Repair parts for CCS?


Active Member
Hey everyone,

A few weeks back I got hit, sideswiped by a car coming into my bike like without looking. I am looking to get replacement parts (insurance covered) for a few things. I cannot seem to find the HD-E715 break levers (left). I got lucky and wasn't hurt to bad. I'll be back riding soon once I can get my repairs done.

I haven't taken my bike in yet for a proper inspection, but I know this will need to be replaced. As well as a few other parts and the battery.

thanks in advanced.

Juiced Customer Support is doing me a solid! Once I get the repair estimate they will invoice me for the parts which i'll pass on to the insurance agency. So I can get the repair parts from them. And get back to normal. :)

Hey Andy, glad to hear you weren't too hurt, hope you have a full and quick recovery.

Where did it happen?
Hey Andy, glad to hear you weren't too hurt, hope you have a full and quick recovery.

Where did it happen?


Thanks for asking.... here is the deal.

I was on Broadway and 14th heading east towards work. A guy in an SUV going to turn right ... and was drifting into my lane before is "turn". He didn't see me and didn't signal. I was basically inline with the front door...

I was trying to break hard...and couldn't get away since i was trapped in between his car and the curb. The left side of my handlebar hit his car and it pulled left and i fell hard on my left hip. Thankfully he stopped and didn't run me over as i slid in the direction i was going.

all in all pretty lucky. The bike is banged up a little.. .getting it assessed next week hopefully. I'm just a bit bruised no major damage.

:) i'll soon be riding again.
Wow sounds like complete incompetence/inattention on his part

Pulled up a photo of the intersection and yeah it's not really any worse than other ones, so can't see any immediate fixes beyond doing a full Dutch junction design (and if this intersection, then why not tons of others... is the problem).

Defensive riding is your only hope, at best, but even then it's hard to do when there's a lot of traffic.

I try to minimize having cars at my side at intersections, and I always assume that a) cars don't see me and b) any car that can drive at me, will drive at me*, at any given moment, so I give cars a wide berth. But that's impossible in heavy traffic.

*I once had a car signaling to turn left, while I was riding straight through, to its right, and then it suddenly turned *right*. Thankfully I didn't get hit, but it really hammered home the lesson to disregard signals from cars and just not be in a place where they might hit you as much as possible - mainly at intersections and driveways.

