
Stefan Mikes

Well-Known Member
Mazovia, Poland
it is completely understandable that a user cannot find an answer to his/her question but does not want to start a new thread. A little "Search" will reveal valuable existing threads, and the user is free to make an old thread alive again. That is totally fine.

Quite recently, I found out some user in these Fora must be so bored that he finds unanswered threads in EBR Forums:
  • One time visit of the Original Poster, a person than never bothered to visit the Fora again
  • Threads of 2015, 2016, 2018, completely obsolete now.
The user makes answers to dead threads, creating a disorder in the Forums. Why does he do that? That's called "necroposting".
The user I'm talking about must be very bored :)
Necroer here - life after death is real. You just have to Believe.
(but, there is no life after a wiki. . . )
Humptulips? It's not so big I would call it a town. But some of the places on the Olympic Peninsula try to sound bigger than they are. Like Forks, Washington - - it's so small I don't know why it's plural...
I noticed the same thing and it was a little annoying, chiming in on a thread that served no purpose whatsoever and that was dead as a doornail.
Forks is quite large when compared to Humptulips. I don't remember having to slow down much to get through Humptulips. Forks has a few businesses. In the upper third world of CA, there is a place called Forks of Salmon, where two forks of the Salmon River meet. It is informally called, Forks, as in "I'm gonna drive up to The Forks today."

Having gone to the Washington Forks after living in Randle, it seemed fairly good sized.
Having gone to the Washington Forks after living in Randle, it seemed fairly good sized.
And Randle is a booming metropolis compared to Loomis or Chesaw, both of which are much grander than Havilah.
Ruby. Once a thriving mining town. Now I can't even see any foundations, although there are indentations where buildings may have been.

The sign says there a a few foundations.

Molson has a museum, Chesaw a tavern and rodeo, and Havillah has a church. I believe the gas station/mini mart in Loomis was for sale?
Although I still don't know any other Rome than the capital city of Italy :) I'd like to say wearing a full-face helmet while riding a speed e-bike on the streets of a big city earns you respect of drivers. They now understand it is not "just-a-bike" they can see :)


Bell Super Air R Mips Spherical. It is not cheap.
full-face helmet
I wear a safety yellow skid lid. I’ve never found a FF bike that fits my head. it was hard finding a helmet in my Vespa GTS years.

They now understand it is not "just-a-bike" they can see :)

Thats a good point. I experienced that especially on my class 3 and faster builds. And why I slowed down and sold all class 3 and faster motors. 36v and limited to 32kph max and maybe live another decade to ride.
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I wear a safety yellow skid lid. I’ve never found a FF bike that fits my head. it was hard finding a helmet in my Vespa GTS years.

Thats a good point. I experienced that especially on my class 3 and faster builds. And why I slowed down and sold all class 3 and faster motors. 36v and limited to 32kph max and maybe live another decade to ride.
Which reminds me of the price of that helmet and of how rarely I wear it!
Spring, come!
I wear a safety yellow skid lid. I’ve never found a FF bike that fits my head. it was hard finding a helmet in my Vespa GTS years.

Thats a good point. I experienced that especially on my class 3 and faster builds. And why I slowed down and sold all class 3 and faster motors. 36v and limited to 32kph max and maybe live another decade to ride.
The largest Helmut I could find just barely fits my cranium( Hans sez,No!) sorry I meant Helmet.Can anyone tell me where to find an extra large Helmet , zat will not break ze' bank?