Our cat just vanished.

My daughter lives a few miles from town but has a neighbor a hundred yards away. The neighbor's orange cat, Stanley, comes over quite a bit and DD feeds and pets it. The grandkids like Stanley also.

One day recently, the neighbor came over all sad because Stanley was lying dead and a bit mangled out on the road, must've gotten run over. So DD dug a hole and she and the neighbor buried the cat with a grave marker labeled "Stanley".

About an hour later, granddaughter came running to DD: "Stanley's outside the door!" Back from the dead, LOL! Apparently the one they buried was some other orange cat, and they don't know whose it was.
At least the mystery orange kitty got a proper send-off. Good on your daughter to do that in the first place.
Our cats have plenty cover these days, OTH our feathered friends do not fare as well, there are big Red-tailed Hawks, ferocious owls( the anti-Hawk I am told) and a "Pie Bald Eagle" or two( thats the real name BTW), waterfowl and chickens catch hell, not to mention unleashed dogs running amok. My favorite animal shelter cat, finally left never to return after He was diagnosed with a tumor, Gary was His name and He never bothered birds, just the big game rabbits and groundhogs, He ate what He caught too.
I had a Siamese (a stray) that hated dogs. If a visitor with a dog entered my place, we always had to rescue the terrified dog. One time I was working under my VW bus, when some little kids went walking by, accompanied by a small dog. Then I heard a little girl say, "Leave my dog alone, you bad cat!" But he loved people, and was very gregarious and affectionate.
We're down to 2 kitty cats now.
I had a Siamese (a stray) that hated dogs. If a visitor with a dog entered my place, we always had to rescue the terrified dog. One time I was working under my VW bus, when some little kids went walking by, accompanied by a small dog. Then I heard a little girl say, "Leave my dog alone, you bad cat!" But he loved people, and was very gregarious and affectionate.
I adopted a foster kitty many moons ago. He was the SPCA floor cat, always roaming around greeting people. They (staff) used him for puppy meets cat introductions. They would fill the puppy corral up with puppies and drop him in. He's quickly put the puppies in their place, and put a extra beating on the hardheaded ones! That was a cool cat.

I had a Siamese as a kid. They have interesting personalities. Mine liked dogs, we had Akita's back in the mid 70's.
Cats kept 100% indoors live on average 10 years longer than ones that roam outdoors. If I let my dogs run loose during the day and they killed a cat people would get upset. But people let their cats run loose and these cats decimate the local bird and reptile population and it is considered "natural" and nothing to complain about. Cats kill more than 300 million birds each year in the USA.

Most bites from animals with rabies are cats which happens far more often than with dogs. Probably because dog owners take responsibility for their pets. Since 1988 cats have been the number one domesticated species transmitting rabies to humans. 53% were from cats as compared to 19% from dogs. Rabies vaccinations to be effective need a booster shot 12 months after the first one and this never happens with TNR cats.

Cats are also carriers and transmit toxoplasmosis to their owners. Toxoplasma gondii protozoan parasite – their oocysts are in cat excrement and can survive for years outdoors. These enter the infected animal’s muscle and nerve tissue and the brain. Toxoplasma gondii is one of the most common parastic infection for humans. It is estimated that 22% of the US population is infected, or more than 60 million people. Infected mothers are 2.7 times more likely to give birth to children that go on to exhibit schizophrenia.
I wish I could let my cat outside. The gophers wreck the landscape. The surrounding gardens suffer huge losses. Gophers are good for nothing. I wish the hawks, bobcats, and mountain lions would pick up the pace a bit, but nnnoooooo. Lazy animals. If I let the cat out, however, I’m pretty sure she will eventually end up on a “cat missing” poster.

There is a funny (not funny) sign that someone used to hang near missing car posters. It says something to the effect of “The larger cats, owls, and hawks have already found your cat.”
Cats kept 100% indoors live on average 10 years longer than ones that roam outdoors. If I let my dogs run loose during the day and they killed a cat people would get upset. But people let their cats run loose and these cats decimate the local bird and reptile population and it is considered "natural" and nothing to complain about. Cats kill more than 300 million birds each year in the USA.

Most bites from animals with rabies are cats which happens far more often than with dogs. Probably because dog owners take responsibility for their pets. Since 1988 cats have been the number one domesticated species transmitting rabies to humans. 53% were from cats as compared to 19% from dogs. Rabies vaccinations to be effective need a booster shot 12 months after the first one and this never happens with TNR cats.

Cats are also carriers and transmit toxoplasmosis to their owners. Toxoplasma gondii protozoan parasite – their oocysts are in cat excrement and can survive for years outdoors. These enter the infected animal’s muscle and nerve tissue and the brain. Toxoplasma gondii is one of the most common parastic infection for humans. It is estimated that 22% of the US population is infected, or more than 60 million people. Infected mothers are 2.7 times more likely to give birth to children that go on to exhibit schizophrenia.
My stepdad picked up four dead birds around their bird feeder today. He says he's constantly having cats stalking the feeders.

There have been a number of reports about bird populations and decimated by cats.
My cats go outside and loaf on the porch. No wandering off anymore, no messing with the bird feeder. I have lazy cats now. Come to think about it they never stalked the birds. We have a feral kitten right now that I had to buy a Super Soaker water cannon for. That kitten is always hanging around the bird feeders.
Cats kept 100% indoors live on average 10 years longer than ones that roam outdoors. If I let my dogs run loose during the day and they killed a cat people would get upset. But people let their cats run loose and these cats decimate the local bird and reptile population and it is considered "natural" and nothing to complain about. Cats kill more than 300 million birds each year in the USA.

Most bites from animals with rabies are cats which happens far more often than with dogs. Probably because dog owners take responsibility for their pets. Since 1988 cats have been the number one domesticated species transmitting rabies to humans. 53% were from cats as compared to 19% from dogs. Rabies vaccinations to be effective need a booster shot 12 months after the first one and this never happens with TNR cats.

Cats are also carriers and transmit toxoplasmosis to their owners. Toxoplasma gondii protozoan parasite – their oocysts are in cat excrement and can survive for years outdoors. These enter the infected animal’s muscle and nerve tissue and the brain. Toxoplasma gondii is one of the most common parastic infection for humans. It is estimated that 22% of the US population is infected, or more than 60 million people. Infected mothers are 2.7 times more likely to give birth to children that go on to exhibit schizophrenia.
when the dog owners take responsibility, the roaming dogs like nothing better than to kill my chickens,nothing worse than a barking dog that wont be still.NO MORE DOGS FOR ME.
I noticed more recent years more neighborhood indoor/outdoor cats ingesting more pesticide or herbicide,
via mouse or insects they capture & eat or just wild plants they chew on.
Also more wild birds & critter die of same causes.
We're really messing up the animals with all the weed killer, turf builder and pesticides & insecticides.
I noticed more recent years more neighborhood indoor/outdoor cats ingesting more pesticide or herbicide,
via mouse or insects they capture & eat or just wild plants they chew on.
Also more wild birds & critter die of same causes.
We're really messing up the animals with all the weed killer, turf builder and pesticides & insecticides.
We have arrived at a place where we don't allow any poison on our property at all. I think Roundup is a truly evil substance.
My dad had an organic garden when I was a teenager. Funny story about it.

After my dad died I lived in the house for awhile and kept the garden up. I had a friend move in to help with bills while the estate got settled. I come home from work one day and my roommate and another friend were sitting on the bench on the porch white as sheets. I ask what was going on because my friends come from a long line of weasels. We won't steal from you but if you leave us alone we will rummage thru your stuff looking for anything to joke you about! My roommate says a box showed up at the house and him and his buddy thought is was something good, like a porno video. So they rip open the box in the living room and what pops out, a bunch of spiders! It was an organic insect fighter kit! You open the box and toss it in the garden like a grenade. It contained spiders and good insect eggs.

It turns out my roommate was terrified of spiders! I refused to spray the house because of their ignorance. It got so bad that I walked thru spider webs nonstop. Go to the bathroom and walk thru a web. Leave the bathroom and walk thru another web. I would catch the spiders and put them outside. I need to go back to the organics as well. Never thought about an animal eating something that was sprayed with RoundUp.
The feral kitty that keeps hanging around has slowly won me over. I need to get it an appointment for shots and get it fixed, not even sure of its sex yet. Anyways, this was the cat that got the Super Soaker treatment when we first met. I named it Socks, or Sox, because the tips of its feet are a different color. Yarg, our mean but lazy cat HATES Sox. TopHat also doesn't care for it either. Cats are weird but smart.
We have a cat that a tourist lost a couple of years ago while getting gas in Palm Springs on his way out of town. He stayed in town and looked for the cat for 2 extra days. The cat ended up under a mobile home near one of our friends. He started feeding it and asked us if we wanted it. He said it was a young female. Well, we took it to the vet and had it checked for a chip-no chip but it was a year and a half old male! We had named the cat Cowgirl. She is still Cowgirl and comes when you call him/her. (we are in Palm Springs so she/he fits right in) The kicker to the long story (sorry) is that upon taking the cat for her vet checkup a few months back, we asked about getting her chipped-from the same Vet outfit that told us there was no chip. He was chipped all along, they said they occasionally miss the chip. We were able to track down the old owner (in Indiana) and offered the cat back or whatever he would like to do. Of course we have grown quite fond of the cat, but were ready to ship him or even fly him home. The owner thought about it for a few days and then called us back and said for us to keep him.
And life goes on....
I have a pet cat, dozens of pet spiders and a plant. 😂


PCebiker, you need a catnip plant to go with your plant. I take great pride in growing catnip plants. Its weird that I don't really do anything that alters my reality myself but my cats get catnip highs on a regular basis. But that is a handsome plant you have there, and the cat as well. My friend grew magic mushrooms and said it was like watching paint grow. Took so long for results to grow.