Old Newby

The brake fluid flush worked like a charm and wasn't too difficult. Much easier than on my motorcycles. Now I'm just waiting for the ice on the streets to melt so I can get to riding. That should happen sometime in March. AlanDB, how does your wife like the trike? I was thinking of getting one for my wife but she rode a motorized one years ago and tipped it over when turning too sharp. Now she feels that trikes are too unstable for her. Has your wife had any issues with hers?
Hi there. After 60 years on motorcycles (I'm 75) But the way I see it, if I'm lucky, I have about ten years of life left. I'm not going to spend it wishing I was outside, on two wheels.
Welcome to the forum! I really believe that once you get into a routine of riding your ebike and that you consistently stay with it, that you will be able to UP that 10 year life expectancy to 15 plus years. At a minimum, your cardiac system is going to thank you for getting that ebike! :)
The brake fluid flush worked like a charm and wasn't too difficult. Much easier than on my motorcycles. Now I'm just waiting for the ice on the streets to melt so I can get to riding. That should happen sometime in March. AlanDB, how does your wife like the trike? I was thinking of getting one for my wife but she rode a motorized one years ago and tipped it over when turning too sharp. Now she feels that trikes are too unstable for her. Has your wife had any issues with hers?
My wife loves her Evelo Compass trike and has a little over 1000 miles on it now. She has never had a fall with it, but like all upright trikes it has a fairly high center of gravity. So she learned early on to slow down when turning. It tops out at about 15 or 16 mph which is plenty fast for a trike. I purchased a second battery to improve the range (the Compass came prewired for 2 batteries). We seldom go on rides longer than 25 or 30 miles, so range hasn't been an issue with the 2 batteries, even when she does frequent use of the throttle. My only criticism of the Compass is that it uses cadence rather torque sensing for the assist. With a mid drive motor, I think they should have engineered torque sensing into the controller. Also, the rear fenders are flimsy and cheap looking, but they do work for controlling splatter.