Radrover Controller & Display Upgrade Kit

Can anyone recommend a tail light that's compatible with the tail light connector that comes with the upgrade controller?
Can anyone recommend a tail light that's compatible with the tail light connector that comes with the upgrade controller?
The Radcity tail light fits it. Compare pins first because I think you didn’t buy from Bolton, should be the same but who knows.
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AHiks, I believe I now understand how the upgrade controller works. In speed mode, the stock controller is more dynamic while pedaling, it accelerates faster. The upgrade controller, again in speed mode, accelerates more gradually, it has a more damped response, less dynamic. in Imitation torque mode, the upgrade controller provides greater acceleration, but the speed keeps increasing unless you stop pedaling. It's a matter of preference and riding style. For hilly areas and for greater throttle acceleration from a dead stop, the upgrade controller is better. But I ride mostly in flat roads and I like the pedal surge of the stock controller (in speed mode) even if the throttle is slower from a dead stop. I can get similar results riding in imitation torque mode with the upgrade controller, but I have to change pass levels much more frequently.
What I don’t like about the upgrade controller is the lag time for power with sudden full throttle applied. Also how far the throttle has to turned to get anything is terrible. Adding those two together and you have to plan ahead when wanting to power out of a 90 degree turn.
AHiks, I believe I now understand how the upgrade controller works. In speed mode, the stock controller is more dynamic while pedaling, it accelerates faster. The upgrade controller, again in speed mode, accelerates more gradually, it has a more damped response, less dynamic. in Imitation torque mode, the upgrade controller provides greater acceleration, but the speed keeps increasing unless you stop pedaling. It's a matter of preference and riding style. For hilly areas and for greater throttle acceleration from a dead stop, the upgrade controller is better. But I ride mostly in flat roads and I like the pedal surge of the stock controller (in speed mode) even if the throttle is slower from a dead stop. I can get similar results riding in imitation torque mode with the upgrade controller, but I have to change pass levels much more frequently.
Nice thing about the KT, you have a choice about which way you set it up.

"the speed keeps increasing unless you stop pedaling."

This is totally dependent on how you have the controller set up. For instance, while using "imitation torque control" (speed based PAS) if you have PAS 1 set so it's supplying 100(+-) watts to the motor (using C5 & C14), the bike isn't going to go very fast at all. Lot's of variables, but I would be surprised if were were talking about more than 7-10 mph? The bike is going to need a lot more power to go much faster, so not following when you say "speed keeps increasing". For starters, are we talking about this happening when you have "imitation torque control" enabled? What are you seeing for wattage in PAS 1?

If there is nothing in your list of priorities to be able to go that slow on any kind of regular basis, then use however you like.

MOST people I've talked with are going/have gone the KT route because the stock controller won't allow them to ride at lower speeds. The performance increase is just a bonus.

Just remember that the wattage supplied in PAS 1 (using the speed based PAS), is the only place you can set the voltage to slow the bike down. The rest of the PAS levels (using speed based PAS) are all set by an algorithm, are not adjustable other than changing PAS levels.

And again, MY KT controllers, every one of them, supply full power immediately when given full throttle. There is no "soft start" or noticeable spool up time. I prefer a thumb throttle, so there's no issue about full throttle when I want it. I'm actually pretty picky about this as I have to cross some pretty busy roads on occasion, and I have a tough time tolerating soft start/slow spool up. Not sure how or why you're experiencing it. -Al
The delay is about half a second. Not noticeable unless trying to power out of a slow 90 degree turn. Probably not happening on geared bikes.
I believe you have Imitation torque and speed mode backwards. P3 = 1 is Imitation torque mode. P3 = 0 is speed mode. Imitation torque mode let you set the maximum power delivered on Pass 1.
Speed mode, let you set maximum speed on Pass 1.
In imitation torque mode, power is constant regardless of how much or how little you pedal. In speed mode power is adjusted according to your pedal cadence. It is in this mode that the stock controller is different. It adjusts power more aggresively. The upgrade controller adjust power more gradually. Also, I am not talking about spool up time. Since I changed the sensor I don't have that problem anymore.
I believe you have Imitation torque and speed mode backwards. P3 = 1 is Imitation torque mode. P3 = 0 is speed mode. Imitation torque mode let you set the maximum power delivered on Pass 1.
Speed mode, let you set maximum speed on Pass 1.
In imitation torque mode, power is constant regardless of how much or how little you pedal. In speed mode power is adjusted according to your pedal cadence. It is in this mode that the stock controller is different. It adjusts power more aggresively. The upgrade controller adjust power more gradually. Also, I am not talking about spool up time. Since I changed the sensor I don't have that problem anymore.
I think regarding KT, maybe we're both saying the same thing....

I can't help much when comparing a stock RAD controller to a KT. I bought a new '16 RAD City when they first came out. Nice bike, but hated the electronics. Changed everything but the battery out when it was 6 weeks old. Point being, it's been a few years, and even then, I only rode it enough to know I didn't care for it at all. I've done the same to several other bikes, all came with junk controllers.