Removeing throttle to be compliant and responsible

E biker

Just a thought, so I purchased a Denago fat tire 2 ,this can be used without the throttle connected, but to be safe from on lookers, I will remove the entire throttle from the handle bar.
The park rule is class 1 no throttle, and I have dialed the PAS down to 14, just asking for options, wouldn't you think I would be compliant.
BTW I am 67 and don't think I will rip up the trail.
I will check with the Park later and let you guys know what they tell me.
I am so fed up with the gray area.
My first e-bike has no throttle. The second one I bought does. It is a fat tire e-bike that I bought for winter.

I didn't think I would ever use the throttle, but I find that I do if I am at a busy intersection and want to cross more quickly. Occasionally, I am in a spot where I am slowing down other traffic. When that happens, I will use the throttle to avoid automobile traffic.
Shouldn’t be a problem to remove it. If you follow the throttle cord, you should find a plug. Unplug that first and ride the bike around. It should be a round Juliet plug. DO NOT TWIST THE PLUG WHEN UNPLUGGING. The bike should still engage the motor without issue. After confirming that’s the case, go ahead and remove the throttle from the handlebar.

The connector may look like this.


I do agree with the above, in that, a throttle is nice to get you out of dangerous situations quickly.
Just a thought, so I purchased a Denago fat tire 2 ,this can be used without the throttle connected, but to be safe from on lookers, I will remove the entire throttle from the handle bar.
The park rule is class 1 no throttle, and I have dialed the PAS down to 14, just asking for options, wouldn't you think I would be compliant.
BTW I am 67 and don't think I will rip up the trail.
I will check with the Park later and let you guys know what they tell me.
I am so fed up with the gray area.
I asked a park ranger in PA. this question, and was told removing a throttle is a gray area. PA rangers often go by the bike make and model to determine if it is legal or not. He said it would be up to the individual ranger to make the call. I often do this where I ride and so far, have not had a problem.

I'm sure the policy will vary by location and how strict the individual enforcement officer is.
You be glad you have a throttle if you crash and burn like I did a year ago.
Here's my side of the story,
I was riding along one of my cow paths, (my favorite type of riding) as the roads are deathtrap around here) out of the thousands of miles that are around here, on a steep side hill, came upon a couple of cows plodding along, heading for water from the spring up ahead about 1/2 mile, followed and kept crowding them, one of the cows stepped off the trail and I pasted by it OK, with no problems.

As the second cow stepped off the trail, I started past her, she dropped her head and acted like she was on the prod, and wanted to hook me, she took steps towards me, (was less than 6' away), I took evasive action and then slide off the trail and ended up in a pile of pucker brush and rocks, about 10/15' downhill from the trails edge.

When I finally got up right and untangled from the pucker brush/rocks, It was then I found out that I had really torn my right shin up almost to the bone, from the rocks and brush.

Then the reality set in, I was between a rock and a hard place,
(over 5 miles from the nearest road), I finally got enough bandages wrapped around the mess, to stop the bleeding, all the time watching the cows which were standing less than 10' away, watching me.

After about an hour, I finally got John Wayne (bike's name) back up and onto the trail, checked the bike, no damage done just a few scratches, but my leg hurt so bad, I wanted to pizz down both sides of my pants legs at the same time.

I found out I could barely stand up and couldn't peddle, like I normally do. I finally got a leg over the top bar and used the throttle to get me home, so the better half could haul me to the emergency room to get patched up.

Imho, I would never remove the throttle from my bikes.
I would disable the plug and seal the ends to prevent moisture,
but leave it attached, so you can use it, if needed in the future.
By sealing both ends, you have shown intent to comply with their rules, and the throttle cannot be used, and ride like a normal older rider would. (I am 77 and ride like an old person also)...Lol.
Just a thought, so I purchased a Denago fat tire 2 ,this can be used without the throttle connected, but to be safe from on lookers, I will remove the entire throttle from the handle bar.
The park rule is class 1 no throttle, and I have dialed the PAS down to 14, just asking for options, wouldn't you think I would be compliant.
BTW I am 67 and don't think I will rip up the trail.
I will check with the Park later and let you guys know what they tell me.
I am so fed up with the gray area.
Reducing top assisted speed in the settings to meet the Class 1 limit is another gray area. What's to stop you from upping it back to the maximum possible for that make and model — say, a Class 3 with no throttle — when the ranger's out of sight?

That alone would be good reason for enforcement to go strictly by make and model. Quick check in a database, no judgment call required.
Thanks, our parks department evidently has two different directors for trails,one for paved and one for non paved,our city only has 1 non paved corse that I know of,but I was told he is on vacation.
I'm curious if I get a conformation call, I hope I don't have to purchase a different ebicycle to comply with aGRAY area.
I wish they could police the person who is not being responsible, and not the bike they are riding. 😉
Reducing top assisted speed in the settings to meet the Class 1 limit is another gray area. What's to stop you from upping it back to the maximum possible for that make and model — say, a Class 3 with no throttle — when the ranger's out of sight?

That alone would be good reason for enforcement to go strictly by make and model. Quick check in a database, no judgment call required.
So my truck can pull 7,000 lbs. And has over 500 hp what's to stop me from 100 mph when the speed limit is 25mph in a school zone.
This system of regulation will never be resolved ,further more the market for a class 1 ebicycle with no throttle, as far as I know is very small. I have only a small amount of money to dedicate to purchaseing a new ebicycle .I will wait and see what happens, each state and city has their own way of rules.
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My grips are held with two allen screws. It would take less than a minute to remove a throttle, I usually mount a thumb throttle on left side of bars, and it's the 2nd item in the stack ...1-grips, 2-throttle, 3-brakes, 4 switch.
I have pretty much the same thing, I can remove mine for the trip to the park,then someone brought up the issue of the pas being to powerfull,I told themI have turned it down,then it was I will get back to you,the guy making the rules is on vacation.🐂
I will let every one know what the answer is..
Just a thought, so I purchased a Denago fat tire 2 ,this can be used without the throttle connected, but to be safe from on lookers, I will remove the entire throttle from the handle bar.
The park rule is class 1 no throttle, and I have dialed the PAS down to 14, just asking for options, wouldn't you think I would be compliant.
BTW I am 67 and don't think I will rip up the trail.
I will check with the Park later and let you guys know what they tell me.
I am so fed up with the gray area.
Same rule on park trails where I ride. I just unplug it when I ride those trails which converts class 2 to class 1.
So I took the bike out today and with the PAS set to 14.7 I was only able to get to 14 mph on the speedometer while peddling, and I can disable the throttle. So as far as I see it I should have a class 1 e bicycle
There is war going on in Mill Valley, California right now over these issues. Bikes are being vandalized and kids are getting tickets from cops without the parents being called. Parents are wanting to avoid responsibility for their own kids' actions and to blame manufactures if bikes can be hacked like I-phones.
The new DJi bike can be desrestricted by loading a VPN onto your phone and setting the region as New Zealand when your pair your phone to the bike.

I presume it ignores the gps, where the duck are we going with this.