REALLY would like help choosing first bike!


New Member
Nobody replied on my first thread so I’ll try to cut to the main points.

As I have moved away for college, I'm finding that I need a reliable mode of transport for mid-distance (~20 mile round trip) travel, as the bus system in my new town is extremely unreliable. While I don't usually travel awfully far each way, I am slightly impeded by the steep hills that make me feel discouraged from using my old bike anymore (it's a piece of junk anyway.)

I'm a 5'9 male and weigh 160 pounds, and I don't expect to be carrying anything. Since it snows a lot during the winter here, preferably something that can handle icy roads. My budget is in the below $2000 range. However, I'm somewhat flexible on these standards, and none of my expectations are set in stone.

Any help will be boundlessly appreciated, and I look forward to hearing from the knowledgeable members of this forum!
Deffently want a fattire for the snow as for the bike I like the M2s All terrain 750 with the 16.5 batterie good price great bike.
It's not a decision of bike for riding on ice, it's the choice of tire. You're going to need studs, and maybe an easier way to switch over to standard tires when that melts. You should look for a mid drive since changing a back tire on a hub drive is tougher. On the other hand, you might consider an Easy Motion EVO snow. It has two wheel drive.
I never even thought about that, great points. So let’s say I get a fattire bike though, when it’s spring and the slow all melts would it become an impractical bike for commuting on roads? Do the big tires make it heavier and cut into its range?
A fat tire would be very impractical for a commuting bike. The fat tire doesn't help you on ice anyway. Snow? Yes. They are heavier, lots of rolling resistance, and not nearly as nimble as a traditional tire. I don't think anyone sells a fat tire set at 28mph, but many do on regular size tires.
I use my fat tire bike on both off road and on road commutes with no problem Like the fat tire bike just do to the fact it stands out more in the city so I am more visible, may seem like a little thing but I have been struck by a car oncenever again .