replace 400 watt battery with the 500 watt battery

I paid someone $700 for a new 500wh battery. I think I'm getting roughly 16-17 miles on my 400wh battery in Turbo. My best estimate of the 500wh battery would be 21-22 miles.
100wh divided by your average wh/mi will be how much more distance. But if you carry two batteries your range really expands of course.

Court just did a write up on the Bosch battery plan going forward.
W/o exact measurements i would say that based on my own exp. it is easier to shed some weight -7-10lb (either from bike, faster /lighter tires /bodyweighy )is ideal and that would equalize the 400wh battery with the benefits of the 500wh bat. W/o inccuring the additional cost . In a few years a 900wh , 1kw battery would be common place.
Ex. In 2015 the brand i have (easy motion )!had a 416wh batteries , in 2019 some of their bikes have now a 750wh battery.
500 is 25% more than 400. Theoreticlally the 500Wh battery should extend your present range by 25%.
I paid someone $700 for a new 500wh battery. I think I'm getting roughly 16-17 miles on my 400wh battery in Turbo. My best estimate of the 500wh battery would be 21-22 miles.

Just curious...You mentioned riding in 'Turbo'. On my e-Bike with a Bosch Power Train, Turbo is the top range and screaming fast. What is Turbo on your bike ?

Just curious...You mentioned riding in 'Turbo'. On my e-Bike with a Bosch Power Train, Turbo is the top range and screaming fast. What is Turbo on your bike ?

The highest level of assist, so it would be 28mph and then a little more with the bike unlocked with BikespeedRS. My motor is a Bosch Performance Speed.

16-17 miles on a 400wh battery is with a semi-upright posture on Haibike Trekking S commuter bike. My route is flat with 150ft of elevation gain. I’m estimating that my whole setup with me, the bike, and two panniers is a little over 200lbs.

Bosch does have a range estimator on their website: