Nuts to you.


Well-Known Member
OK fella, order a motor from the fake Bafang reseller and when you ask for help and get none contact another vendor a tell them you’re getting a program cable from Amazon and expect another vendor to support your programming issues.

some days are completely frustrating.
OK fella, order a motor from the fake Bafang reseller and when you ask for help and get none contact another vendor a tell them you’re getting a program cable from Amazon and expect another vendor to support your programming issues.

some days are completely frustrating.
Hate to hit "like" and you already know" angry ", but yeah. Sometimes people amaze me with their attitudes , especially if you are doing something they don't want to understand.
Probably should go / offtopic/ but ... I don't think bad behavior is ebike specific. I remember a computer shop ...
And @Alaskan had tour clients...
Typically it’s BAFANG USA customers. They think the URL belongs to Bafang corporate. In fact it’s a deceiving URL leading customers to think they went directly to Bafang.
Bafang never honors a warranty with resellers. It’s all on the reseller.
I try telling people that a reputable supplier is essential. Also they mostly think that higher nominal expenditure is better. That a 2,000W nominal is the way to go!
Probably should go / offtopic/ but ... I don't think bad behavior is ebike specific. I remember a computer shop ...
And @Alaskan had tour clients...
The "clients" were the one we worked just as hard for, but out of obligation not affection or admiration. The vast majority, that we really liked, we referred to as "guests".