So an update on the Quiet_gear motor using Cornhead.
@ 450mi total and 350mi since the initial Cornhead application the motor still had an annoying whine (IMO)
Decibel wise it is probably quieter than my other standard gear Ultra Motor using the Mobil SCH100... but again, not what I would consider a quiet motor. As it's breaking in it is a little better than new and the first few rides after the initially Cornhead application.
It's raining here so I used the time to give it a quick inspection. The grease seemed OK and none had made it's way to the controller....
.... so I decided to add some more to see if it would make any difference. Not as much as
@Tom@WashDC used.. but significantly more than the tablespoon that
@J.R. uses.. which was about what I initially applied.
Like the first greasing I removed the 2 smaller gears and packed all the teeth in the underlying gears, then the upper gear teeth. Put the gears back in place and then I packed the space between the gears and the casing.
This tacky snot grease is so annoying to work with.
First impression...
The first 1/4mi the motor was near silent...but then it slowly got louder as the grease liquified and spun off the gears. By the time I reached the top of the 3mi hill at the start of the MUP, averaging about 14mph and drawing >200w the motor whine was back. Somewhat less than before and at a lower tone but definitely audible. The next 4mi it pretty much stayed at that level so I queued up the Soundgarden I have on my mp3 speaker and some
Jesus Christ Pose made the motor whine disappear

On the way back pretty much the same and I could hear the motor between songs.. but I can say definitely less noise than before this repacking. I'd say I have about 1/4 of the 10oz cartridge in there.
Total ride was 24 miles
Hypothesis... For the cornhead to make this motor really quiet, you'd need to pretty much fill in all the space in the gear box section so that when it liquifies under mechanical pressure from the teeth, the grease that is not being churned and is in the static solid state will hold the liquifyed grease on the gears.
How it's greased now is better than stock but far from what I would call silent.
My perspective may be tainted by my experience with the very quiet BBS02B
I'll add... the Quiet_gear motor is a fugazi