Ok: 'Fess up.

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No turkey for me! I can't even stand the smell of it cooking. I learned to hate the damned beasts as a teen when I worked part time on a turkey farm...filthy disgusting animals.

Ok ... that is my disclaimer ... I actually wish I liked turkey as it is healthy protein, but because of my distaste for it, we never have it for holiday meals so we don't have the problem of excess leftovers during this COVID year, that is a good thing. ;)
I was thinking of you this morning Alan when I took these:

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They are part of a group of at least 50 that have been hanging around the place for the last few days. For some reason, they seem used to us and don't move far when approached. We don't feed them but they like the small driveway stones for their gizzards. Wild turkeys tend to gather in large groups this time of year and we've seen over a hundred on occasion.

Sometimes I think we're running a turkey farm here. We're wasting our money buying frozen birds for the holidays! :)
No reason to believe any of talking heads to see that even if they are as full of it as usual, the masks, social distancing, and travel bans are Better Than Nothing
I’ll have to respectfully disagree. I do mean respectfully because I value dialog and diversity of thought. I am sympathetic to the sentiment of “something is better than nothing”. However, I think there are hidden costs for these mandates that are verboten to discuss. I will discuss some of them at my peril.

Before I do so, I think it is important for me to say that I believe all of us assess the various risks in our lives every day and make choices based upon our acceptance of risk. The risks around covid that I have weighed go something like this:

The disease has a survivability rate similar to the flu. I am more likely to catch this disease than the flu due to it being a novel virus. Medical experts have said that most of the US population will catch it at some point. I am in moderately good health. I have chosen my actions based upon those factors and the fact that a very large number of our leaders who claim this virus is deadly are behaving like it isn’t. Now on to the forbidden discussion on the hidden costs of our Pandemic Protection Prescriptions:

I am dubious as to how effective the masks are. Non-mask wearing and low-compliant places haven’t fared worse than mask-wearing places. I can see how wearing a 50 micron cloth mask might help in some instances but I really don’t think it is very much protection and I don’t think most people are capable of using them properly (touching them, fiddling with them, mask riding below their noses, etc).

What are the hidden costs of mask wearing? I have noticed a lot less eye contact and social interaction among strangers. It was common in my area to say hello and interact with strangers before mask wearing became a thing. I miss that and I think it is very negative for our culture. I suspect that people see strangers wearing masks as something other than a fellow human when they run into one another in a store. We are also missing a lot of non-verbal cues that we use to communicate with one another when we cannot see one another’s faces. I also think that anonymity encourages bad behavior (think: how people behave in traffic and on Twitter).

I think that social distancing can be helpful to an extent. I am sure that staying 6 feet away from someone who is sick certainly decreases the likelihood of transmission of the illness. However, isolating completely from loved ones causes awful stress and poor mental wellbeing. I have multiple friends who are in poor physical health because of mental stress from loneliness. My friend’s wife is losing hair and cries daily because she hasn’t been closer than 15 feet to her 78 year old dad in 9 MONTHS. I cannot imagine how awful it would be if I hadn’t hugged my 74 year old dad since February (he has chosen not to self-isolate). People are literally killing themselves due to isolation.

Travel restrictions can be helpful for slowing the spread of a virus from hotspots. However, the biggest effect of our “lockdowns” is the destruction of our economy. I read a statistic that 82% of people don’t have the money to pay for a $500 emergency. That is up 60% from pre-Covid. There are millions of people close to losing their homes and/or jobs. The result is that those people are under a tremendous amount of psychological and emotional stress. We have had an increase in substance abuse and mental health issues as a result of the destruction of our economy.

I know people who have been homeless, who cannot afford to fix the broken transmission in their car, who pray that they can afford to pay their water bill. Most of them are “essential workers” who don’t have the luxury of not working. They count on the economy to do well so that they can earn a living. The economy isn’t doing well and it isn’t likely to recover for a decade or longer.

Thank you all for reading my perspective and rationale for my actions. I believe that rational and reasonable people can come to different conclusions on topics without one party acting in bad faith or being dumb or uneducated.
I’ll have to respectfully disagree. I do mean respectfully because I value dialog and diversity of thought. I am sympathetic to the sentiment of “something is better than nothing”. However, I think there are hidden costs for these mandates that are verboten to discuss. I will discuss some of them at my peril.

Before I do so, I think it is important for me to say that I believe all of us assess the various risks in our lives every day and make choices based upon our acceptance of risk. The risks around covid that I have weighed go something like this:

The disease has a survivability rate similar to the flu. I am more likely to catch this disease than the flu due to it being a novel virus. Medical experts have said that most of the US population will catch it at some point. I am in moderately good health. I have chosen my actions based upon those factors and the fact that a very large number of our leaders who claim this virus is deadly are behaving like it isn’t. Now on to the forbidden discussion on the hidden costs of our Pandemic Protection Prescriptions:

I am dubious as to how effective the masks are. Non-mask wearing and low-compliant places haven’t fared worse than mask-wearing places. I can see how wearing a 50 micron cloth mask might help in some instances but I really don’t think it is very much protection and I don’t think most people are capable of using them properly (touching them, fiddling with them, mask riding below their noses, etc).

What are the hidden costs of mask wearing? I have noticed a lot less eye contact and social interaction among strangers. It was common in my area to say hello and interact with strangers before mask wearing became a thing. I miss that and I think it is very negative for our culture. I suspect that people see strangers wearing masks as something other than a fellow human when they run into one another in a store. We are also missing a lot of non-verbal cues that we use to communicate with one another when we cannot see one another’s faces. I also think that anonymity encourages bad behavior (think: how people behave in traffic and on Twitter).

I think that social distancing can be helpful to an extent. I am sure that staying 6 feet away from someone who is sick certainly decreases the likelihood of transmission of the illness. However, isolating completely from loved ones causes awful stress and poor mental wellbeing. I have multiple friends who are in poor physical health because of mental stress from loneliness. My friend’s wife is losing hair and cries daily because she hasn’t been closer than 15 feet to her 78 year old dad in 9 MONTHS. I cannot imagine how awful it would be if I hadn’t hugged my 74 year old dad since February (he has chosen not to self-isolate). People are literally killing themselves due to isolation.

Travel restrictions can be helpful for slowing the spread of a virus from hotspots. However, the biggest effect of our “lockdowns” is the destruction of our economy. I read a statistic that 82% of people don’t have the money to pay for a $500 emergency. That is up 60% from pre-Covid. There are millions of people close to losing their homes and/or jobs. The result is that those people are under a tremendous amount of psychological and emotional stress. We have had an increase in substance abuse and mental health issues as a result of the destruction of our economy.

I know people who have been homeless, who cannot afford to fix the broken transmission in their car, who pray that they can afford to pay their water bill. Most of them are “essential workers” who don’t have the luxury of not working. They count on the economy to do well so that they can earn a living. The economy isn’t doing well and it isn’t likely to recover for a decade or longer.

Thank you all for reading my perspective and rationale for my actions. I believe that rational and reasonable people can come to different conclusions on topics without one party acting in bad faith or being dumb or uneducated.
"The disease has a survivability rate similar to the flu." When was the last year that the flu killed over 280,000 Americans and counting in a single year?
"The disease has a survivability rate similar to the flu." When was the last year that the flu killed over 280,000 Americans and counting in a single year?
The rate I mentioned refers to the percentage. More total number of deaths is due to more people catching the disease because it is a novel virus. I accounted for that in my risk assessment.
The rate I mentioned refers to the percentage. More total number of deaths is due to more people catching the disease because it is a novel virus. I accounted for that in my risk assessment.
As to the flu the CDC estimates 9-45 million cases and 12,000-61,000 deaths per year since 2010. As to covid so far we have about 16 million cases so far and about 290,000 deaths. So the number of covid cases so far are on the lower end compared to the flu but deaths are are nearly 5 times higher than the highest highest end of flu deaths.
I’ll have to respectfully disagree. I do mean respectfully because I value dialog and diversity of thought. I am sympathetic to the sentiment of “something is better than nothing”. However, I think there are hidden costs for these mandates that are verboten to discuss. I will discuss some of them at my peril.

Before I do so, I think it is important for me to say that I believe all of us assess the various risks in our lives every day and make choices based upon our acceptance of risk. The risks around covid that I have weighed go something like this:

The disease has a survivability rate similar to the flu. I am more likely to catch this disease than the flu due to it being a novel virus. Medical experts have said that most of the US population will catch it at some point. I am in moderately good health. I have chosen my actions based upon those factors and the fact that a very large number of our leaders who claim this virus is deadly are behaving like it isn’t. Now on to the forbidden discussion on the hidden costs of our Pandemic Protection Prescriptions:

I am dubious as to how effective the masks are. Non-mask wearing and low-compliant places haven’t fared worse than mask-wearing places. I can see how wearing a 50 micron cloth mask might help in some instances but I really don’t think it is very much protection and I don’t think most people are capable of using them properly (touching them, fiddling with them, mask riding below their noses, etc).

What are the hidden costs of mask wearing? I have noticed a lot less eye contact and social interaction among strangers. It was common in my area to say hello and interact with strangers before mask wearing became a thing. I miss that and I think it is very negative for our culture. I suspect that people see strangers wearing masks as something other than a fellow human when they run into one another in a store. We are also missing a lot of non-verbal cues that we use to communicate with one another when we cannot see one another’s faces. I also think that anonymity encourages bad behavior (think: how people behave in traffic and on Twitter).

I think that social distancing can be helpful to an extent. I am sure that staying 6 feet away from someone who is sick certainly decreases the likelihood of transmission of the illness. However, isolating completely from loved ones causes awful stress and poor mental wellbeing. I have multiple friends who are in poor physical health because of mental stress from loneliness. My friend’s wife is losing hair and cries daily because she hasn’t been closer than 15 feet to her 78 year old dad in 9 MONTHS. I cannot imagine how awful it would be if I hadn’t hugged my 74 year old dad since February (he has chosen not to self-isolate). People are literally killing themselves due to isolation.

Travel restrictions can be helpful for slowing the spread of a virus from hotspots. However, the biggest effect of our “lockdowns” is the destruction of our economy. I read a statistic that 82% of people don’t have the money to pay for a $500 emergency. That is up 60% from pre-Covid. There are millions of people close to losing their homes and/or jobs. The result is that those people are under a tremendous amount of psychological and emotional stress. We have had an increase in substance abuse and mental health issues as a result of the destruction of our economy.

I know people who have been homeless, who cannot afford to fix the broken transmission in their car, who pray that they can afford to pay their water bill. Most of them are “essential workers” who don’t have the luxury of not working. They count on the economy to do well so that they can earn a living. The economy isn’t doing well and it isn’t likely to recover for a decade or longer.

Thank you all for reading my perspective and rationale for my actions. I believe that rational and reasonable people can come to different conclusions on topics without one party acting in bad faith or being dumb or uneducated.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but attempting to justify that opinion is another issue.
FWIW, here are my comments on your perspective:

"The disease has a survivability rate similar to the flu. I am more likely to catch this disease than the flu due to it being a novel virus. Medical experts have said that most of the US population will catch it at some point. I am in moderately good health. I have chosen my actions based upon those factors"
This is all about you and ignores the effect your actions might have on others. You may transmit the virus without showing symptoms yourself.

"A very large number of our leaders who claim this virus is deadly are behaving like it isn’t."
The percentage of irresponsible leaders & politicians is roughly proportional to that of the general public. Their assessment of the situation is questionable at best.

"I am dubious as to how effective the masks are."
If masks offer even a minor degree of protection, they are worth wearing. This is the reason heath care professionals have been using them for many years pre Covid.

"What are the hidden costs of mask wearing? I have noticed a lot less eye contact and social interaction among strangers. It was common in my area to say hello and interact with strangers before mask wearing became a thing. I miss that and I think it is very negative for our culture. I suspect that people see strangers wearing masks as something other than a fellow human when they run into one another in a store. We are also missing a lot of non-verbal cues that we use to communicate with one another when we cannot see one another’s faces. I also think that anonymity encourages bad behavior."
This is a valid point, however I believe our society can deal with this relatively short term issue without any long term effects.

"My friend’s wife is losing hair and cries daily because she hasn’t been closer than 15 feet to her 78 year old dad in 9 MONTHS. I cannot imagine how awful it would be if I hadn’t hugged my 74 year old dad since February (he has chosen not to self-isolate). People are literally killing themselves due to isolation."
How will you and your friend's wife feel if that hug infected your loved one? Wouldn't it be wiser to wait a few more months? Otherwise, there is a chance, albeit a small one, that your loved ones won't be around to ever hug again. You seem to ignore the fact that your actions could infect many others as well, whom you don't even know. (or care?)

"The economy isn’t doing well and it isn’t likely to recover for a decade or longer."
While certain sectors of the economy have indeed been negatively affected by Covid, keep in mind the Dow exceeded 30,000 for the first time in history. Yes, many people are suffering economically but how much worse would their suffering be if all Covid restrictions were ignored? The economy suffered a far worse fate from the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic which killed 50 million people wordwide.

To repeat, you are entitled to your opinion but NOT to act in a way that may cause harm to someone else.
My wife and I traveled to Washington, DC to spend Thanksgiving with my niece. Her ex-husband had her 4 kids for the holidays and she couldn't travel due to the mayor's quarantine order...an order that the mayor exempted herself from. I cooked a turkey and did a week's worth of honey-do list items.

I can appreciate that many of you are in a vulnerable age group. I think that voluntarily quarantining if you are older or have co-morbidites is probably a good idea. I am 48 and in fair shape. I am accepting the risks associated with being alive and living a life. I may come to regret it but I am not interested in living in fear.

I have come to the conclusion that if the people who swear that we need these lock-downs and masks don't comply with their own prescriptions, it must be because they do not believe them. The list of these people is long and not confined to a single "whoops, I made a mistake and left my mask in the car". In short if they don't believe it, I don't believe it.

I’ll have to respectfully disagree. I do mean respectfully because I value dialog and diversity of thought. I am sympathetic to the sentiment of “something is better than nothing”. However, I think there are hidden costs for these mandates that are verboten to discuss. I will discuss some of them at my peril.

Before I do so, I think it is important for me to say that I believe all of us assess the various risks in our lives every day and make choices based upon our acceptance of risk. The risks around covid that I have weighed go something like this:

The disease has a survivability rate similar to the flu. I am more likely to catch this disease than the flu due to it being a novel virus. Medical experts have said that most of the US population will catch it at some point. I am in moderately good health. I have chosen my actions based upon those factors and the fact that a very large number of our leaders who claim this virus is deadly are behaving like it isn’t. Now on to the forbidden discussion on the hidden costs of our Pandemic Protection Prescriptions:

I am dubious as to how effective the masks are. Non-mask wearing and low-compliant places haven’t fared worse than mask-wearing places. I can see how wearing a 50 micron cloth mask might help in some instances but I really don’t think it is very much protection and I don’t think most people are capable of using them properly (touching them, fiddling with them, mask riding below their noses, etc).

What are the hidden costs of mask wearing? I have noticed a lot less eye contact and social interaction among strangers. It was common in my area to say hello and interact with strangers before mask wearing became a thing. I miss that and I think it is very negative for our culture. I suspect that people see strangers wearing masks as something other than a fellow human when they run into one another in a store. We are also missing a lot of non-verbal cues that we use to communicate with one another when we cannot see one another’s faces. I also think that anonymity encourages bad behavior (think: how people behave in traffic and on Twitter).

I think that social distancing can be helpful to an extent. I am sure that staying 6 feet away from someone who is sick certainly decreases the likelihood of transmission of the illness. However, isolating completely from loved ones causes awful stress and poor mental wellbeing. I have multiple friends who are in poor physical health because of mental stress from loneliness. My friend’s wife is losing hair and cries daily because she hasn’t been closer than 15 feet to her 78 year old dad in 9 MONTHS. I cannot imagine how awful it would be if I hadn’t hugged my 74 year old dad since February (he has chosen not to self-isolate). People are literally killing themselves due to isolation.

Travel restrictions can be helpful for slowing the spread of a virus from hotspots. However, the biggest effect of our “lockdowns” is the destruction of our economy. I read a statistic that 82% of people don’t have the money to pay for a $500 emergency. That is up 60% from pre-Covid. There are millions of people close to losing their homes and/or jobs. The result is that those people are under a tremendous amount of psychological and emotional stress. We have had an increase in substance abuse and mental health issues as a result of the destruction of our economy.

I know people who have been homeless, who cannot afford to fix the broken transmission in their car, who pray that they can afford to pay their water bill. Most of them are “essential workers” who don’t have the luxury of not working. They count on the economy to do well so that they can earn a living. The economy isn’t doing well and it isn’t likely to recover for a decade or longer.

Thank you all for reading my perspective and rationale for my actions. I believe that rational and reasonable people can come to different conclusions on topics without one party acting in bad faith or being dumb or uneducated.
I value dialogue, too... But on this subject, I value the opinions of those who are actually experts (infectious disease specialists, epidemiologists, scientists) over those of people who are not. Despite the irresponsible actions of some so-called leaders, and the rationalizations of those who believe they know something experts don't, I'll continue to mask, social distance and hand wash as recommended.

My sister, who is a Covid ICU nurse in the Orlando area, reports almost daily on the explosion of cases there. They had to open up a third ICU to try to manage the number of new cases. The patients are younger - 30s to 50s. And not a small number of them are dying. People are waiting in the ER 3-4 days just to get a hospital bed. There is nowhere else to send patients because all the other hospitals are full. She is exhausted and near the breaking point, but there is no extra staff available. And, this is all because people refused to comply with the simple steps that would have prevented this level of spread - and because people chose to travel and gather over Thanksgiving.

A doctor friend near Dallas, TX, reports similar conditions.

This is not the flu. Infection and hospitalization rates per capita are not the same in States that did nothing as they are in States that took the threat seriously. Protective measures would work, if everyone observed them. The economy would have been affected less negatively, and could have recovered more if everyone had observed them. We would not be in the crisis we are now, if everyone had observed them.

I sincerely hope you did not expose or infect your niece and her children.
I value dialogue, too... But on this subject, I value the opinions of those who are actually experts (infectious disease specialists, epidemiologists, scientists) over those of people who are not. Despite the irresponsible actions of some so-called leaders, and the rationalizations of those who believe they know something experts don't, I'll continue to mask, social distance and hand wash as recommended.

My sister, who is a Covid ICU nurse in the Orlando area, reports almost daily on the explosion of cases there. They had to open up a third ICU to try to manage the number of new cases. The patients are younger - 30s to 50s. And not a small number of them are dying. People are waiting in the ER 3-4 days just to get a hospital bed. There is nowhere else to send patients because all the other hospitals are full. She is exhausted and near the breaking point, but there is no extra staff available. And, this is all because people refused to comply with the simple steps that would have prevented this level of spread - and because people chose to travel and gather over Thanksgiving.

A doctor friend near Dallas, TX, reports similar conditions.

This is not the flu. Infection and hospitalization rates per capita are not the same in States that did nothing as they are in States that took the threat seriously. Protective measures would work, if everyone observed them. The economy would have been affected less negatively, and could have recovered more if everyone had observed them. We would not be in the crisis we are now, if everyone had observed them.

I sincerely hope you did not expose or infect your niece and her children.
Also, if it were me sharing custody of children and I discovered that my ex had entertained visitors from a "hot" area, I would be keeping my kids for an extra 14 days to ensure their, my own, and anyoneI may have to interact with's safety.
I am dubious as to how effective the masks are. Non-mask wearing and low-compliant places haven’t fared worse than mask-wearing places. I can see how wearing a 50 micron cloth mask might help in some instances but I really don’t think it is very much protection and I don’t think most people are capable of using them properly (touching them, fiddling with them, mask riding below their noses, etc).
The kindest, most generous, and most loving word in the English language is "look!"

Look at the numbers from South Korea, Japan, and the United States:
CountryPopulationTotal CasesNew Cases 9-DEC-2020
South Korea51.64MM40098666
United States328.2MM15.77MM220601

It is hard to explain those numbers without considering the fact that wearing a mask in public is common and widely accepted in South Korea and Japan, to the point you are kind of weird if you go on public transportation without a mask.
I’ll have to respectfully disagree. I do mean respectfully because I value dialog and diversity of thought. I am sympathetic to the sentiment of “something is better than nothing”. However, I think there are hidden costs for these mandates that are verboten to discuss. I will discuss some of them at my peril.

Before I do so, I think it is important for me to say that I believe all of us assess the various risks in our lives every day and make choices based upon our acceptance of risk. The risks around covid that I have weighed go something like this:

The disease has a survivability rate similar to the flu. I am more likely to catch this disease than the flu due to it being a novel virus. Medical experts have said that most of the US population will catch it at some point. I am in moderately good health. I have chosen my actions based upon those factors and the fact that a very large number of our leaders who claim this virus is deadly are behaving like it isn’t. Now on to the forbidden discussion on the hidden costs of our Pandemic Protection Prescriptions:

I am dubious as to how effective the masks are. Non-mask wearing and low-compliant places haven’t fared worse than mask-wearing places. I can see how wearing a 50 micron cloth mask might help in some instances but I really don’t think it is very much protection and I don’t think most people are capable of using them properly (touching them, fiddling with them, mask riding below their noses, etc).

What are the hidden costs of mask wearing? I have noticed a lot less eye contact and social interaction among strangers. It was common in my area to say hello and interact with strangers before mask wearing became a thing. I miss that and I think it is very negative for our culture. I suspect that people see strangers wearing masks as something other than a fellow human when they run into one another in a store. We are also missing a lot of non-verbal cues that we use to communicate with one another when we cannot see one another’s faces. I also think that anonymity encourages bad behavior (think: how people behave in traffic and on Twitter).

I think that social distancing can be helpful to an extent. I am sure that staying 6 feet away from someone who is sick certainly decreases the likelihood of transmission of the illness. However, isolating completely from loved ones causes awful stress and poor mental wellbeing. I have multiple friends who are in poor physical health because of mental stress from loneliness. My friend’s wife is losing hair and cries daily because she hasn’t been closer than 15 feet to her 78 year old dad in 9 MONTHS. I cannot imagine how awful it would be if I hadn’t hugged my 74 year old dad since February (he has chosen not to self-isolate). People are literally killing themselves due to isolation.

Travel restrictions can be helpful for slowing the spread of a virus from hotspots. However, the biggest effect of our “lockdowns” is the destruction of our economy. I read a statistic that 82% of people don’t have the money to pay for a $500 emergency. That is up 60% from pre-Covid. There are millions of people close to losing their homes and/or jobs. The result is that those people are under a tremendous amount of psychological and emotional stress. We have had an increase in substance abuse and mental health issues as a result of the destruction of our economy.

I know people who have been homeless, who cannot afford to fix the broken transmission in their car, who pray that they can afford to pay their water bill. Most of them are “essential workers” who don’t have the luxury of not working. They count on the economy to do well so that they can earn a living. The economy isn’t doing well and it isn’t likely to recover for a decade or longer.

Thank you all for reading my perspective and rationale for my actions. I believe that rational and reasonable people can come to different conclusions on topics without one party acting in bad faith or being dumb or uneducated.
I agree with your right for dialogue. But You are the reason that we all have friends that are Covid positive. My cousin has not walked without aid since the first weekend in March. My next door neighbor is in ICU 9 weeks now. You have to wear a mask to assist with the slight chance that you might just be wrong and your mask and my mask protect me so that I can enjoy my ebike. The whole reason for this forum. Masks are an aid! They are not the cure.
Stayed home with my wife and 2yo son. Made some pasta and chicken cutlets. It was different because we normally are at gatherings of 20+ and never at our home. It was relaxing, as some have stated forced interaction even with family can be mentally/emotionally draining. It was weird because it was so quiet. It was so many things, some good, some bad but absolutely no doubt in my mind was the right thing to do.

I really didn't want to get sucked in to another covid discussion but after reading some responses I just want to add a couple observations of my own.

Survival rate:
This virus has so far killed more people in 11 months than any flu season that has ever been recorded. 1% death rate may seem insignificant but is actually very high. The death rate for flu is more like 0.1%

1% is substantially more than 0.1%

So for every 100 people 1 will die. What about those other 99 people that survive? What long term complications will they encounter? It's too early to know for sure what may happen to these 99 people 10,20,30 years from now.

Plenty of people survived Chicken Pox before a vaccine was created. A large percentage of those people now run a high risk of that same virus reactivating in their body as shingles.

There is still a lot we don't know about this virus. And generally speaking when you don't know a lot about something it's a good idea to exercise caution. Wearing masks is the best immediate precaution. And just to be clear about the masks. It is to prevent you, the wearer of the mask from spreading a virus you may not know you have.

My wife and I are currently voluntarily quarantining while caring for our 2yo son who is on day 8 of a mandatory 14 day quarantine because his daycare teacher was asymptomatic and tested positive on 12/1/2020. They have prolonged contact from 7:30am when my wife drops him off to 4:30pm when I pick him up. After 8 days in quarantine he has thus far been symptom free and we are now waiting for his results from a PCR test taken today. All signs indicate he was spared from contracting the virus because his teacher was wearing a mask at all times. That teacher's family (mother, father, and brother) whom she lives with, have all subsequently tested positive.

Wear. The. Mask.

You might just save someone's life without even knowing it.
I note that over half of the walkers now on the MUP that I ride wear masks. I wear one too when I bike there. Joggers of course run past maskless steaming away. I don't blame them.

On the street, I don't wear it, or I keep it pulled down.
The kindest, most generous, and most loving word in the English language is "look!"

Look at the numbers from South Korea, Japan, and the United States:
CountryPopulationTotal CasesNew Cases 9-DEC-2020
South Korea51.64MM40098666
United States328.2MM15.77MM220601

It is hard to explain those numbers without considering the fact that wearing a mask in public is common and widely accepted in South Korea and Japan, to the point you are kind of weird if you go on public transportation without a mask.
What about there's no political agenda to destroy South Korea : Where in America there is . I live in an area where there haven't been any cases at all. Two cases total from March to November . Then all of a sudden over 600 hospitalized in 5 weeks ??? That begs at the very least a question : Where did it come from . Was in intentional brought into this area ? Of course to even suggest this is called Conspiracy . But is it ? Where did these cases come from seemingly overnight . Right after all the election fraud in My state .
What about there's no political agenda to destroy South Korea : Where in America there is . I live in an area where there haven't been any cases at all. Two cases total from March to November . Then all of a sudden over 600 hospitalized in 5 weeks ??? That begs at the very least a question : Where did it come from . Was in intentional brought into this area ? Of course to even suggest this is called Conspiracy . But is it ? Where did these cases come from seemingly overnight . Right after all the election fraud in My state .
So all those people that went into the hospital are there committing a conspiracy? That's about as insane as the so called wide spread election fraud that no one can find any evidence of.
So all those people that went into the hospital are there committing a conspiracy? That's about as insane as the so called wide spread election fraud that no one can find any evidence of.
I never said that : Don't put words in My mouth , I'm saying Which every one alert enough to research knows : The effect of Covid is not anywhere remotely close to what we are being told it is . There's not millions of deaths ; Roughly 2000 per day Compared to around 160,000 total deaths per day from other causes > Y0oou don't find it odd nobody is getting sick with the Flu or Pneumonia etc?
Nobody is denying that Covid has killed a few people . I know of some. I had Covid myself early on before they had a Treatment for it.
What I see is when someone like me says it's all over blown > I'm immediately confronted as (WHATEVER NAME Pops into your mouth first) Then given facts that even when accurate leave on all the context. Quite Frankly anyone who thinks Covid wasn't used to destroy the Worlds Economy is foolish .
Everything happening in the World today was foretold in the Bible 3000 years ago. ANyone who denies that it was hasn't ever read a Bible . I personally denied it Myself Most of My Life . But Anyone who denies it today right now is either ignorant of what's written or a fool . It's not after the fact ooh this matches this verse either. I remember hearing all of this as a young man and since it wasn't happening back 50 years ago I figured Typical Jesus Freaks : You can't even honestly disagree. U even can't say this this this and that isn't all happening all simultaneously . Because it is > One has to Wonder How did Men like Billy Graham or Adrian Rogers know exactly what was going to happen in the last 10 years of Humanity When none of it was happening at the time they died > Yet what they preached about . Even the Nations they said would be Involved are . For that matter How did William Darby know in the 1800's .

COVID 19 isn't the Issue : It's The distraction to keep people occupied while the great reset /Deception gets put into place . Naturally some of it isn't man's doing Some of it is . All of it will be Man's end .
I never said that : Don't put words in My mouth , I'm saying Which every one alert enough to research knows : The effect of Covid is not anywhere remotely close to what we are being told it is . There's not millions of deaths ; Roughly 2000 per day Compared to around 160,000 total deaths per day from other causes > Y0oou don't find it odd nobody is getting sick with the Flu or Pneumonia etc?
Nobody is denying that Covid has killed a few people . I know of some. I had Covid myself early on before they had a Treatment for it.
What I see is when someone like me says it's all over blown > I'm immediately confronted as (WHATEVER NAME Pops into your mouth first) Then given facts that even when accurate leave on all the context. Quite Frankly anyone who thinks Covid wasn't used to destroy the Worlds Economy is foolish .
Everything happening in the World today was foretold in the Bible 3000 years ago. ANyone who denies that it was hasn't ever read a Bible . I personally denied it Myself Most of My Life . But Anyone who denies it today right now is either ignorant of what's written or a fool . It's not after the fact ooh this matches this verse either. I remember hearing all of this as a young man and since it wasn't happening back 50 years ago I figured Typical Jesus Freaks : You can't even honestly disagree. U even can't say this this this and that isn't all happening all simultaneously . Because it is > One has to Wonder How did Men like Billy Graham or Adrian Rogers know exactly what was going to happen in the last 10 years of Humanity When none of it was happening at the time they died > Yet what they preached about . Even the Nations they said would be Involved are . For that matter How did William Darby know in the 1800's .

COVID 19 isn't the Issue : It's The distraction to keep people occupied while the great reset /Deception gets put into place . Naturally some of it isn't man's doing Some of it is . All of it will be Man's end .
Deaths as of right now 297,575 in the USA averaging about 3,000 per day at the moment. It will be more once I finish this sentence. I'm sure there are deaths from pneumonia and the flu and I suppose those are kept track of somewhere but they pale in comparison to this. That is reality. I don't do superstition and fantasy.
What about there's no political agenda to destroy South Korea : Where in America there is . I live in an area where there haven't been any cases at all. Two cases total from March to November . Then all of a sudden over 600 hospitalized in 5 weeks ??? That begs at the very least a question : Where did it come from . Was in intentional brought into this area ? Of course to even suggest this is called Conspiracy . But is it ? Where did these cases come from seemingly overnight . Right after all the election fraud in My state .
Saying a lot of different things does not mean that any one of them is any good or even relevant. There are so many flawed and willfully ignorant assumptions in your text that I can't really even help you make it right.

Diseases spread stochastically because there is an element of random chance on who catches a disease and who spreads it. If a disease is relatively easy to spread during certain activities (e.g. if a group gathers indoors) it might not spread if such activities are less common during certain times of the year, than rapidly spread when such activities are more common. If you look at the ebb and flow of cases across the United States, it becomes clear that groups gathering indoors are a strong driver: cases exploded in colder northern states when the weather got cooler, at the same time along the Gulf Coast case growth slowed down because the cooler weather let people dine and drink outside.
... Roughly 2000 per day Compared to around 160,000 total deaths per day from other causes
By your "math" 44 million people have died in the United States since March 1st. I think you are gravely in error. For the record covid-19 is now the number one cause of death in the United States. Good luck pretending otherwise.
Here's a copy of a few paragraphs from an article about a county in KA I just read:

As of Thursday, coronavirus has killed a higher percentage of Gove County residents than any other county in the United States: One out of every 132 people has died.

Their intertwined stories illuminate the toll the pandemic has taken on communities across the country as emotional debates over how to control the infection have unfolded amid mounting losses.

Even today, mask-wearing remains controversial in Gove County, and friendships are being strained as authorities struggle to persuade their neighbors to follow basic public health guidelines, such as avoiding large gatherings.

President Donald Trump won the county with 88% of the vote in November, and many of the residents, including the farmers who raise up corn and sorghum, are deeply skeptical of government and public health orders, often echoing the language Trump has used about mask-wearing and the pandemic's severity.
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