Re-greasing the Ultra it time?

So we are currently in a very cold stretch here and I find no enjoyment in layering up to ride.... That and the MUP is a sheet of ice.
So I opened up a new Quiet Gear Ultra with just 100 miles on it...Note, I don't find it to be any quieter than my 2022 motor.

The amount of factory grease seemed adequate but was the same yellow seen before but had mostly black'nd in color and quite frankly looked burnt and wasn't easy to clean up.
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So cleaning it up was tedious but with patience doable

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Put back approximately the same amount of Cornhead grease and about the same as I had used on the 2022 motor when I used the Mobile SHC100

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I found the Cornhead very hard to work with and to be neat with. It has a very tacky property and it's like working with snot.
This also lead me down the path of making a mistake. Not wanting to have two very different greases in the motor I also lifted the main large gear to lube the pawl clutch with the cornhead. And though I used as thin a layer as possible.. When reassembled the pawl clutch didn't work correctly due to the tackyness of the grease. Luckily I bench tested it and found out then. So I cleaned it up again and used some Mobil SHC100 which didn't give me the same problem. The greases are far enough apart so they shouldn't contaminate each other (hopefully)

This now done its still not favorable outside to ride and the temperature still hasn't risen above freezing. Hopefully it'll change soon and I'll get out in the next week.

First impression.. If the cornhead doesn't provide a much quieter motor, I'll stick with the Mobil.
I feel for you. I'm hating this weather. I don't mind bundling up. I use fur lined pogies without gloves. I just hate ice. Do not want to go down on ice.
Curiosity got the best of me so I ventured out for a short 5mi ride.
The MUP is still a sheet of ice and the streets have enough ice melt salt on them to start your own Dead Sea... But at least the temps made it to 40° this afternoon for the first time in too long.
This said and my first impression... I'm not experiencing the Quiet Gear nor Corn Head Grease miracle.
Probably measurably quieter but no where near what I would consider to be quiet motor. If you've ever riden with a BBS02B... Now that's near silent.
I'll give it a few more miles and see if things get quieter with break in like they did when I initially tried the Mobil SHC100
I may then open her up to check migration and possibly top it off as I've seen many on here with cornhead grease pics and much more grease was used.

Hey @JRA ... You speak of only using a tblsp and I'd guess that's about what I used.. How do my pics compare to the amount you used?
Sounds to me like you may be experiencing premature coagulation as a result of greasing your own bafang ;)
Sounds to me like you may be experiencing premature coagulation as a result of greasing your own bafang ;)
No one would know better than you Black Hand.
What's truely amazing is that you taught the dog to reach all those tricky bearings that you so desperately tried to reach but just couldn't. 🙃
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SO I'll ask again,
What do you use to clean to clean out to old grease and WILL NOT harm anything inside, like all those electrical boards/wires etc?
SO I'll ask again,
What do you use to clean to clean out to old grease and WILL NOT harm anything inside, like all those electrical boards/wires etc?
Paper towels, a cloth rag and a small plastic brush.
Alcohol wipes to finish up and for anything electrical that may get grease on it.
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Several e-bike shops in Australia recommend the Mobil 28 grease. It has an NLGI of 1.5 per the data sheet, wide temp range with very low starting and running torque (low drag).
So an update on the Quiet_gear motor using Cornhead.
@ 450mi total and 350mi since the initial Cornhead application the motor still had an annoying whine (IMO)
Decibel wise it is probably quieter than my other standard gear Ultra Motor using the Mobil SCH100... but again, not what I would consider a quiet motor. As it's breaking in it is a little better than new and the first few rides after the initially Cornhead application.

It's raining here so I used the time to give it a quick inspection. The grease seemed OK and none had made it's way to the controller....

.... so I decided to add some more to see if it would make any difference. Not as much as @Tom@WashDC used.. but significantly more than the tablespoon that @J.R. uses.. which was about what I initially applied.


Like the first greasing I removed the 2 smaller gears and packed all the teeth in the underlying gears, then the upper gear teeth. Put the gears back in place and then I packed the space between the gears and the casing.
This tacky snot grease is so annoying to work with.

First impression...
The first 1/4mi the motor was near silent...but then it slowly got louder as the grease liquified and spun off the gears. By the time I reached the top of the 3mi hill at the start of the MUP, averaging about 14mph and drawing >200w the motor whine was back. Somewhat less than before and at a lower tone but definitely audible. The next 4mi it pretty much stayed at that level so I queued up the Soundgarden I have on my mp3 speaker and some Jesus Christ Pose made the motor whine disappear 🙃
On the way back pretty much the same and I could hear the motor between songs.. but I can say definitely less noise than before this repacking. I'd say I have about 1/4 of the 10oz cartridge in there.
Total ride was 24 miles
Hypothesis... For the cornhead to make this motor really quiet, you'd need to pretty much fill in all the space in the gear box section so that when it liquifies under mechanical pressure from the teeth, the grease that is not being churned and is in the static solid state will hold the liquifyed grease on the gears.
How it's greased now is better than stock but far from what I would call silent.
My perspective may be tainted by my experience with the very quiet BBS02B
I'll add... the Quiet_gear motor is a fugazi
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