Powerless and an addiction.


Well-Known Member
I’ve always been curios about these fine little motors. Here I am selling off my personal collection, and now buying another project. But it’s just too much fun. MAC is wasted on my 26” scooter. This will be pefect. Little 6fet Lyen with a CA2.

Looks like the Q100H from BMSBattery or the Aikema AKM100 from topbikekit. I have three of the Q100 280 rpm, and one AKM100 328 rpm. All on 20" wheels. and 36V, and 280 rpm is less than 20 mph.
Looks like the Q100H from BMSBattery or the Aikema AKM100 from topbikekit. I have three of the Q100 280 rpm, and one AKM100 328 rpm. All on 20" wheels. and 36V, and 280 rpm is less than 20 mph.
Yes. I’ve been curious since my first ever eBike thread where the Q100 was used as a 2wd. I did try a 2wd 10T MAC but it was more power than I’d ever use.

which controller display are you running?
