Possible convert.. Dash to Platinium.

Shea N Encinitas

Active Member
So in the last week I rode a beat up Sport, and even more beat up rental (now for sale) Elite, and finally today a fresh Platinum.. Rode my Dash over to beCYCLE, a LBS that I'm lucky to have nearby. The owner Ron was so cool, he let me demo his personal 20" white gloss machine. I'm really liking the PAS, kept the ride kind of short but what I experienced I liked over the sometimes wonky Dash PAS. Also the build of the bike inspired confidence, like I've said before I get little nervous over 30 mph on the Dash, like motorcycle speeds on a bike frame, a little under built and creaky. As much as I'm riding electric, 3,700 miles in about 4.5 months, it seems I'm committed to the concept and ready to upgrade, or even have multiple e-bikes on tap. I've got a few bites on my carbon road bike this week, so if she sells (priced to move) I'm likely to pull the trigger. Just thought I'd share that with you as I may be lurking this section looking at the pros and cons of the Platinum, making those final decision type investigations. Happy Friday!

For the longer riding that you like to do the extra battery capacity is appealing. I may have to go to a second battery on my dash already as well. Look at specialized turbos too if you can, they were pretty nice, though not as many watt-hours as the larger stromer batteries (more than the dash though)
Hello Shea - I picked up my new Platinum/Step-Through on Tuesday. This is my first e-bike, so you have far more actual riding experience than I. When I was researching I rode the Trekking RX, got on, but did not ride the Specialized (thought it would just my back), and a few others that I forget. I decided I wanted an integrated battery, so that eliminated all but a few. Ultimately I chose Stromer because it has a 3 year warranty, integrated battery, powerful motor, and looks awesome.

I am waiting for a new seat, but took it out for about a 6 mile ride on Tuesday afternoon - it was great, and I think I made the right choice. The route was very hilly and I was shifting a lot trying to get a feel for the pedaling/torque/power levels. Except for one big clunking sound, it was very smooth and responsive.

Interestingly, when I was riding up and down my street to get the seat adjusted before the longer ride, my neighbor asked if I had to put gas in it. I was surprised, because I thought the bike looked like a regular bike. I am waiting for the new saddle and am then taking it to be fitted, and add lights. I also need to find a lock(s).
Cool & congrats! In reflecting on my test drive I did come to realize the ride with no suspension was a bit harsh. I really like the look of the rigid carbon fork as opposed to a $200 Suntour, and the tires were at max pressure so one could deflate a bit for comfort. As for the back end I know the BodyFloat will make it a dreamy ride, I strongly suggest you get one, or a Thudbuster for a little less money. I'm also pretty sure that my Dash is a bit quicker, but a few mph is not important as I'm looking for that solid feeling, free of creaks, stable and with powerful brakes (had to shortstop today with doggie on board today). And yes the integrated battery and styling is sweet!

That's funny about the gas, I'd tell them no just electrons. I was hoping to move the carbon bike today but that lead has cooled a bit.. so I will probably just lower the price some more, then put that down on the Platinum. Trying to be a good boy and sell one toy for another, and well 3 bikes would be a bit crowded. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. -S
I have the suspension front end, but still, the ride was a little stiffer than I like. I am having a brooks saddle with springs put on. Same saddle I have on my Brompton, and I love it. If I need more relief for my back, I would definitely consider one of the dampening seat posts. Although my LBS wants me to ride for a while without the seat post dampening, and had a good point: if there is too much bounce (seat and seat post), it may cause problems with stability if I am on a bumpy road.

I am now on the hunt for a trailer for my dog. I think it's 50/50 whether she will actually ride in it, and am reluctant to pay $400 for a new Burley pet trailer.
I am now on the hunt for a trailer for my dog. I think it's 50/50 whether she will actually ride in it, and am reluctant to pay $400 for a new Burley pet trailer.
Now that is an item I don't mind picking up off Craigslist, even some baby haulers would work.

BTW - With a BodyFloat you won't get a bouncy feeling unless it is over-tightened. The name is actually quite good as you pre-load into the parallelogram suspension and the seat floats while the bike bounces underneath you. Sounds like you have a preference and saddles are all about personal preference.

Just visited the top road bike shop in town, they are a BMC dealer and have just one 16.5 inch Elite in good used condition. There is the possibility that I can trade in my road bike and use the equity towards my Platinum. It was fun to inform the staff about the bike! Cheers, -S
I have the suspension front end, but still, the ride was a little stiffer than I like. I am having a brooks saddle with springs put on. Same saddle I have on my Brompton, and I love it. If I need more relief for my back, I would definitely consider one of the dampening seat posts. Although my LBS wants me to ride for a while without the seat post dampening, and had a good point: if there is too much bounce (seat and seat post), it may cause problems with stability if I am on a bumpy road.

I am now on the hunt for a trailer for my dog. I think it's 50/50 whether she will actually ride in it, and am reluctant to pay $400 for a new Burley pet trailer.

Noreen, I went with a Serfas large gel suspension seat and it works fine without complication.. It feels instantly comfortable.. And only $40. They make a version for women.
Thanks JoePah - I read about those saddles and they look great. But because I have had such good luck with the Brooks (67S) on my Brompton, I went with that one - in black. I hope it works as well on the Stromer. Should be at my LBS Monday/Tuesday. I am also going to see if a handle bar extension/riser makes sense. Overall, my first ride was actually pretty good - no neck issues, and just a little twingy back that night.

Shea - do you have the BodyFloat? I read the thread on it, and will have to confirm it fits the Stromer seat post.

Finally, I realized I need new lock(s). I usually take the Brompton with me, or fold it up and lock it as one small bike blob. I have old locks that I used on my recumbent (Bacchetta Corsa/SS), but was never all that worried about having it stolen because I didn't think anyone could ride it away. I am considering the "PinHead" kit because it seems like a simple way to get some security - along with a U-Lock. Anyone using PinHead? I read a few reviews, and naturally, someone's bike was stolen using the kit. But as we know, if a thief wants your bike, it is gone regardless.
Shea - do you have the BodyFloat? I read the thread on it, and will have to confirm it fits the Stromer seat post.
Yes I have one and love it so much I've become an unpaid product evangelist for them. They are 27.2mm and fit your Stromer with a 27.2 to 31.6 mm seatpost shim that you can get when your order the BF, or pick one up at your LBS.

Those pinhead locks are interesting, fortunately I don't ever have to leave my bike locked up out of my sight for long, quick Whole Food purchase etc, but if I had this requirement I think I would go with a heavy chain lock and remove any accessories, including the 'locked' battery. -S
So Shae, have you decided on going with the platinum? If I may ask, why? I'm just wondering if it's a personal thing or something else? I found a LBS that sells e-bikes, and one of the brands they carry are Currie and Stromer... so in regards to my current situation with my Alation, local is best, which leaves me with a few choices. One of those being the Stromer elite/platinum, or an E3 Dash or Peak.
At this point I'm feeling quite lucky to have the Dash, it was the first e-bike I rode and has outperformed everything I have tested since, including the $6K Turbo S, $4K Turbo X & both the Stromers. I would definitely go Stromer over Turbo due to complete power loss on two separate Specialized bikes I rode this week, and my need for speed. If you are not concerned about breaking and holding >25 mph (not every ride btw, did 60 miles at 15-18 mph yesterday) and content closer to 20 mph, then you would probably like the Stromer Elite, personally I prefer 1X9 or 10 VS the Platinum's triple up front, e-bikes don't need 20 plus gears so it is clutter IMO. Don't know if you saw the torque curves someone posted, but it shows pretty clearly the difference between the Elite & Platinum, the Platinum having a slower start but slightly higher speed potential, while the Elite is faster off the line but pretty hard to hold much over 20 mph.

While not the most attractive e-bike, the Dash puts out! Be sure to have good air pressure, the shops tend to let them drop too far. The Stromer's probably run better with less air in the tires as the are pretty stiff, especially without the shock. I have not ridden the peak but ride everything you might be interested in. If you can find a 2014 Dash you could probably negotiate as low as $2K (REI clearance price BTW). There are just a few in the shops near me now with 2015's replacing inventories quickly. I think there is some room in the Stromer's too, I've seen 3,600 platinum's online, 150 shipping, so it seems reasonable that 200 off would still leave some dealer profit. Then let's see what happens in March when the ST2's start shipping from the new BMC warehouse about 15 minutes drive from me. -S