Recent bike laws in washington state.:

john peck

Well-Known Member
As of tomorrow, Oct.1, 2020-WA SB-6434, bikes may regard stop signs at yield signs with the exception of school bus signs & railroad crossings,
however riders are expected to slow & exercise reasonable caution. Orygun has had a similar ´rolling stop´ law for a number of years now.
Also as of June 7, 2020. Local jurisdictions with multi-use trails connected to other jurisdictions allowing ebikes are required to show consistency,
along with certain other vaguely written items (?), the gist of which specifically is that the Olympic Discovery Trail is now officially open to
Ebikes, WA SB-6208. .....& others(?)
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I like the rolling stop law! 😃
Yeah, now I´m suddenly legal. I still stop, even when I don´t have to at some intersections. It´s a good idea on curves
or hills where the field of vision is limited. Downside, stopping on hills, up or down, can be perilous. It´s easy to fall over
if you´re not careful or face plant over the handlebars. I have used the rolling stop for years but always very cautious about it,
even more so now. The cops have seen me on a number of occasions but chose to ignore it. Until this country takes bicycle
& pedestrian safety more seriously & provides better infrastructure, cycling will still be a dangerous sport.
As a long time cyclist I have rolled a few stop signs in my day. However as a motorist I have seen some really stupid rolls done by cyclists that I feel may be even more emboldened or entitled even with this new law in WA. One of the best things I like about riding an eBike is the ability to come to a complete stop and then get going easily across intersections and consider it to be a main safety feature.
But we already knew that, right?
As a long time cyclist I have rolled a few stop signs in my day. However as a motorist I have seen some really stupid rolls done by cyclists that I feel may be even more emboldened or entitled even with this new law in WA. One of the best things I like about riding an eBike is the ability to come to a complete stop and then get going easily across intersections and consider it to be a main safety feature.
Evolution in action, you can´t fix stupid, but it may yet die off.