Potential Stromer Buyer

I'm considering the purchase of a 2018 ST1 with the P48 500W motor. It's rated at 30 NM. How will this go on steep hills? What can I expect? Also, I read that regen doesn't engage until you get below 50%, but the review was several years old. Have they fixed that?
Stromer was my 1st E bike . OMG ! I have a 2015 ST 2. Still like the 1st day , blown away by this bike . Quiet as a mouse , and climbs like a Billy Goat. You can even easily shift gears during a steep climb ! So happy I jumped in with both feet on my 1st purchase.
Stromer was my 1st E bike . OMG ! I have a 2015 ST 2. Still like the 1st day , blown away by this bike . Quiet as a mouse , and climbs like a Billy Goat. You can even easily shift gears during a steep climb ! So happy I jumped in with both feet on my 1st purchase.
Thank you for the replies. I worry about the hill climbing because the front crank is 52T only. The store I was at didn't have the front triple crankset on any of the Stromers.
Thank you for the replies. I worry about the hill climbing because the front crank is 52T only. The store I was at didn't have the front triple crankset on any of the Stromers.

Owned a 2015 ST1.. Excellent bike build, excellent performance for what it is.. a commuter bike.

I had triple rings, and if the bike youre looking at only has a 52T, that will be a probelm.. Get one with at least double chain rings. Or ask how much would it cost to convert that one.

You can adjust the amount of regen.. at least I could.. It was pretty cool.
Thanks Joe, I'll inquire about getting a triple ring crank, and if you can adjust the regen, I'm really leaning toward this bike as I live in a very hilly area.
Actually, I like the aspect of the regen braking on steep hills. I don't like fast descents with tree shadows hiding dangerous potholes. Plus it adds life to the brakes. All in all a good thing. I suspected the recharging claims are exaggerated, just like they do on cars.
Actually, I like the aspect of the regen braking on steep hills. I don't like fast descents with tree shadows hiding dangerous potholes. Plus it adds life to the brakes.

If you came down a long steep hill, you might have climbed up first. In my understanding, there are no steep hills on main roads. On steep hill e.g. on a forest road, let you fight to maintain the required minimum speed of 20km/h. If this is your case, a ST1 is definitely the wrong choice.

Try a ST1x or above - or a mid drive from a renowned competitor.