it will turn it off instead.

If you're pedaling, pushing the "-" button, and holding it for several seconds, and it isn't going into cruise control, then something is wrong.

Thanks for the spelling tip - don't use the word (in either use case) so didn't bother to correct it.

So the cruise control does in fact work - but it goes into walk mode first, with the walk icon coming on screen, and a glitch in power delivery to motor, but if you continue to hold the "-" down, the "C" then comes up in the display and the walk icon disappears and it works as expected. I guess I never held it down long enough, since I didn't realize that it went to walk mode first, then into cruise.

Thanks for the spelling tip - don't use the word (in either use case) so didn't bother to correct it.

So the cruise control does in fact work - but it goes into walk mode first, with the walk icon coming on screen, and a glitch in power delivery to motor, but if you continue to hold the "-" down, the "C" then comes up in the display and the walk icon disappears and it works as expected. I guess I never held it down long enough, since I didn't realize that it went to walk mode first, then into cruise.

Yeah, that's exactly what mine does. Walk mode first, then the C.
Tried cruise control for the first time on the way to the office this morning- nice.

Yes, on mine I must be pedaling, then hold the lower button, and it engages just fine. When I first tried it, I was concentrating on the button so much I instinctively quit pedaling, then remembered to pedal next attempt.
A nice addition to the cruise control would be once it is set, the ability to bump up or down the speed in .5mph increments by using + - keys (dbl tap maybe). I know those keys currently would bring it out of cruise, but maybe could be changed to need a long press to do so.
Have Yamaha Waverunners with cruise control that have this feature. Very nice.
As long as we're on the topic, the cruise control uses the same circuit as the throttle. It's like holding the thumb throttle at a very consistent speed. So if you're on the cruise control and start to pedal, you get the same effect as the Throttle Assist Boost for the first 1 or 2 mph above the set speed. Above that, the controller no longer thinks it's on the throttle and normal pedal assist kicks back in. It's kind of odd until you get used to it.
Exactly right. Pedaling is how the controller knows you want cruise control instead of walk mode.

Actually, you can engage the cruise w/out pedaling (at least on my RCS). It's awkward ergonomically, but you can maintain your speed via throttle and then hold the "-" button - just like the manual says.

Once I realized that the cruise control first goes through "Walk" before then engaging "Cruise", I see it works exactly as stated in the manual.

I was letting go of the "-" button too soon, as I would see the walk symbol and not the "C". They should probably mention that in the manual.
Actually, you can engage the cruise w/out pedaling (at least on my RCS). It's awkward ergonomically, but you can maintain your speed via throttle and then hold the "-" button - just like the manual says.

So, basically repeating what I said here:

The manual does say that you can go into cruise control if you are pressing on the throttle, same as if you are pedaling ... I tried to use the throttle variation when I first got my CCS, just for the heck of it. Hard to do, because any push on the throttle turns off the cruise control, so if your thumb gives just a little extra pressure on the throttle when trying to set the cruise control it will turn it off instead.
The cruise control on my 2023 Ripcurrent S is jerky. When set to a certain speed, say 10 MPH, It accelerates suddenly at high power till it gets to 12 MPH, then it shuts off completely. When it slows down to 10 MPH again, it powers on hard and accelerates back up to 12 MPH. It is so annoying and uncomfortable and a bit dangerous that I rarely use it. If I was not prepared for the sudden acceleration and hit a bump at the same time, my hands could come off the handlebars and I would crash. Has anyone else experienced this?
Though I don't use the feature, I tested it when I first got my RCS 19 and when I got the new 23. I upgraded the controller and tested that as well. It behaved just as it should with all three controllers. I'd contact Juiced support if you plan on using the cruise feature. It should not be jerky and I can't think of any user adjustment to fix the problem.
The cruise control on my 2023 Ripcurrent S is jerky. When set to a certain speed, say 10 MPH, It accelerates suddenly at high power till it gets to 12 MPH, then it shuts off completely. When it slows down to 10 MPH again, it powers on hard and accelerates back up to 12 MPH. It is so annoying and uncomfortable and a bit dangerous that I rarely use it. If I was not prepared for the sudden acceleration and hit a bump at the same time, my hands could come off the handlebars and I would crash. Has anyone else experienced this?
All devices have an accuracy and a dead band to stabilize action. 10 mph may be too low a speed for the controller. Have you tried a higher speed like 15 mph?
Haven't tried cruise control at 15. The roads around here are too rough and I rarely go that fast. At such a speed I want to keep looking where I'm going rather than looking down to find the button on the controller and checking for the letter C to show up. Because the forks are so poor, my hand shakes on the handlebars which makes it hard to be pushing buttons even with low tire pressure.
The cruise control on my 2023 Ripcurrent S is jerky. When set to a certain speed, say 10 MPH, It accelerates suddenly at high power till it gets to 12 MPH, then it shuts off completely. When it slows down to 10 MPH again, it powers on hard and accelerates back up to 12 MPH. It is so annoying and uncomfortable and a bit dangerous that I rarely use it. If I was not prepared for the sudden acceleration and hit a bump at the same time, my hands could come off the handlebars and I would crash. Has anyone else experienced this?
Yes I felt the jerky nature of the cruise, the motor turns on at higher power and speeds up the bike, then turns off and the bike slows down a bit, then repeat every 2-3 seconds.