No throttle and no way home today... :(

I'm not going to disagree with what you're saying. My point is more about encouraging the us vs. them thing. When it comes to bike riding, I could give a damn about throttle vs. no. I would MUCH rather see either than somebody sitting on a couch with a game controller in their hand, no?

As far as big motors, unless they are clearly abusing the trail/path/road they are on (e.g. weaving in and out of pedestrians) it's really none of your business. Some, myself included, can justify that power requirement with the area we ride in. You don't want/need it? That's awesome, but that does NOT mean I don't.....

You like riding for your health? You go boy! I could give a damn there to. I ride because I enjoy riding. Again, you are never going to be in a position to judge! You want to turn me into the health police because I'm not riding for the same reason you do? Go for it! -Al
Once again, my post was a reply, and not about you, (believe it or not, not everything is about you). The poster that I replied to was running down cyclists and anyone that didn’t think the same as him. To be clear, my post directly addressed a post from Fast’n Furious.
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Once again, my post was a reply, and not about you, (believe it or not, not everything is about you). The poster that I replied to was running down cyclists and anyone that didn’t think the same as him. To be clear, my post directly addressed a post from Fast’n Furious.
That's why I didn't see it. He's on ignore
That's why I didn't see it. He's on ignore
I can see how someone could take my reply to him as being condescending if they didn’t see what I was replying to. To put things into context, here is the post that I relied to:

“In sharing with folks interested in throttles for ebikes, I never intended reaching out to folks that drool and ask "what's a throttle"? No idea why they input.
It's a serious topic and opinions should be accompanied by serious cites.
I'm stunned by Billy Bob chastising me for not being grateful for wild guesstimating of admitted no-nothings - until I saw it was from Michigan. Something in the water, for sure.
I'm not smart, just tenacious, do my homework until I get it. Hell yes I have little use for the physically/ mentally lazy parasites.
Why get an ebike then pretend you are riding an old 10 speed?
There's so many reason's for having a good throttle and knowing how to use it, it's an indefensible, 'Urkel' level faux pas to think to the contrary.

In fact most of us non-puritans uses typically the throttle to start forward, then shift to the appropriate gear through intersection, out of traffics way.
You might think you look cool with those tight pants on an /bicycle ebike, butt up in the air, standing up and trying mightily to press down those pedals (in the wrong gear), your face red with exertion and a look of determination, and the front wheel wobbling, holding up traffic.
I'd say it's debatable.
Where I live there are more ebikes on the road than bicycles. Bicycles are obsolete and losing fast. This is about transportation, not recreation.
Oh, we see tightly clad geriatric High-Tails in clumps, on weekends. Usually stopped, discussing some nebulous concept of fixing something, leaning over, one stiff leg (oops, there goes another delusion out the window).

I pull up. Stop. Gauge the traffic and drive off, shifting to the gear I require as I go - often they notice the light is green and begin to wobble forth, but hey ... I removed my rear-view mirror, so I can't look back and watch the light turn Red with those guys still in the intersection.
What screws me up is I still can't figure why they're always inspecting those skinny tires?
Approaching 5000 miles riding this machine, I 100% prefer to come to a stop in gear 4th or 5th.
I never have "wrong gear frustration". Never.
As I reach 15mph I'm shifting and using my pedals for torque input.

BTW: The Box 8Sp is perfect gearing for a City ebike (go 11 on the small cog), where you can fly.
When I built gas engines I'd say "stay on the cam", by which I mean "on the powerband", with max torque input via the cranks, fully supplemented by max throttle in the gaps (Isn't epistemology fun? I say "fly" and some visually being a 'housefly', not an Eagle).
My point is: You cannot do that with Cadence so 50% of purists never get to even taste it.
How can they address it? Only through warped lenses clouded by ground in expectations.
That's another aspect left out of this conversation.
If you're running Cadence, that's for long haul riding, for pace. You one 'a those 'leg-torture' guys w/ the buffed calves. How romantic.
Torque Sensor is for multiplying your pedaling power - when you input it. Accelerating, Stop sign to Stop sign work. Not keeping a pace.
Like a gas pedal, I can us TS and crank one side doubling my force input (from the pedal) to the wheel - even in a turn.
Cadence is for those long stretches of pristine railroad tracks going up our coast.
Torque Sensor's for driving through the Downtown Jungle on a mission.

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You mean you're crippling your derailleur every 400 miles? My point was such an occurence were very rare.
I meant "4000 miles". My bad. lol. '400' is errata. I think 4000miles is generous. Some say 4000km is fairly typical for Ultra's
Derailleurs often don't ever work right, period. Cassettes/ Chains wear out.
Deacon has shown an IGH is a 'decisive' part of the equation for big power. It convinced me to change my mind and go K'nay VII.
Wisdom comes through experience. I prefer learning from wise men's failures. I trust you as a teacher, but found no failures to teach.
My Derailleur has always worked fine - but that's my rear hub drive.
The only way those parts will wear out is through my power, not the motor's.
I'm replacing with an Archer and Box gearset because I want to.
My limited experience for sure.
I can see how someone could take my reply to him as being condescending if they didn’t see what I was replying to. To put things into context, here is the post that I relied to:

“In sharing with folks interested in throttles for ebikes, I never intended reaching out to folks that drool and ask "what's a throttle"? No idea why they input.
It's a serious topic and opinions should be accompanied by serious cites.
I'm stunned by Billy Bob chastising me for not being grateful for wild guesstimating of admitted no-nothings - until I saw it was from Michigan. Something in the water, for sure.
I'm not smart, just tenacious, do my homework until I get it. Hell yes I have little use for the physically/ mentally lazy parasites.
Why get an ebike then pretend you are riding an old 10 speed?
There's so many reason's for having a good throttle and knowing how to use it, it's an indefensible, 'Urkel' level faux pas to think to the contrary.

In fact most of us non-puritans uses typically the throttle to start forward, then shift to the appropriate gear through intersection, out of traffics way.
You might think you look cool with those tight pants on an /bicycle ebike, butt up in the air, standing up and trying mightily to press down those pedals (in the wrong gear), your face red with exertion and a look of determination, and the front wheel wobbling, holding up traffic.
I'd say it's debatable.
Where I live there are more ebikes on the road than bicycles. Bicycles are obsolete and losing fast. This is about transportation, not recreation.
Oh, we see tightly clad geriatric High-Tails in clumps, on weekends. Usually stopped, discussing some nebulous concept of fixing something, leaning over, one stiff leg (oops, there goes another delusion out the window).

I pull up. Stop. Gauge the traffic and drive off, shifting to the gear I require as I go - often they notice the light is green and begin to wobble forth, but hey ... I removed my rear-view mirror, so I can't look back and watch the light turn Red with those guys still in the intersection.
What screws me up is I still can't figure why they're always inspecting those skinny tires?
Approaching 5000 miles riding this machine, I 100% prefer to come to a stop in gear 4th or 5th.
I never have "wrong gear frustration". Never.
As I reach 15mph I'm shifting and using my pedals for torque input.

BTW: The Box 8Sp is perfect gearing for a City ebike (go 11 on the small cog), where you can fly.
When I built gas engines I'd say "stay on the cam", by which I mean "on the powerband", with max torque input via the cranks, fully supplemented by max throttle in the gaps (Isn't epistemology fun? I say "fly" and some visually being a 'housefly', not an Eagle).
My point is: You cannot do that with Cadence so 50% of purists never get to even taste it.
How can they address it? Only through warped lenses clouded by ground in expectations.
That's another aspect left out of this conversation.
If you're running Cadence, that's for long haul riding, for pace. You one 'a those 'leg-torture' guys w/ the buffed calves. How romantic.
Torque Sensor is for multiplying your pedaling power - when you input it. Accelerating, Stop sign to Stop sign work. Not keeping a pace.
Like a gas pedal, I can us TS and crank one side doubling my force input (from the pedal) to the wheel - even in a turn.
Cadence is for those long stretches of pristine railroad tracks going up our coast.
Torque Sensor's for driving through the Downtown Jungle on a mission.

Which was itself a reply to diatribe ... did you read the thread?
The tongue-in-cheek ad hominen was improper - regardless the insult that I should be grateful for people guessing that hadn't a clue.
So, you replied to his answer from me.
The rest is certainly the human condition where I live. I'm encouraged by the diversity.
Throttle on !!!
The best motor bike and scooter forums have banned helmet discussions. I’m all for ending these idiotic throttle diatribes. FFS GO FOR A FUCKING RIDE,
This is what I'm doing this lovely Sunday
I'm gonna have someone cut a few chunks for my girlfriend to make Rump Roast.
Fast and furious. Why the new avatar?

I can not read or understand what ever you are saying.
English is second language to me.
Hea is Pictures of my afternoon events.
I told you, but admin had a complaint and it was taken down.
I'll PM you.
This is what I'm doing this lovely Sunday
I'm gonna have someone cut a few chunks for my girlfriend to make Rump Roast.
Fast and furious. Why the new avatar?

I can not read or understand what ever you are saying.
English is second language to me.
Hea is Pictures of my afternoon events.
Why let her have all the fun? Pick out a recipe you both agree sounds good, then YOU go for it!
I can see how someone could take my reply to him as being condescending if they didn’t see what I was replying to. To put things into context, here is the post that I relied to:
Geez, thank you for sharing (not!).
I told you, but admin had a complaint and it was taken down.
I'll PM you.
well I tried, anyhow. Interesting last few weeks. Good seeing you living the life.
She makes it best lots of garlic and turmeric.
I couldn't even tell the difference from ginger.
I'll ride a few blocks and watch my cousin slice the meat.
I have a spot for these Green Oysters
Like on this 10" plate >>>>

So thick this year
Those are all fatties.

But I'm not foraging as water is too warm. Next month.
Fish not doin much either.
Did you not read the post that I was replying to???? This guy with his illegal e-moped was crapping all over cyclists. If he needs a motor and throttle because he can’t remember to shift down before stopping, then good for him. If he needs the biggest motor he can find to make up for other inadequacies, that’s fine too. If he is so unfit that he relies on the throttle, then the throttle is probably more of a problem than a solution.

If he wants to crap all over people that make an attempt to be fit or that enjoy cycling without assistance, then I will come to the defense of those cyclists of which I am still one.
The topic is ebike throttles. You keep projecting I care because you do. I don't downshift my when I stop my car either. You don't make any sense.
This is, not Bicycle Screwball psychiatric hotline, Doc.
Stop trying to use me to be relevant. I never addressed you to start and I won't again.
The topic is ebike throttles. You keep projecting I care because you do. I don't downshift my when I stop my car either. You don't make any sense.
This is, not Bicycle Screwball psychiatric hotline, Doc.
Stop trying to use me to be relevant. I never addressed you to start and I won't again.
A legend in your own mind. Tough guy with a silly e-moped. Wow.
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A throttle is like Bear Spray. You may not ever need it, but if you do and don't have it you'll be sorry.
I can't speak to bicycles (don't own one) and wouldn't think of forcing them to use a throttle, but I'm with Vincent, the forums author.
Even leg cramps can ruin a day.
I've hopped on my e-bike, turned on display, set it to level II and pedaled off in low gear - to a dead TS ? ...... &%$#@???
It's a real pain to use just human-power and throttle, but no problem compared to just human-power.
My E-bike got to around 65lbs, now trimmed to 55lbs is still too heavy to pedal 10miles through the canyons where I live.
A 100% legal, Class III e-bike with a stock Controller. I'm saying I 100% agree.
These scenarios are real.
I think one of the funniest parts was seeing drivers next to me looking over at me and looking down at their speedometer and looking back over at me?????...
I've had moped scooters pull up to me and tell me to 'slow down'. I looked down and display said I'd barely busted 28mph. lol
Such fun to be the be the apex of downtown transportation.
Great article! Thanks. A throttle Sondors Ultra came in. It was automatically shifting. The freehub body you mentioned is toast. I was hoping it just needed a spacer and tightening. They used some parts on that bike that don't belong with that level of power. Like a Tourney cluster. The owner is 300 pounds and rides the throttle. We are getting him some Pick Ups for it from Schwalbe at Bike Tires Direct. I recently had to pay $82 each for them. Now they are $45.

Edit Update: I am not a expert on freehub bodies. The bike shop said this one is intended for a low-end big box beach cruiser that is non-powered and goes up to 12-15 Mph. Not an Ultra that is 1000W with 120Nm.
Ultra is 160Nm.
WattWagons Innotrace Ultra is over 200Nm.
It's not that so much as that the torque is in the very low end.
Bike can be dialed back to 750watts.
I inspected that free hub body. It has sealed bearings and is not as bad quality as expected. I just saw a tread from May. One woman in LA disintegrated three of them in a matter of months with the same throttle model of Sondors Cruiser. There was an angry guy over a year ago. He came up with the practice of using a zip tie to hold his throttle a full speed all of the time and to cut it with the brake levers. We have not hear from him in over a year. What often happens is they run across someone just as angry. It is a self-solving problem Darwin would approve of.
A guy saw tourists screaming. They had not read the sign. Bear Replant Does Not Work Like Mosquito Repellant A guy had a black spot on his pecker. Two urologists both said that the whole thing would need to be surgically removed immediately. Then he went to a traditional practitioner in an exotic part of town. He said to not worry. Surgery is not needed in his case. "It fall off all by self."

It is funny, some people don't know what a good ebike looks like when the see one.


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