Old Newby


New Member
Hi there. After 60 years on motorcycles (I'm 75) I had my first real crash on my dirt bike. The result? My doctor and my wife say no more motorcycles. So I just bought a Cyrusher Kommoda that should arrive mid week. My wife says I'm cheating and the ebike is just as dangerous as the motorcycles. But the way I see it, if I'm lucky, I have about ten years of life left. I'm not going to spend it wishing I was outside, on two wheels. Besides, I fullfilled my promise to stop riding motorcycles, didn't I?
I have always found owners forums extremely helpfull in maintaining my bikes and I'm so glad I found this site. I'm sure I'll learn a lot from you folks as this will be my first foray into the ebike world. Thanks for having me.
73 here. I sold my last motorcycle a few years ago because I just lost interest in riding it. I bought a Rad Rover in 2020 and found I love riding it. In 2021 I added a Rad Mini as it's much easier to transport if I want to ride a ways from home. Of the two though I like the Rover much better. Since the components
are basically the the same the reason is that I like the 26" wheels much better that the 20" on the mini.
Almost 76. I say go for it. I've told everyone that I'd rather drop dead doing something than sitting in a rocking chair.
Motorcycles since 65 but arthritis changed that couple years ago.
Bought my first ebike and it is so much fun. Wish I had bought a mini screamer but maybe next year.
This forum is great. Just ask for help and follow-up with what you did. Lots and lots of stuff I never knew.
Welcome to the forums.
I'm age 72. The only fall off a bike that broke something was at age 67, 25 mph, hit my chin. Now I wear a helmet with a chin guard, a fox rampage. https://www.modernbike.com/s?search=fox+rampage Nicely ventilated. You can alternately stay below 15 mph.
No road rash in that fall, I was wearing long sleeve long pant dickies polyester, $1 polyester gloves, walking shoes.
I ride 70% without power, > 20 miles per week, 70 in the summer. The cardiologist before my shoulder surgery said my heart "had nothing wrong with it". Power is for headwinds >12 mph or hills more than 60.
Enjoy the ride.
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indianjo, good plan... except the fall..:)
I ride with the least PAS or no PAS. I've not used throttle yet but I will when I hit my limit.
I go slower then most but I'm in it for the pleasure. I consider myself very lucky to be able to keep riding at my age and hope to continue for as long as I can.
D. You welcome. Your right. It is an adventure and great exercise.
You guys make me feel like a wimp. I'm 62, and bought an ebike to help with hills, headwinds, and fatigue. Should have waited 10 years. 😁
Welcome to the 70s crowd. Former Vespa and offroad motorcycle rider here too.
Days when I’m to shaky for two wheels I have the trike option. There’s no better feeling than riding in the open air. 50 years of helmetless riding ended after a bell ringer head slap 2 years ago. Being less than able I often ride to far and throttle home. On really rough days I’d rather throttle around town than bother with the cage. Actually I rarely if ever drive.
Procreator.... Not a wimp. Hills are tough on anyone but add headwind and it gets tiring really quick. I dislike them both but it's part of the adventure.
Adventures come in many forms:)
Me... I've always liked riding in the rain??? What's up with that?? Not with an ebke and not fun on a motorcycle. Not many people out when it rains? :)
Keep the adventures going and the memories fresh!
tomjasz... funny. Never thought of it as the 70's crowd but you pretty right on. Just go to show you, your never to old for an adventure and going around in a cage is not an adventure.
I've seen more cool things on a motorcycle and more of my own neighborhood than ever before. Another adventure.
Whenever I have to take the truck in for fix'n, I take the bike with me and ride home. And they still ask me if I need a ride home. They just don't get it...... guess they ain't 70's yet...:)
What's everyone riding and why did you choose it?
Trick question.... is your bike perfect?
My bike won't be here until tomorrow, so yeah, it's perfect so far. In all the daydreaming of the fun I'm going to have, there are absolutely no problems. Of course, the reality of ebike ownership will change those "perfect" dreams into flat tires, electrical issues, broken parts, etc. The perfect bike exists only in the mind of the one waiting for the adventure to start. As for the model I chose, it's the Kommoda from Cyrusher. I bought this for the ease of access and the reported comfort. These old bones need all the cushioning they can get.
What's everyone riding and why did you choose it?
Trick question.... is your bike perfect?
The previous 3 bikes, 2 MTB and one cruiser, snapped the front wheel sideways, bucked, & threw me on my chin. 5 times since 2008. This stretch frame yuba bodaboda hasn't done that in 9000 miles 4 1/2 years. The frame is made for short legs & arms, and fits me. The cargo capacity carries a week's groceries or 60+ lb of ag supplies for my summer camp. Plus enough tubes, tools, a tire, to cover most problems since I ride weekly off the edge of cellphone coverage. Wife's car couldn't carry it anyway.
I could use a suspension post and further back handlebars, but those posts are odd sized to save weight & won't allow substitution. After 9000 miles the rear derailleur has stuck in 3rd + 4th sprockets and won't upshift from 1st or second if I use those speeds. New SRAM derailleur, takeup, slick stainless cable, + jaguar cable housing haven't fixed it.
The Mac12t 1000 w hub motor with 45 A controller was perfect, but the pins were too close together and rain burnt them off in 7/2021. That combo could start me + 60 lb groceries up a 15% grade without my help. I can't buy that anymore in the US. 500 w 10t bafang salvage motor with 10 A controller is pretty wimpy, requires intense help from my legs up even 12% grades. 25 A controller I bought is too long to fit under the seat. I burnt a 500 w bafang motor on the 68th hill this summer, and had to quit riding the safe back road to my summer property. Ste Hwy 3 is much flatter. I still have 3 500 w bafang motors left I bought for $36 ea.
dedsled.. Nice specs on your bike. Hope it works and rides perfect for you.

After throwing the spreadsheet away and reevaluating what I wanted I bought the Ride1Up LMT'D. This is a torque sensor bike which is what I was looking for.
It had good reports and is spec'd good. I did have some issues but they were all minor. Customer service is outstanding, one of the reasons I chose it. They offered to help but everything was so minor I just fixed it myself. No big problems which I'm grateful for. Is it perfect.... no. Can it be made better... yes. Not a lot of accessories for this bike yet.
indianajo.. what a beast the yoba must have been. 15% hills... I can't imagine any bike going up it. You do put a lot of miles on your bikes.
I'm just started riding again after many years of working then retirement and physical falling apart. Working around all that and getting out more and enjoying every minute.
Congrats on bike(s) and be safe.
75 and been riding my Gazelle ebike for 4 years now, and looking forward to next spring so I can start year 5 of ebiking! My wife is 78 and after several falls with her 2-wheel ebike a couple of years ago, we "upgraded" her to an e-trike and she still goes on most rides with me. We are very thankful that our local governments keep adding, improving and maintaining wonderful bike trails in our area. In fact, by next spring we will be able to safely access the local trail system from our home with only a few blocks of street riding on quiet residential streets. By not having to transport our bikes we plan to ride even more often than we have been doing. So we both plan to keep riding as long as we can. Go for it!
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Well, my views on the "perfect bike" have proven to be true. The Kommoda was perfect during the easy assembly and looked great when I had it all put together. Lucky I checked the brakes before heading off for my first ride. The brakes do not work. When squeezed, both levers touch the handlebars before the brakes are engaged. I can pump the levers until I get a little stopping power, which seems to indicate air in the hydrolic brake lines. In fact, it seems there is more air than fluid. The brake bleeding kit I ordered won't be here until Tuesday, so I'm stuck for now. But I'm sure once I get the brakes taken care of, the bike will be perfect :rolleyes:.
Sorry to hear your having problems. Doesn't sound like a big problem but both brakes sounds odd.
My rear brake did the same thing when it arrived. Somewhere I found out there is an adjustment screw for the lever throw. If yours has one you can try that as a temp fix. Bleeding is the next step and I to need to do it just to make sure there is no air in the lines.
Good luck