PA eBike Rules for Trails Finalized


Well-Known Member
Rules finalized for ebikes on state park and forest trails where bikes allowed.

Summary: throttles are OK as long as riders don't use 750W max motors to propel 100 lb max bikes (with fully functional pedals) past 20mph.

Sounds like good common-sense regulation to me. I like this line: "Therefore, DCNR’s policy is focused on managing behavior, not devices."
I agree. DW rides a class 2, she has a bad knee, and there are times on a ride when she gives her knee a rest and uses the throttle. Most of our rides are on rail-trails or lightly travelled back roads. The rail trails are shared with pedestrians, cyclists, ATVs, and horse and buggies.
I totally AGREE ! ! At 77 years old I am very happy they are focused on behavior -- NOT DEVICES! I am happy to be able to pedal my bike and 20 mph is a more than fast enough for me to ride on the trails. Good Job DNCR.