Riese & Muller Tinker

P.s Cube have just announced the cube compact which is available with hub gears (5) but unfortunately a chain, however it's also not a folder and with relatively high frame height, not much more convenient than than a traditional bike to store, so same as the I:sy in that respect.
It is much cheaper though, close to half the price in the U.K. of either the tinker or I:sy.

I think I'll wait until Sep and see what the changes in the Tinker bring, and then wait either for a sale on the current model or say YOLO to myself and buy the new one. I'd definitely do the latter if it's a folder. (Wishful thinking?)
The R&M website includes all of the updated 2020 bikes now. Unfortunately there are no real changes for the Tinker next year. Maybe we will see an update for 2021, but I don’t anticipate any changes in the meanwhile.

Regarding a custom Tinker, unfortunately this isn’t possible either, at least not from R&M. For one it’s not possible to mount the Gen 4 motor in the existing frame, but more importantly R&M doesn’t offer custom options like this.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. All that being said I think the current Tinker works really well as is. I know many might like the belt with a HS, it’s just not a concept that they felt like made sense. I hope this helps clarify somethings.

Hey Chris, first of all many thanks for your videos which are super helpful !

Coming back to your comment above, I am now looking at getting a Tinker HS (want to avoid any resistance at higher speed) but wanted to see if you had heard anything about the 2021 version, which I understand will be introduced in September.

Some sellers told me that it would not fold but do you know if the motor would be updated to the latest gen 3/4 one ?

Thanks again for your help
I just stumbled across i:sy in the last few days when looking at the Tinker. I am concerned by what seems like a complete lack of dealers and info on them i could find in the UK, otherwise their bikes seem very well specced with a wide range of options, if not cheap (though that applies to R&M as well ! ). But if I'm spending this much on a bike its vital its got local dealers, or indeed some dealer even if a fair drive away.

Also, one difference between all their bikes and the tinker is that the tinker seems to have a lower frame height (compensated by longer stems) which would make the tinker easier to get into my hatchback car, which is my plan.

I'm waiting for a tinker to come into stock to check how it will fit my car, whilst an i:sy would fit, it would need to be on its side, i might be able to get the tinker in vertically and thus take up much less space.

There does seem to be a lack of compact bikes with hub gears and belts, (even hub gears and a chain, at a pinch) there's so many very expensive electric bikes which to my mind are compromised by old fashioned clunky easily damaged derailleurs that detract from the whole concept of a modern low maintenance compact bike.

Theres a dealer in the UK called Fullycharged. I visited their Silverstone branch, seem very knowledgeable.
I too am interested in the Tinker, but would like to see some improvements on the motor to the latest generation before buying. as stated above the Cube Compact looks great value against the Tinker, so might be worth a look.
The Cube looks similar to my Kalkhoff, but with some better updates

Here it is! What do you guys think?

I started a thread of grievances over here. :p

Half-kidding, but as someone who really wanted a HS version with a Gen 4 motor, I'm disappointed. @Abeydoun put it best in the other thread - the Tinker now feels like an afterthought in R&M's catalog. I'm sure it'll be a great bike, but they didn't do anything exciting with it IMO.

I'd love a reason to upgrade from my $1200 Qualisports Dolphin, but so far nothing on the market has convinced me.