
Always wear shorts on the bike so it's no issue for me.

Once it starts getting cooler, reckon I'll probably opt for pants to ride in on the commute.

So pulled the trigger and purchased 2 pannier bags after reading another members use of the Ortliebs without the rack deck. They appear to fit really well.

Haven't ridden with them yet, that'll be tomorrow with my work gear (laptop, iPad, clothes shoes etc). They were easy to fit to the rack and I may move the bottom latch down one hole so it fits the rack frame better.

They're Venzo 600D, got mine from www.cyclingdeal.com.au. But they're on Amazon & ebay as well with positive reviews. Quality seems good, they use 3M material.

Some pics

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So rode with the panniers fitted and largely full on the work commute. They went great, no movement out of them, which I was a little worried about. They came with shoulder straps so very quick and easy to release from rack and throw them over my shoulder. Was great not having a backpack on during the ride.

Next upgrade is new pedals that have arrived, fitted them tonight and will have a decent test tomorrow morning. They are pretty much double the size on the LBS fitted

New and original (big size difference)

Side view, pins will keep the feet from slipping

Next to my Trance-E pedals, might have to upgrade the Shimanos on the MTB as well :)

Have also pulled the trigger on a BikeSpeed-RS, decided on this instead of the Speedbox 2 for no particular reason other than to try it out and report back on how it works. There appeared to be good reviews on them, they report stats correctly onscreen. I had conversed with the Speedbox people on what the difference with the Platinum version and the normal one, main point was a newer eco friendly design and parts composition as well as better on the battery, but they didn't quantify the better on battery statement, I asked for how much better in percentage terms. But no response for the last few days. So thinking only marginal at most.
Hi all,

I'm deciding between a 2019 or 2018 Quick E. I'm trying to figure out the differences between a 2019 and 2018. I talked to the bike shop (waiting for 2019 to come in), reviewed the Giant specs (hard to determine marketing vs. actual change), skimmed this forum, and tried Googling...but coming up with only a few things...
  • Color: 2019 is white vs. 2018 gray
  • Gears: does 2019 have only 10 gears?
  • Components: (specs look different?)
  • Motor: looks the same but 2019 specs says it's 350% tuneable?
  • ...
Is there a real difference? (apologies if this has been answered elsewhere)
Hi all,

I'm deciding between a 2019 or 2018 Quick E. I'm trying to figure out the differences between a 2019 and 2018. I talked to the bike shop (waiting for 2019 to come in), reviewed the Giant specs (hard to determine marketing vs. actual change), skimmed this forum, and tried Googling...but coming up with only a few things...
  • Color: 2019 is white vs. 2018 gray
  • Gears: does 2019 have only 10 gears?
  • Components: (specs look different?)
  • Motor: looks the same but 2019 specs says it's 350% tuneable?
  • ...
Is there a real difference? (apologies if this has been answered elsewhere)

Color: yes it's white only
Gears: it's a 10 speed, I find it's geared well and enough for what I want, cruising at 25-28 Km/h
Components: Pretty much the same from what I can gather.
Motor: Not sure, assume it's the same.
Tyres: They may be different

Change in years means incremental upgrades I feel. Believe there was some running gear changes/motor etc mid way through the 2018 models life. But that's only anecdotal on what I've read around the place.

I'd expect you'd get a better price on the 2018 model as they want to clear out stock.

Great choice in bike BTW, had mine a few weeks now and absolutely loving it.
ive just purchased 2018 quick-e well pleased with it, but not perfect, was £800 cheaper than 2019 model, as far as i could see only difference was colour, different tyres and the price. i couldnt justify spending an extra £800 for this years model.
My BikeSpeed-RS turned up today, quicker than expected. Was a week from order via the post (DE to AU) to home. Neat little package with a small instruction book. After missing a few bolts, the engine wouldn't drop down. Watched the SpeedBox install video and I was off and away after having identified the shortcomings in the booklet instructions. When I was at the point of stuffing the little box back into the tubing, decided to wrap the extra wiring with electrical tape, glad I did as they were rather small and would be easily pinched. After a few goes at it, was able to place the motor back into it's housing and secure it. Took it for a quick spin tonight, not to far as it's after dark, was great to have power keep going and not cut out. All the displays appeared to be working correctly. Had a quick look at the RideControl app and it appears to be working and was displaying all the relevant data, however I haven't been able to upload the data just yet... Will try it again tomorrow. Very quick impression is, happy with the result. Will get a better feel for it on my commute tomorrow. All up landed cost was $250 AU for anyone curious.

One last add on coming, had a very close shave a few days ago, was cruising through a traffic calming device and a 4WD with a massive trailer on the back decided he could go through at the same time as me. The trailer glanced my handlebar, gave me a hell of a fright. Driver had no idea/didn't care and kept going. So have a Cycliq Fly-6 CE on the way so I can at least have video of what's passing me and what came to close as well as the extra tail light which I plan on having in flash mode.

Question for 2019 Quick-E+ owners, the user manual indicates there is three modes for the lights, low, high and off. I only seem to have high, high and off. Let me know how yours works please.
I too have the Ortlieb Back Roller High Vis Black and the MIK Deck. So the MIK deck I got from Giant Hampton which are now part of Ivanhoe Cycles. They had special ordered one and had ordered a second one to put on display which I grabbed a few weeks ago. They said they would be getting more in so I would check there. The Ortliebs might actually be able to mount without the MIK deck at all, just temporarily.

I also have a 48T which is just right I think to use with the SB2.

As far as the Speedbox 2 goes, I only have one issue and that is it messes up some of the data in the Giant app, but most of that information can be got from other sources except Cadence, which would be nice to track

Otherwise, the bike is great !

I'm about to put an order for the speedbox, does it show the correct cadence on the display? I don't use the app as it doesn't really work for me, i.e. I can't my customise the bike display to show something else rather than speed. I use an old garmin 810 which has all the info I need except cadence and battery which I rely on the giant display

Also I managed to put on a 50T chainring. I haven't had a chance to test it out though. Will try over the weekend. I also have a 52T but I think i'll stick with the 50T for now as it's starting to look ridiculously large on the bike.
Hi all,

I'm deciding between a 2019 or 2018 Quick E. I'm trying to figure out the differences between a 2019 and 2018. I talked to the bike shop (waiting for 2019 to come in), reviewed the Giant specs (hard to determine marketing vs. actual change), skimmed this forum, and tried Googling...but coming up with only a few things...
  • Color: 2019 is white vs. 2018 gray
  • Gears: does 2019 have only 10 gears?
  • Components: (specs look different?)
  • Motor: looks the same but 2019 specs says it's 350% tuneable?
  • ...
Is there a real difference? (apologies if this has been answered elsewhere)

The big differences are the double chain ring on the 2018, rear rack setup and the upgraded headlight (AXA Blueline 50) on the 2019. Both look great but i think the 2018 will be easier to keep clean looking as it is a darker color. I stuck with the 2018 as it was cheaper and I like the idea of having the smaller chain ring if i was ever to run out of battery (which i have and was able to to finish the last 5 miles of my commute pedaling all the way with some small minor grades along the way.) The motor is the same between both years. The 2018 actually has two different computer setups. The early 2018's have 4 assist modes (off, eco, sport & turbo) and the rack that is not MIK deck compatible. The later 2018 have 6 assist modes (off, ECO, ECO+, SPORT, SPORT+ & Turbo -same as the 2019) and the same MIK deck compatible rack as the 2019. I rode both the early 2018 and the 2019 models. The savings on the 2018 was worth it for me. I've since upgraded to the Giant METRO E rack (which give me the MIK compatible deck) and replace the AXA 30 light to a Busch & Muller IQ-X E light.

I love my bike. Makes my commute easier and its so fun to ride.
Commute with the BikeSpeed-RS was great this morning, was zipping through back streets at 35km/h. All stats look correct on the display and checked within the Giant RideControl app and they look correct as well. So all in all a good upgrade which unlocks the speed and preserves the data. Would recommend this particular brand based on what I've experienced so far.
Picked up my Quick-E 2019, 25Km/h limited bike on the weekend. have done about 40Km on it so far and love it!! Had a Hybrid which I'd mounted a rear hub conversion kit on that was my commute, very comfortable bike but the range was limited to around 40Km and I got sick of using a throttle, plus it'd run out of puff going up hills. Was quick though for a 250watt motor, would pretty much sit on 30Km/h on the flats.

Back to the Giant, changed the grips to Ergon GP-3. Swapped the seat with one I had from my Hybrid, a lot more comfortable now.

Added bottle cage and pump to the mount point. Quad lock mount for the phone and cupholder for my morning coffee :)

Also added an under seat mounted bag with a spare tube and tyre lever, what tool do people carry to remove the front wheel as it's not quick release?

Thinking of raising the stem slightly to bring the handlebars up, prefer a more upright riding position.

Can comfortably sit in the 26-29Km/h range on my commute to work, it's a 18Km round trip. Planning on some weekly decent length rides for fitness, 40+ km to supplement MTB weekend ride.

Love that it's so agile for its weight, the tyres suit it perfectly considering the rigid forks. Was expecting some vibrations but pleasantly surprised. Out of interest what PSI are others running their tyres at, have them at about 42 currently.

Find the 10 shifter very smooth, also the motor is so quiet compared to my Trance-E, The Quick-E+ is a Syncdrive Sport whilst the Trance is labelled a Syncdrive Pro, may get the LBS to check out the Trance just in case.

Considering upgrading the chain ring from the current 42T to perhaps 48T as some have done. Find it runs out of gears on the downhill, plus also considering overriding the speed limiter with a Speedbox and hence the chain ring upgrade. Know the bike can handle it considering the limits set in other countries using the same motor so it's only rules and software holding it back. Probably silly question, but anyone who has done the Speedbox conversion not happy with it from a reliability/problems perspective?

Been trying to track down the MIK rack deck so I can mount some pannier bags, but it's proving difficult to find in Australia, Giant is not expecting the next delivery of them until start of May, so been ringing around stores for one in stock. No luck on Ebay or Amazon either. LBS has offered a complete replacement rack from Giant which mounts to the Quick-E but they're quoting $100 for it, may go down that route as I can't be bothered waiting that long for the deck and getting over carrying a backpack in the Aussie heat.

Pictures friend, we need to see that new ride. I like this bar for commuting, much more comfortable with it 2.5 inches taller. Jones H Bar SG 2.5
Commute with the BikeSpeed-RS was great this morning, was zipping through back streets at 35km/h. All stats look correct on the display and checked within the Giant RideControl app and they look correct as well. So all in all a good upgrade which unlocks the speed and preserves the data. Would recommend this particular brand based on what I've experienced so far.

Hey @NitroMatt , I'm very curious if you can check the stats in the App. Once you finish a ride, if you tap the ride in the list of past rides, it opens a screen with the ride details. On mine, it shows Distance, Duration and Energy and then Average Speed which are all correct, but Cadence is 0rpm , Power is 0.0W, Elevation is 807.1m (doh, that can't be right for the Bay Trail) and Battery Usage is 0.0%. If you tap any one of those values, it shows a graph but from Cadence down they are all Blank, except Elevation.

(For some reason Duration is not actually correct - in the Giant app it says the ride was 33 minutes but in Strava the same exported data says 44 minutes - but that is probably a bug in the App)

Because if yours is correct, I will be sending my SB2 back for a refund and getting the Bikespeed-RS.

Hey @NitroMatt , I'm very curious if you can check the stats in the App. Once you finish a ride, if you tap the ride in the list of past rides, it opens a screen with the ride details. On mine, it shows Distance, Duration and Energy and then Average Speed which are all correct, but Cadence is 0rpm , Power is 0.0W, Elevation is 807.1m (doh, that can't be right for the Bay Trail) and Battery Usage is 0.0%. If you tap any one of those values, it shows a graph but from Cadence down they are all Blank, except Elevation.

(For some reason Duration is not actually correct - in the Giant app it says the ride was 33 minutes but in Strava the same exported data says 44 minutes - but that is probably a bug in the App)

Because if yours is correct, I will be sending my SB2 back for a refund and getting the Bikespeed-RS.


Had another look and it appears to be correct?


Will use the app for a route I've already done in RideControl over the next few days so I can compare data to be sure.
Haven't posted for a little while.

Now have a 48t chainring and chain guard, works well although a longer chain might be a good idea too.

But, the Speedbox2 maybe causing me some issues. Could be my install, will be removing it to check today. Have a speed sensor error being reported and when I checked the bike using the ride control app, all items come up as red and the bike tells me to go to the dealer. Oops. It has shut down power assist a few times, a quick on/off makes it work again.

My errors have been on uphills with a high cadence in a high power assist setting and on hot days. Perhaps overloading things, with the motor and/or battery getting too hot?
Haven't posted for a little while.

Now have a 48t chainring and chain guard, works well although a longer chain might be a good idea too.

But, the Speedbox2 maybe causing me some issues. Could be my install, will be removing it to check today. Have a speed sensor error being reported and when I checked the bike using the ride control app, all items come up as red and the bike tells me to go to the dealer. Oops. It has shut down power assist a few times, a quick on/off makes it work again.

My errors have been on uphills with a high cadence in a high power assist setting and on hot days. Perhaps overloading things, with the motor and/or battery getting too hot?
I would check that the connectors are pushed tightly together. Also, did you move the wheel magnet? It's quite fussy about positioning. Should be slightly offset to the sensor not swiping right past it.
What assistance mode do you tend to utilise, and what sort of range do you get for the terrain you're riding in when you're unrestricted?

Currently find I tend to skip around between normal and eco a bit, which I only just realised was 50% assistance, I say this as eco on my Trance-E is 100%. So majority of the time is spent in Eco mode.

So far have ridden 50Km on the 1st charge and have 66% battery capacity to go. So very happy with range so far.

When using turbo or the highest mode, I got 60km total range, but this is flat's and going uphill about 20km of that total.

I tend to mix it up with the modes. But since I am. Using a 2019 model with no LCD screen, it's not possible to get percentage read outs.

I believe if I pump my tires to 50psi, use the highest assistance and are on the flats, it should get a good 60-70km. Now that I ridden with speedbox over 5 full charges now, I believe it can easily achieve 100km in range if you manage your usage.
Commute with the BikeSpeed-RS was great this morning, was zipping through back streets at 35km/h. All stats look correct on the display and checked within the Giant RideControl app and they look correct as well. So all in all a good upgrade which unlocks the speed and preserves the data. Would recommend this particular brand based on what I've experienced so far.

Just ordered my BikeSpeed-RS, and will send back the Speedbox 2. I'm not doing that just for the Stats in the App situation but it seems that these guys are true Pedelec enthusiasts which might translate to a better product.

Incidentally, if anyone is considering ordering from outside the EU, BikeSpeed will adjust their prices to remove the EU VAT at 19%, but you have to PM them and show that your Shipping Address is outside the EU. Doing that brought the price down to around 125 EUR delivered, which is good value.

If anybody on here is after a Speedbox 2 in Australia, I'm happy to sell you mine for what I would get back minus the cost of posting it back to E-Bike Tuning, so it would probably come out around $50 less than new. PM me if interested.
So I took my bike into the shop to get the back wheel fixed and now noticed that my rear light no longer works! I haven't ridden it as I was sick the past week. I'm a bit miffed to say the least. I ordered the BikeSpeed-RS last Monday, yet to arrive. I'm hoping that it's just a loose connection otherwise I'd have to take it back to these guys who I don't have that much confidence in.
Just ordered my BikeSpeed-RS, and will send back the Speedbox 2. I'm not doing that just for the Stats in the App situation but it seems that these guys are true Pedelec enthusiasts which might translate to a better product.

Incidentally, if anyone is considering ordering from outside the EU, BikeSpeed will adjust their prices to remove the EU VAT at 19%, but you have to PM them and show that your Shipping Address is outside the EU. Doing that brought the price down to around 125 EUR delivered, which is good value.

If anybody on here is after a Speedbox 2 in Australia, I'm happy to sell you mine for what I would get back minus the cost of posting it back to E-Bike Tuning, so it would probably come out around $50 less than new. PM me if interested.

Keen to hear your review on the bikespeed rs. Especially RideControl app works as per normal and install issues. Do you need to remove the crank, or can you do it without needing specific tools. Good luck
So I took my bike into the shop to get the back wheel fixed and now noticed that my rear light no longer works! I haven't ridden it as I was sick the past week. I'm a bit miffed to say the least. I ordered the BikeSpeed-RS last Monday, yet to arrive. I'm hoping that it's just a loose connection otherwise I'd have to take it back to these guys who I don't have that much confidence in.
So I took my bike into the shop to get the back wheel fixed and now noticed that my rear light no longer works! I haven't ridden it as I was sick the past week. I'm a bit miffed to say the least. I ordered the BikeSpeed-RS last Monday, yet to arrive. I'm hoping that it's just a loose connection otherwise I'd have to take it back to these guys who I don't have that much confidence in.
My light stopped working also, but was just a loose connection. A lot of taking the tire and wheel off maybe.