Nuvuci harmony with advanced controller not shifting

rad power

New Member
hi guys, I just won this bike and it wont shift correctly. I can get it to cycle through the calibration set up per the manual fine. after that it is in low gear (peddles real easy). to shift into higher gears you push one of the three buttons on the handle bar switch, but they wont work.(bottom pic) if I unplug and plug back in the power wire at the wheel (top pic) it goes into high gear (peddles real hard) but then the 1 and 2 buttons do nothing and the 3 button shifts it to low gear where it is stuck until I unplug the power wire again. any ideas?
nuvinci controler.jpg
nuvinci power button.jpg
@rad power, see if the people who sponsored the contest can tell you where the bike was purchased. The original dealer is probably local and might be able to help you with the NuVinci CVT. If you can't get any info then call Fallbrook Technologies directly in Cedar Park, TX. That's the creator of all of the NuVinci systems and they have technical staff to help you solve any issue with the Harmony shifter. Contact info:
Email USA: [email protected]
Telephone: +1 888-NuVinci (688-4624) (Toll free within the USA)
Fax: +1 (512) 267-0159
I had the same problem when I got mine. The dealer had not set up the NuVinci correctly. They had not set the rear hub in overdrive mode. There is a good video of it on YouTube by Park Tool.
Hope this helps you. If your bike shop is any good they will be able to follow this video to correct the issue.
Do you know which Nuvinci hub you have? N360, N380 etc.....

Also once you complete the calibration of the H-Sync on the display, are you able to ride for a few minutes then the unit goes out of calibration or does it happen right away after the calibration?
N360. I was told the advanced controller that I have calibrates the hub automatically so following that video is not necessary. my set up is electric. in the video, it is showing the cable shifter that shifts by twisting a knob on the handle bars. after calibration it is the lowest gear (peddles real easy) and wont shift at all.
Hello Rad Power,

Correct the unit you have is the electronic version. So it sounds as if there is 1 of 2 fixes here based on the auto electronic shifting on your N360. There is a known issue with the auto servo motor (perhaps Nuvinci uses a different terminology) on some of the N360 servo motor plates.

Option 1 - Firmware Update. Ask the shop where you purchased the bike from if they have the Nuvinvi software and if they can update the firmware for you via the port of the bottom.

Option 2 - If a firmware update doesn't work you then you are looking at probably having the servo motor plate replaced (see pic attached). You won't need to replace the hub just this plate. If you can get the dealer where you purchased the bike from would be the easiest route or you can contact Nuvinici directly (Fallbrook Technologies)

We replaced one here in the shop and with a new servo place everything was back to normal and shifting smoothly.

Hope this helps,



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thanks! I won the bike from a company in California so I cant take it back. they sent me a new controller and I replaced it but it didn't change anything.
Rad Power,

Probably best to do one of the following:

-Find a good local shop who knows NuVinci products.

- Contact NuVinci tech support as they would certainly be the ones who would be able to assist you the best.

Keep me posted as I'd really like to know the outcome.


I know this thread is a bit old, but I'm wondering what the resolution was on this? I had the same problem start on mine today. Only my servo decided to quit working in a high gear (ratio, really) so it was almost impossible to get moving from a stop.

Also, I did a firmware update on mine and it still didn't work.
I know this thread is a bit old, but I'm wondering what the resolution was on this? I had the same problem start on mine today. Only my servo decided to quit working in a high gear (ratio, really) so it was almost impossible to get moving from a stop.

Also, I did a firmware update on mine and it still didn't work.
I never got it fixed. They shipped me a whole new bike! After having a working bike I realized it was the computer on the bike that was not working.
I never got it fixed. They shipped me a whole new bike! After having a working bike I realized it was the computer on the bike that was not working.
WOW! And THAT, ladies and gents, is what you call customer service! Refreshing to hear.