Need Ebike Recommendation

Nguyen Ken

New Member
Hi, I'm a complete noob when it comes to Ebike.
I got my interest back to biking from some of the ads pop up on facebook :/ about RadRover, Sondor, Flx, etc
Found this forum from researching and just want to ask the community for some recommendations on Ebike.

Here is my need detail:
  • Mostly for travel from/to work - mostly normal road but able to go through grass/mud
  • Can ride in rain
  • For Exercise as well - but still be able to help me to climb hill when I'm too tired
  • Budget ~ $1500 exclude shipping [prefer to have pay per month option like BillMeLater]
  • Motor - don't have preference here but from what I see on the internet >= 350w is enough i guess, feel free to adjust it
  • Prefer thin bike than fat bike since I don't really ride it on anything other than normal road
  • I'm 5ft4 so something that high enough and still allow me to stand while stopping
  • Feel free to ask me more question if you need more detail - these are what I can think of right now
  • Fast shipping ... the reason i don't want to get Flx because of the long deliver time.
  • I live in Cincinnati, OH - if you need the location wise for anything

Thanks a lot,
There are a whole lot of bikes to sort through and I recommend visiting some local shops in your area and do some test rides and meet staff. Technical support from a shop trained to work with ebikes will help for long term maintenance and provide you with a better experience given that you want to use an ebike for regular commuting. And you will get a sense of what style of bike feels right for you. A hybrid style city commuter will have average to thin width tires, for instance or look for bikes with lower or slanted top tubes to better fit your height. Perhaps consider an end of season sale or a previous year model, that way you can get a better bike for a little less $$ :). Many bike shops offer financing which could fit the budgeting issues you mention.

Try Court's ebike search engine that will cull through over 400 reviews of ebikes that meet your needs. Use the 'Show all Filters' button to select features that you want along with a price point. It's a good starting place and will help you better understand ebikes.

Mostly, have fun on this part of the journey!