Radrunner hunting option?


New Member
Good evening,
I’m currently interested and looking to buying a radrunner ebike. However, I was looking for some questions that I haven’t really been able to locate. The reason I’m looking into the bike is specifically for hunting purposes. My intent would be to load my gear on the bike, ride out until the trail ended then hike out. I’m 200 pounds and my gear sometimes reaches 100 pounds which is the load capacity. I’m wondering how the bike would react to full load capacity on trails. Does the bikes 65 pounds count as part of the 300 pound load capacity? Any and all input is greatly appreciated!
Any, All,
Banjo music. Deliverance?
Don't do it,
because someone will take everything and leave you in a 'pork pie' :rolleyes:hat and underwear.
Reach out to Rad Power. I honestly think it will haul your gear no problem. Just make sure it can go IN the woods and be able to RETURN on its battery range. You don't wanna get stuck on pedal (human) power only! Plus find a way to keep it from being taken when you leave it at the trail end. Curious/bored people will steal anything! They are versatile ebikes that can be adapted to many uses.