Powerful Fat Tire E-bike w/ Torque sensor from Juiced Bikes

I don't think he's trying to pull a fast one on you. He's probably right about the delivery date despite what the order page says. Juiced can't even provide an update for when they will finish testing on the current bikes much less when they will clear the production backlog and start shipping. As far as anyone knows, they haven't been able to finish the 15 bikes in the founders series since their last update in early June. Considering their lack of progress so far, I wouldn't be remotely surprised if you placed your order today that you wouldn't see your bike until 2018.
Such a skeptic. But you may be right. Sigh. All I'm saying is the tactic was sleazy and salesmany. As soon as he heard I might be interested in the HF he basically lied. He has no idea and neither does anyone else in this forum when it will ship. Could be tomorrow, could be 3 months from now... or even next year. It's why I sometimes hate going into stores.
Production delays are one thing but you should still have a general idea of when your product will be finished. I work in an industry where we build computer controller manufacturing equipment from design to prototyping to manufacturing (all in the USA) which is far, far more complex than building an ebike. Though production delays do happen (and often) especially with brand new products, we adjust our timeline accordingly and still have a general idea when deadlines will be met.
@geddyleesnose, "lied" is a pretty strong word; in my experience with this industry for 16 years, I can tell you that the bike shop person is sharing what bit of information that they received from the manufacturer. Many times we're told a projected delivery date for the next season's latest-greatest ebikes only to be informed of delays as that date approaches. All we can share with our customers is what we are told, which is no fabrication.

Also, if you were to buy/invest in one of the many online ebikes promoted on Kickstarter, etc. your payment/donation is taken immediately with little to no chance for a refund. If something goes south with an actual bike shop, you have better protection for your money invested in a new electric bike. If you like the Hyper Fat, then be patient and invest; if you need an ebike right now; choose something different. With the bike shop you get to test new product; not something you can do on the internet.
I checked in with Juiced this week. More delays. They pushed my projected delivery another month at least. They also said there was supposed to be a public update this week on the production schedule but they missed that too. Bike is starting to feel like vaporware. It doesn't appear they've even been able to make 15 bikes in the last month much less the 400 they say have been ordered. They're not doing themselves any favors by keeping everyone in the dark. At least they updated the purchase page saying orders are now for September. I'm primarily interested in the bike for the large battery. Has anyone ridden a Smart Motion catalyst? I see that you can get it with a 840w/h battery.
Hey, man. I rode the Catalyst last week. Very nice bike. The screen is really trick and the switching between cadence and torque sensing is just cool. Very solid build I feel. Should be good for urban commuting and basic trail riding. My one regret is I didn't use the throttle at all. Just completely forgot about it. But it's a bike I'm definitely considering if the HyperFat goes into more prolonged delays. Best.
From Juiced facebook page: "The HyperFat controller software is finally working right! We successfully duplicated all the new CCS's functions onto the 1,000W motor."
Two months without an update. Anybody hear anything specific from Juiced other than that they are working on it? Any news on deliveries? I need to decide if I should cancel and move on. I'd at least like to see this mythical big update before I make a call.
That is a good question. I guess it depends how much longer you are willing to wait. For me, waiting is not that big of an issue because I have 5 ebikes. However, summer is coming to an end so depending on where you live, your biking season this year may be close to awash anyway.

I would reach out to Tora and let him know that you're thinking of canceling and see what his reply is.

I am surprised there hasn't been any real update in over 2 months now other than that little minor one that was on the Juiced Facebook page that was later deleted. That is not good business regardless the reason.

That being said, you will not find a better fat ebike for that money.

http://hype-bikes.com Sorry for the lack of updates. We have just been way too busy. Here is a deep look at what it takes to make one of the most extreme and difficult to produce e-bikes ever made. The 1000+ Watts, torque sensing, geared hub motor, with 30+mph performance is the holy grail of pedal assist e-bikes. Feel the proportional pedal assist up to the limit of your ability. It never existed as a mass produced product so we had to build the platform and integrate it our selves. There were so many challenges to overcome, but it works magnificently. Some hand built units will start shipping now and we are now setting up for mass production on the assembly line. Pre-order now to get hold of this incredible machine. Stay tuned for more details.