Police Harassment

Strawman arguement. Disingenuous and not worth debating.

I don't support helmet laws for adults.

J. R , When that amazon, Uber eats or a private person’s drone will fly inches or worse crash in a pedestrian, lmk your opinion.

There are 100x and 1000x higher nr. Of pedestrians/cars, there is a reason why they are w/o a helmet . Is called lack of common sense.

And there is also a reason why in Denmark a country with very high standards of living and needless to say very good cycling infrastructure there are laws advancing the use of a walking helmet. This is very proactive and the standard for being safe in the 21st century.

Take your chance , but don’t act defensive saying that my points are not valid aka “strawman argument”.
Where I live Motorcycle/bike helmets are optional by law. With that said, I rear ended a parked car on a motorcycle at 45 mph and cracked my helmet, my skull and brain checked out fine at the hospital. Helmets are incredible, they ward off wheel chairs and coffins. I also wear eye protection all the time when riding, because eye's are incredible and they don't sell new one's at Target. :)
Take your chance , but don’t act defensive saying that my points are not valid aka “strawman argument”.
There isn't a hint of defense in my response. You introduced a fallacy to which I chose to not respond. No offense intended. Strawman arguements have become a very popular tactic by politicians and cable news pundits, they're making their way into everyday life. I tend to steer clear. As stated, I strongly believe in helmet use on a bike, but I don't support helmet laws for adults.
Not true. There has been plenty of discussion about this, and people take both sides. Just do a search on "helmet" and see how many threads it pops up in.

For my two cents, here's an article from the Bike Snob, a noted doubter of helmet usefulness.

Oh, and BTW, @Tars Tarkas is absolutely correct, and I'm ignoring him/her anyway. LOL.

LOL the Bike Snob literally says that he isn't talking about their effectiveness, you just shouldn't get ridiculously angry at people who don't. Try again.
I live in the province of British Columbia which has a bicycle helmet law. The trouble is the law is seldom, if ever, enforced. I can see why the police don't spend a lot of time ticketing cyclists who ride without a helmet. It's a minor infraction and they've usually got more serious crimes to deal with, but then we're left with a law that isn't enforced, which in my opinion is not a good thing.
Are we better off having a helmet law that isn't enforced, or no helmet law at all?
no helmet law at all
Oddly the EU has some of the best bicycle infrastructures and watching videos we see that almost no one is helmeted. I'm all for choice. The issue with many here is the cost to society in medical expenses. But then here, the medical coverage sucks. So it costs me nothing if my neighbor scrambles his brain by not being adequately protected. SOME studies have indicated that helmeted riders tend to take more risks. I go sans helmet except in the coldest weather when no one expects a bike to be on the road in Minnesota.
I live in the province of British Columbia which has a bicycle helmet law. The trouble is the law is seldom, if ever, enforced. I can see why the police don't spend a lot of time ticketing cyclists who ride without a helmet. It's a minor infraction and they've usually got more serious crimes to deal with, but then we're left with a law that isn't enforced, which in my opinion is not a good thing.
Are we better off having a helmet law that isn't enforced, or no helmet law at all?

We also have a no cell phone use while driving. Has it ever been enforced??????????
LOL the Bike Snob literally says that he isn't talking about their effectiveness, you just shouldn't get ridiculously angry at people who don't. Try again.
If you read the Bike Snob regularly, he often talks about effectiveness or the lack thereof. I didn't choose that particular article on that basis. Try again. Or, just don't be a jerk.
Maybe you should give it a try.
The article Bruce shared seemed a pretty darned appropriate example to demonstrate his point of how Marci’s mildly castigating (my opinion of it) response to the OP isn’t in fact universal.
What’s to try again?
You will receive zero support or sympathy on this forum.
Do you drive without a seatbelt?
If you crash on your ebike do you want to be brain damaged and become a carrot brain?
Consider deleting your post because no one will take your side, regardless of regulation.

I don't care what someone else does. I will wear a helmet because I care about me but I ride a lot in Ohio
where a person can ride a motorcycle without a helmet. A guy was killed locally this past weekend probably
in part because he was riding without a helmet. IMO not wise but I would hear it from others when I rode
a motorcycle because I wouldn't wear a full face helmet. To me, I might as well have been in a car.

I think it's foolish to climb Mt Everest. I have zero interest in doing so. What risks others are willing to take
IMO should be up to them. (Yes, I wear a seat belt)
You will receive zero support or sympathy on this forum.
Do you drive without a seatbelt?
If you crash on your ebike do you want to be brain damaged and become a carrot brain?
Consider deleting your post because no one will take your side, regardless of regulation.

Marci: Have you ever ridden a bike without a helmet? It is a wonderful feeling, I highly encourage it.

Also, if you concerned about becoming a "carrot brain", you should also wear a helmet when driving or anytime inside a car. The risk of a head injury still exists even when inside a 3,000 pound metal cage. A company in Australia actually marketed a "Motoring Helmet" back in the 1980's for this exact reason.

Perhaps you should consider deleting your post since you don't speak for everyone on this forum.
Bike helmets look really dorky.. There's millions to be made if someone comes out with a good looking bike helmet that's also light and has good ventilation. I'll admit to not always wearing mine for instance when going for a short ride around the neighborhood. That's probably when I need to wear it the most though.
Bike helmets look really dorky.. There's millions to be made if someone comes out with a good looking bike helmet that's also light and has good ventilation. I'll admit to not always wearing mine for instance when going for a short ride around the neighborhood. That's probably when I need to wear it the most though.

There are some OK looking ones. Granted, some are pretty dorky. LOL
I look like a dotk with, or without, a helmet. So it doesn’t bother me. The main reason I wear one is because I like my helmet mirror, secondary Reason is the potential safety benefit. Just like seat belts, airbags and safety shoes, in certain unusual circumstances a helmet could do more harm than good. But, the odds are they will be a real benefit and after an accident you will be able to say you’re glad you had it on.