Ok: 'Fess up.

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Well-Known Member
Kitsap Co, WA
Just out of curiosity, how many of you stayed home and had Thanksgiving with your immediate bubble, and how many of you had Thanksgiving with people outside of your bubble?
Just out of curiosity, how many of you stayed home and had Thanksgiving with your immediate bubble, and how many of you had Thanksgiving with people outside of your bubble?
We stayed home but did host our single daughter. She's been working from home for weeks with the usual minimal outside contacts. Hopefully this works out for the 3 of us.

Our twin sons and their familes live nearby but agreed that we shouldn't get together this year as did my step mother who also lives nearby. Our oldest son and his family live ~2-1/2 hours north of us. They stayed home as well.

Looking forward to a better 2021. 😔
Just out of curiosity, how many of you stayed home and had Thanksgiving with your immediate bubble, and how many of you had Thanksgiving with people outside of your bubble?
GF and I went to the Club and dined by ourselves. We also wore our masks whenever the server approached the table. My kids and granddaughter live 15 miles away buy we did not combine...

We were invited to a friend's place with a few other couples our age (all good friends) for a super deluxe meal prepared by a chef, but we begged off. Just the wife and I by ourselves here too. We both enjoy cooking, so we had one heck of a turkey dinner. What a feast! We did a breast and kept the amounts to a minimum so we didn't get stuck eating leftovers for weeks.
Chez' !
Me - retired - wife on unpaid leave, home eating chicken taking every precaution because:
Our government has failed us and will cancel everything by Sunday because the election is not over.
We were invited to a friend's place with a few other couples our age (all good friends) for a super deluxe meal prepared by a chef, but we begged off. Just the wife and I by ourselves here too. We both enjoy cooking, so we had one heck of a turkey dinner. What a feast! We did a breast and kept the amounts to a minimum so we didn't get stuck eating leftovers for weeks.
I honestly didn't miss my Grandsons as much as I missed the leftover turkey. Zoom helps a bit with the kids. My other daughter and my should be a son in law disagree. They went ahead with the turkey even though they ate alone, and had 15 cups of leftover turkey ... 😳
We stayed home and had duck. My mother made herself a steak in her retirement home and we zoomed a little with her. Not very satisfying. But we've all had decades and decades of Thanksgivings - - Christmases, too for that matter. Not worth losing all the rest of our Thanksgivings and Christmases to come, so it's OK.
We went for a hike with the soon to be in-laws. Had a picnic thanksgiving supper afterwards, every group at their own table. 30-degree Minnesota afternoon. yes it was cold.
Hubby and I stayed home. Had roasted chicken from super market and his favorite cheesecake.
However we have a couple friends who continue to entertain and socialize as before covid. They say it’s ok because they “know them”. I certainly don’t get the logic in that attitude. And the virus certainly does care who you know!!
Hubby and I stayed home. Had roasted chicken from super market and his favorite cheesecake.
However we have a couple friends who continue to entertain and socialize as before covid. They say it’s ok because they “know them”. I certainly don’t get the logic in that attitude. And the virus certainly does care who you know!!
As long as you know anyone, it's happy. It doesn't seem to like hermits like me very much. I haven't been within 4 or 5 foot of anyone except my wife since maybe last Jan. And that's not too unusual for me.
We usually host around 12 friends & family for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. Bought two 15 pound turkeys over the summer when the virus was on the decline. It was just the wife and I for Thanksgiving and it will likely be the same for Christmas. We'll be having turkey leftovers well into the new year.

I've heard it said that 2020 will be written into the history books as a four letter word. Personally, I think it will be written up as a whole string of expletives.
We usually host around 12 friends & family for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. Bought two 15 pound turkeys over the summer when the virus was on the decline. It was just the wife and I for Thanksgiving and it will likely be the same for Christmas. We'll be having turkey leftovers well into the new year.

I've heard it said that 2020 will be written into the history books as a four letter word. Personally, I think it will be written up as a whole string of expletives.
2020 is now a verb. "I got 2020 ed" = "I got sc***ed" on some forums. Recipies for turkey sausage, turkey pie, turkey omletes, curried turkey will fill the cookbooks ... if anyone still buys cookbooks. At least we are't in the travel and hotel industry.
Just out of curiosity, how many of you stayed home and had Thanksgiving with your immediate bubble, and how many of you had Thanksgiving with people outside of your bubble?
Just the two of us. Usual plans canceled and same for Xmas. Personally prefer masks,distancing,and isolation over death or killing someone else especially when really good vaccines are only a few months away.
We didn't gather for Thanksgiving either. Some of us that were a little 'younger' thought it might be possible, but thought better if we all couldn't join in it was better to not meet at all.

People are suffering that aren't sick. It can be a lonely time of year; add the pandemic to the mix.... I lost a friend a couple weeks ago to suicide. His business suffered, his family suffered and I guess he couldn't take it. Last July a friend of a friend committed suicide after her husband died through complications from covid. And I have another friend who lost his wife after covid complications and her heart disease. My mother in law died a week and a half ago with a kidney infection.

Check on your friends and neighbors this winter. I hope everyone has a safe, healthy and peaceful holiday season.
I cooked a small turkey on Wednesday, and my wife and I had leftover Turkey on Thabksgiving Day, I recall it was a sunny but cool day, and we did an hour of ebiking around 1 PM,

A sobering stat is that 1 out of 1000 people in Illinois has died of Covid so far in 2020. I knew two of them, It should be pointed out that normally 11 out of 1000 die here anyway. But now it's 12 out of 1000 overall.

We had talked about seeing the grandkid at Xmas, but decided we can wait til Easter.
My wife and I are in a pod of 3. Our friend sees and does nothing more than we do....go to grocery store and pharmacy. My son was furious with us that we went to his condo for dinner. I am not sure how safe that is, but it allows the tiniest bit of socializing. BTW, the leg of lamb and the drunken cranberries were delish. Better news, the Allant 7 lowstep arrived at the dealer today. Am trying it on for size in AM. Will be able to discuss stem and handlebar modification.
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