New X3 pro Unboxing


Active Member
I was actually surpised to see my bike arrive so quickly

Order placed on the 19th, arrived on the 23rd

Wish I would've waited just one more day to get in on the $300 Black Friday coupon (DOH!!)

Just like with my 2020 X3 Pro, it was very well packed

So well in fact that you actually have to be very careful pulling it out of the box as you can easily bend a spoke

Noticed a few changes when compairing it to my old bike

Brakes are completely different, but in a good way.

New ones seem to have easier adjustments

I also like the fact that the front brake is now on the left (never got used to it being backwards on the old bike)

The rear rack is solid and will definitely more useful than the seatpost mounted rack I used to run

Sumthin about the front fork is different (looks bigger)

The saddle looks kinda old lady'ish, but I must admit it feels a lot softer than the old gel seat

Waiting on a gel pad cover to arrive

New headlight MUCH brighter

Phone mount is way more solid, but I don't think I'll be mounting it as I usually keep it in my shirt pocket

Not sure how I feel about the fenders

The rear fender was already installed, but the fitment isn't exatly the best (looks sorta bent out of shape and doesn't match the curvature of the wheel)

Didn't bother installing the front fender

I figure if I ever get one, it would be a moto-x style composite

Still waiting on a FlatBike ThinStem kit, but just couldn't wait to put it together when I got home from work

Have yet to actually go for a ride due to weather, but I added a few items

1) A B-Soul cooler/storage bag for the rack



2) ThinStem from FlatBike










3) Pair of leftover LED lights with adjustable beam

