New "minimalist" helmet for a new biker?

Helmet or Nah?

  • Helmet

    Votes: 19 79.2%
  • Nah

    Votes: 3 12.5%
  • Depends

    Votes: 2 8.3%

  • Total voters


It is strange to think about a helmet as I haven't even bought a bike yet. (E-Joe Epik SE, Epik Lite, or Big Cat Hampton... haven't pulled the trigger.) I haven't even decided if I am going to wear a helmet yet. My regular commute is just shy of three miles and it is suburban with limited traffic. I am very coordinated and not accident prone but accidents happen, which is why they are called accidents! If I am going to get a helmet, I want something very simple yet effective. I buzz my hair so I am not worried about it making me less pretty (I am not pretty) but I don't want to sweat like crazy either. I am very much okay with wearing a bandana underneath if this is unavoidable. I know it is safety first but I teach teenagers so I have to find something with a little bit of a cool factor to it as well. Maybe something Sons of Anarchy meets Tony Hawk? Feel free to raise your hand if you don't wear a helmet or if you think you have found something that I need to see. Thanks!
Get a helmet buds! Your traveling at a greater rate of speed (up to 28mp/h) and a bare skull was simply not designed for a crack at that speed. Even regular bicycle helmets are probably not good enough, but better than nothing!
This is why I am looking into this, James! The last time I was on two wheels was in Saigon sans helmet!I am investigating the other side!
Get a helmet buds! Your traveling at a greater rate of speed (up to 28mp/h) and a bare skull was simply not designed for a crack at that speed. Even regular bicycle helmets are probably not good enough, but better than nothing!
It's hot out these days and I hate wearing a helmet too! So hot and sweaty, it's gross. I really like my brain though, so I suffer through the gross hot-head
I used to ride without a helmet, until I saw a program about a kid falling off a skateboard and hitting his head. He ended up in a coma for months. I thought to myself that if that could happen on a skateboard, think about what falling off a bicycle and hitting your head could do to your brain. Since then, I always wear a helmet. Just find one you really like and is comfortable on your head.
my friends biked cross country last year. Started in Vancouver. By the time they reached Idaho they saw abundance of bikers wearing cowboy hat helmets. They bought them too for the shade benefits.
Think of Michael Schumacher next time you decide not to wear an helmet :)
We are not anymore invincible than him. Poor guy.
Think of Michael Schumacher next time you decide not to wear an helmet :)
We are not anymore invincible than him. Poor guy.
Unfortunately, Michael Schumacher was wearing a helmet, but it did not protect him enough. Sometimes I wonder how much these bicycle helmets really can protect you. Compared to motorcycle helmets, bicycle helmets are pretty light weight. However, I think it's better to have some head protection than none at all. Personally, I wear a Giro Feature mountain bike helmet just because it has more head coverage than the standard road bike helmets.
I know it is safety first but I teach teenagers so I have to find something with a little bit of a cool factor to it as well. Maybe something Sons of Anarchy meets Tony Hawk
You sound like a good candidate for a Bern helmet. Check them out Fox has some that could work and I think the Giro Surface could work well for you. But definitely wear one. Especially since you teach teenagers, you have an opportunity to help them think differently about safety. You seem like a cool guy and I'm sure your students respect you, making a choice to wear a helmet could help a lot of people. Okay now I'm done with my save the world speech :D
You sound like a good candidate for a Bern helmet. Check them out Fox has some that could work and I think the Giro Surface could work well for you. But definitely wear one. Especially since you teach teenagers, you have an opportunity to help them think differently about safety. You seem like a cool guy and I'm sure your students respect you, making a choice to wear a helmet could help a lot of people. Okay now I'm done with my save the world speech :D

I like it! Don't forget that I am also bringing back BIKES! Teens don't ride bikes anymore. This new bike will be parked in my classroom! I will check out the helmets!
My sister in law just bought two Pedego ebikes. She refuses to wear a helmet. She thinks they look tacky and she says that people in Europe never wear them. Personally, I always wear one! Being a father, teacher, and a driver, I know that accidents happen. I want to set a good example to my students and children. Also when I was younger my older brother got in a terrible bike crash. He had concussion, head trauma, with swelling and bleeding. This was way before bike helmets. Use one people. Now if I can just convince my sister in law!
Strange for sure.
How do they get to their friends house? Do mom and dad drive them everywhere?

Charly - Since I spend more time with teens than anyone else, I am a self-proclaimed expert on this topic! I remember my best friend's twin sister being on the phone for hours and hours at a time when I was in middle and high school. This was back when you had to pay an extra monthly fee for call waiting and obviously before cell phone ownership was a teenage norm or necessity. What did I do? I got on the Huffy and busted it over to their house with only the assumption that he was even there. Teens don't have this problem any more. Many of us guys here can remember riding our bikes over to a girl's house before we were driving. These days, kids don't even need to see each other to date or even "hang out." They have Facetime, Snapchat, Skype, and in a lot of cases, Facebook and Instagram are sufficient. While it used to be that 9 out of 10 teens had and used a bike, I would go as far as saying that only 1 out of 10 teens have and use bikes these days. I recognize that this guesstimate would sound weird to someone in some of our nation's more bike-friendly cities but in Middle America, a bike might as well be a horse. This school year, I am really looking forward to one of my kids coming up to me in the morning and saying, "Guess what? I got a bike just like yours!" This is one more reason when I am going with either an E-Joe Epik or a Big Cat Hampton instead of a City Cruiser-type bike. To me, folding bikes are the Chuck Taylors of the bike world. (Forgive me if that analogy makes no sense to anyone else but me!) And yes... maybe they will get a helmet just like mine too.
I am happy I had my helmet on when i went into the curb last night, wasn't paying enough attention, down the hill I was flying 28+ looked up saw the curb both tires locked kind of sideways and over the side/handle bars I went. Landed on a grassy subsurface doing what felt like was a perfect tuck and roll. Got up after less than min , moved all body parts, minor soreness in a couple joints. Someone even stopped ans asked if I was OK ,which I told them yes.Worst case my phone was still playing music so could call home if needed. Moved my bike , crap! doesn't roll already broken rear fender had popped out of place , pushed it heard a pop and all good!! Today nothing, didn't even have to tell my wife, no scratches or bruises. I was wearing l pair of long underwear under my shorts so no skinned knees,. Grass is so much softer then streets and bikes(they hurt to fall on) . I haven't checked my jacket for telltale signs that I need to clean up to finish covering my "mistake" . if there had been a sidwalk there I don't know if I would be here typing


Thank you

You sound like a good candidate for a Bern helmet. Check them out Fox has some that could work and I think the Giro Surface could work well for you. But definitely wear one. Especially since you teach teenagers, you have an opportunity to help them think differently about safety. You seem like a cool guy and I'm sure your students respect you, making a choice to wear a helmet could help a lot of people. Okay now I'm done with my save the world speech :D

I have a Bern! It's pretty sweet. I like it in the sun 'cause of the viser. It's a bit heavy but pretty cool looking
There is a young lady who is quite pretty with a smokin body who lectures on proper gear while riding (motorcycles) but her info is equally as salient for e-biking. She lectures on ATGATT (all the gear all the time). She does so because half of her body is exquisite, the other side is missing all of its skin and a breast. . Pretty convincing argument to wear every ounce of protective gear available.