Reention - Dorado Battery parts?

If we were friends and friends are honest in expressing their feelings....šŸ˜¤
If you PM your mailing address Iā€™ll send your patch. A true offer. Clearly youā€™re one of us.

View attachment 118171
Thank you Tom for offending me again. You are certainly making America great again.

I honestly said: There's a market segment I'm not interested in at all, and am not willing to participate in any discussion related to the Chinese junk.
ā€œAmerica greatā€ again is far more insulting than a few jabs amoung pals.
Si vis pacem para bellum.

If you pose to be a representative American with your level of insulting, I'm so glad to meet so many Citizens of The Unites States to be far more polite and civilized than you are.

Tom: Show me your Strava. I ride. You talk.

1,359 miles in 2022. And you?
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I give up, youā€™re a humorless specigelical, unwilling to give an inch or laugh at yourself. Cool dude. I do give up. Umandno, no rides today getting ready for a kidney stent adventure and taking it out on a key board. Sick humor. PLONK Mailing address?
16 new kilometres ridden this morning.
And you, Tom?
We are in e-bike forums. Ebikes are to be ridden.
And don't expect me to laugh like a little kid when there's a war near to our borders.
Do learn to laugh at yourself. Youā€™re not getting out alive just like the rest of us. Seriously the patches have Velcro backs and a pad to sew on your jacket. You can remove the patch when you want to be incognito.

Iā€™m truly grateful for your support of your Ukrainian neighbors and can only emphasize with your unfairly being emotionally bullied by a war out your back door.

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Hello thanks for letting me join this forum. We have a couple RAD city step through bikes and they have been pretty trouble free so far. The reason why I signed up for this forum is because I'm trying to find a part for a battery for a friends bike. She bought a Sparkbike a couple years ago and is already on battery number 3. The first battery was replaced under warranty the second one they would not replace anymore so she had to buy a new one (number 3) to the tune of about 700 Canadian dollars.
She brought me battery #2 to look at. I'm not really impressed with what i found in there. (a big mess of Silicon) It looks like water has entered the battery through the USB port even though she never uses her USB port but we do live on the WetCoast. It is a 48V 17AH battery made by Reention - Dorado. Battery voltage when measured at the fuse is 54V which would indicate the battery cells are still good. The little circuit board that holds the LED's to show state of charge however does not look to good and does not light up anymore when the button is pushed even though it has power. I'm trying to find that board but come up with nothing beside a Chinese PDF file which does not lead anywhere.
Does anyone here know where i could get this part or a similar one that would work.
1846 48V DIS0015 is all that is printed on it.
Hey, I have same board that burnt out, did you find a replacement? If so could you let me know what you did? My battery was still good but that board fried.... Power button wore thru and moisture got in... Thx
FYI, google searches for a replacement LED board leads here so I am posting a link to an ali express seller who sells the LED display board.

Also, the reason water ingress happens is because the rubber on the switch gets worn and then exposes the circuit board below. If your dorado battery has a rubber gasket, then you just need to ensure that the switch is covered with electrical tape.

My suggestion would be to apply something like silicone conformal coating so that the LED mosfets don't die as a small amount of corrosion removes the pads.

It is around $8, with shipping to Canada atleast being $15, though it will take 4 weeks.
Thx, I know why it happened, I wrote the reason in one of my posts, I bought bike used so didn't notice button was worn through till it was to late...
Thx, I know why it happened, I wrote the reason in one of my posts, I bought bike used so didn't notice button was worn through till it was to late...
I was just making more of a general statement to help people with this issue. When you google about the battery light, this post shows up first and it's difficult to find the one seller, especially since AliExpress's search function is unusable.
Thx, I know why it happened, I wrote the reason in one of my posts, I bought bike used so didn't notice button was worn through till it was to late...
Confusing, one post is about a BMS, another about the power indicator, and yet another regarding the power button.

Years ago when I couldn't find replacement parts for a Dolphin pack I bought a new case assembly. It was over $50 but worth it to me at the time.
Confusing, one post is about a BMS, another about the power indicator, and yet another regarding the power button.

Years ago when I couldn't find replacement parts for a Dolphin pack I bought a new case assembly. It was over $50 but worth it to me at the time.

The OP back in 2021 posted a picture of the LED display board on the reeniton Dorado. This board contains the USB port, a switch to turn on the battery and and 4 LED indicator lights and related circuitry.

This board has nothing to do with the BMS, so I don't know who brought the BMS up. This is an easy to replace part, though most sellers tend to sell the case as a whole.

Given the size of the case, you save $40-50 on the shipping, though I haven't found a seller for the rubber cover+gasket for the switch which is what tends to fail on this battery leading to water ingress.
Given the size of the case, you save $40-50 on the shipping, though I haven't found a seller for the rubber cover+gasket for the switch which is what tends to fail on this battery leading to water ingress.
it's listed with a part number on the Chinese site or full catalog. Products designed for avionics can protect electronic elements. See Boeshield and ACF50. See this sheet. There are different versions

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I haven't found a seller for the rubber cover+gasket for the switch which is what tends to fail on this battery leading to water ingress.
I have a package, somewhere...I can't find them or the order. I think I used the Reention parts number but it's not working for me today.

But I've been riding year-round in Minnesnowta and lost every cover and have several packs without switch covers and avionic products do a perfect job, I retreat every 6 months and have since 2014.
I can confirm stock for 36v 48v and 52v Reention Dorado power LED.

Reention Dorado Pro Mini Ebike Battery Power Indicator Power Display One LED 36v 48V Battery Indicator One LED USB Plug PCB BMS​
