Ride1up vs Rad


New Member
Just curious if you have any thoughts on the Ride1up 700 series vs Rad City bikes. I have narrowed my first time purchase to these two bikes. I live in an area with moderate hills, like to take bike off paved roads from time to time. Although nothing to aggressive off road. I see Rad City is class 2 vs Ride 1up 700 is class 3 (same price). Any particular one you would lean towards more?
I like the R1U 700. More assist levels, assist levels are programmable with the newer LCD, geared hub better for hills, slightly wider 2.4 tires, has a higher top gear for less hamster wheeling at higher speed, battery integrated into frame, lower cost additional/replacment battery. If they were currently shipping, I would order that or a R1U 500 today. The Espin Sport is another popular one lately since it was marked down to $1200.
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Geared rear hub vs. direct drive, but curiously, advertised torque not all that different (50 something). A lot of off road would mean much more available torque for my riding - even when it comes to just paved hills. The "Limited" model much more appealing in that respect (100nm torque).

City tires hum on pavement. Might be irritating to some.

I do like the integrated battery looks, but wonder how easy it will be to replace this battery 5 or 7 years from now when the original goes belly up? There's little doubt the Rad battery is easily replaced.

Nit picking maybe, but the kick/side stand location on the R1U bikes will not allow the bike to be rolled backward more than a couple of feet without the pedals hitting the side stand. There's no excuse for engineerering screw ups like this anymore. This was something I hated from the earliest days of bike riding in the '50's and 60's. It would seem like anyone with half a brain would have learned by now, that this problem can be eliminated by placing the side stand to the rear far enough to allow the pedals to clear it - like many (most?) other bike manf's have done. Major gaff in my book. There's just no excuse.
The R1U 500 series actually does have the kickstand mounted further back. No water bottle bosses, though.
OK, I stand corrected. The 500 is done correctly, PROVING they know better, but haven't bothered doing anything about it on the other models.

Yes, I do get that it's not THAT big a deal. Just the kind of corporate (not) thinking I find frustrating.
This is the main question for me in ebikes. I've done extensive research on this very question. I found, the answer is, you will be happy with either one. Both have pros and cons, about equal.

If you raise an issue, there's an answer for that both ways. Right now, there is a huge Rad community, where ride1up is newer, a lot smaller.
