Possible controller overheated?

All of the Bafang, KT, and Egg Rider will to. My point was regarding those displays that do not include that info....
No. All Bafang specific do not. I’m poking, my bad. I guess it’s no longer funny.
No. All Bafang specific do not. I’m poking, my bad. I guess it’s no longer funny.
We're good Thomas, I get where you're coming from :) . I just keep thinking of the newbies and how easily mislead they can be sorting the wheat from the chaff. I was there, and followed some questionable info several times (and no, I don't mean your info is questionable). It was frustrating as not only did it cost me money, but it was a huge waste of time. Trying my best to avoid putting somebody else in that place... -Al