Remove Creo cranks / crank puller


Well-Known Member
Southeast of Frankfurt
As I'm a weight weenie (I need do equal some of my own fat... ;-) ) and I would like shorter cranks for gravel use, I'm thinking of changing the alloy cranks of my Creo Comp Carbon Evo to to shorter carbon cranks like on the S-Works Creos. These are now/soon available extra from Praxisworks:
I wanted to remove the alloy cranks to weigh them. They are secured with two nuts, lets say with an inner and an outer nut. First the outer has to be removed and has a left-hand thread. Then the inner nut can be removed, which has normal thread. But the inner nut at the right crank is to tight, seems I need a better and longer allen key. At the left crank I could remove both nuts, but I don't knwo how to go on. The crank is still not moving and I dont now how to go on. The usual crank puller I know does not fit in thread and where it supports, which one do I need for the Creo cranks?
I guess integrated crank puller is the magic word?
So not removing the outer nut...
I have a Turbo Creo Expert Evo with Praxis cranks. I replaced my original crank arms with shorter ones. My crank arms came off with one large hex key. The bolts are self extracting and are torqued on good so require a good wrench and maybe a cheater bar too. But all I had to do is loosen the bolt and the self extractor brings the arm off as you loosen the bolt. Yours might be different but I doubt it. Getting the chain rings off is another process I have yet to do. Check the Praxis website for install instructions.