my online buying experience with a Wisconsin dealer

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New Member
This is my experience with a Wisconsin dealer I ordered from.
I ordered a new bicycle (haibike and after 10 days of no information from them , I called them and asked for a update and was told that the haibike was moving from California to Denver. they offered a better bike but at more money . I repeatably asked if it was a new bike,, I ok the extra money. 4 days later i see a tracking number, I repeatably asked if I was getting a new bike. was told yes. when my bike came i see it was a different model on the box, so before opening i called them, was told they used a different box. they sent me the the upgraded bike i pay extra for... Now remember i was told it would be a new bike.
but it was used. these were the pictures i sent them.

and they still insisted it was new.
how can you say this is a new bike. their was a bottle mounted on the down tube,( when does a new bike have stains like that a the down-tube) obvious ware marks on the chain ring, bash plate bashed and scratched .. i sent them these Pictures and they still said they said it a new bicycle, this was part owner of company that I sent pictures too and was talking too. What really upset me was that they waited two days after I sent these pictures to them too admit it while it the same time trying to up-sale a different bicycle and pay more shipping charge.
I lost all Trust in them when they insisted they sent me a new Bike when these pictures obviously are of a used machine .( they Finally admitted their mistake but after only after 2 days of me trying to get a return shipping )
Try to boil it down to bulletin points ..
1--- ordered a haibike waited 10 days for tracking # I call them to ask for update was told my salesman was off duty and was scheduled the next day.
2 -- Part owner of company calls me offers me upgraded Bike at a great price .
But then I still have to talk to my salesman the next day because for some reason the part owner can't Complete the transaction .Call and my original salesman next day and he thinks the bike I was offered by part owner might be too tall for me so he suggests same bike brand but different model which there would be a great deal .. And so after four days later I get tracking number figure four days for a bike to be shipped to them. as you see in the above pictures this was obviously a used bike, I was talking to part owner after he seen these pictures
but (part owner) was like trying to make me feel like I was being a bad guy by not accepting the used bike.

Well that's my experience with them. He kept saying he wanted me to have a good experience but when you send me a used bike and will not admit it.
they lost all trust with me... I mean, they look at the pictures and try to tell me it was a new bike .
I sent him those pictures and (part owner )was trying to tell me it was a new bike.
well that was my experience with them.
*( they Finally admitted their mistake but after only after 2 days of me trying to get a return shipping )*
I came to this site doing research on ebikes.
anyway this was my experience with them.

For those that had great luck online, I'm happy for you, I'm sharing my experience. My heart sank. I had such excitement waiting for the bicycle, and then when I start to put it together and I looked at the bottle cage, the leaver to remove the battery is rusting, then looking at the chain ring and seeing severe usage, so then I look underneath and I see mud and scratches /mud stains motor. This definitely looks way more than just a test ride in a rain. (maybe it was tested at mountain bike trail.) Nobody was more upset than myself, especially when obviously these pictures show a used machine. And then I'm been told I was sent a new bicycle, I wanted to be one of the people that had a great experience online. That was not my experience.
looks like more then 15 miles

that looks like more then tested on a rain day

I have no idea how much water or mud was inside that hole on the bottom.. it is their to drain water from the engine. their was mud stain around the inside hole,

(my response to this post is in blue color )
From post # 3
We don't like it when customers try to blackmail.
I'm not trying to blackmail anyone, just sharing my experience with my buying experience with your company.

When your Haibike did not come on time, you were offered a floor bike. It was specifically mentioned to you that it was a floor model (3 month old) and offered a you huge discount for that.
I repeatedly asked if I was getting a new bike,was told it would be a new bike.

While doing a software update on that bike, we realized that the rear shock needs to be replaced and we offered you another floor model (E-stream FS3 29er). Both of these bikes were on the floor but still new. They did not have more than 15 miles on the ODO.
Few people had test ridden on rainy days and that's why you notice some dust on the bottom bracket but everything else was in great shape.
this is not dust,, these are the pictures i sent to your shop, and i was told it was a new bike,was this bike test in a mountain bike race for less than 15 miles on it. Also as the consumer, their is no odometer on this model,( bulls E-stream FS3 29er) show only miles per hour not how miles are ridden,( from reading about the bike online, it could have 400 miles , we the consumer have no way of knowing how many miles are on the bike)

When we heard you were not happy with the bike you received, we immediately sent you free return label and offered you few other options for a brand new bike.

NO i was made to feel like a fool for not accepting a used bike, it was 2 days later that i was sent a return shipping label.

What really irks me most is that when you speak on the phone, you agree to get a floor model and then you come here talking as if we duped you.
I 'm just sharing my experience i had for your store online. unfortunately my experience was not very good. I am sharing what happened to me, this was my experience. to those that Those that had a great experience,, I too wanted to be one of them,, I order a new ebike from you,I was sent a used bicycle. and then I spent a couple of sleepless nights trying to get a return shipping label while still being told (talking to a part owner of your company on the telephone that I was sent a new bicycle when obviously these pictures show a used a machine. )

In the end, we completely refunded him ( bike, onward and return shipping ) etc and ate a $500 loss.

unfortunately my experience was not very good. I am sharing what happened to me, this was my experience. to those that Those that had a great experience,, I too wanted to be one of them,, I order a new ebike from them was sent a used bicycle. and then I spent a couple of sleepless nights trying to get a return shipping label while still being told that I was sent a new bicycle when obviously these pictures show a used a machine.
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We don't like it when customers try to blackmail.
When your Haibike did not come on time, you were offered a floor bike. It was specifically mentioned to you that it was a floor model (3 month old) and offered a you huge discount for that.
While doing a software update on that bike, we realized that the rear shock needs to be replaced and we offered you another floor model (E-stream FS3 29er). Both of these bikes were on the floor but still new. They did not have more than 15 miles on the ODO.
Few people had test ridden on rainy days and that's why you notice some dust on the bottom bracket but everything else was in great shape.

When we heard you were not happy with the bike you received, we immediately sent you free return label and offered you few other options for a brand new bike.
What really irks me most is that when you speak on the phone, you agree to get a floor model and then you come here talking as if we duped you.

In the end, we completely refunded him ( bike, onward and return shipping ) etc and ate a $500 loss.
This is my experience with a Wisconsin dealer I ordered from.
I ordered a new bicycle

The dealer's statement: 'Both of these bikes were on the floor but still new. They did not have more than 15 miles on the ODO.' Not sure what he means, but I always thought that if you are purchasing a NEW bike, it should not have any miles on it. Apparently there was some kind of disconnect here, but he did make it right and gave Kenny a FULL refund! I like to do business with the same salesperson from beginning to end, this way there is less chance of this kind of confusion to arise. Good Luck, those are nice bikes you chose Kenny.
Seems like mis communication..

My experience with buyers who are new to something tells me to painfully document in an email what it is they can expect to receive, the total price, and take a picture to make sure this is what they want.
My experience buying online was nothing but the best, when you buy a new car, it is not unusual to have miles on the odo, up here, under a couple of hundred kilometers is still considered new. To the OP, sorry you were unhappy with your deal, but it doesn't sound as if you lost anything.
The dealer's statement: 'Both of these bikes were on the floor but still new. They did not have more than 15 miles on the ODO.' Not sure what he means, but I always thought that if you are purchasing a NEW bike, it should not have any miles on it. Apparently there was some kind of disconnect here, but he did make it right and gave Kenny a FULL refund! I like to do business with the same salesperson from beginning to end, this way there is less chance of this kind of confusion to arise. Good Luck, those are nice bikes you chose Kenny.

If you're agreeing to buy a floor demo, it will have a handful of miles on it (and you get a discount for buying the demo). You still get a full factory warranty, and in that sense it is most definitely the same as new.
Seems like mis communication..
My experience with buyers who are new to something tells me to painfully document in an email what it is they can expect to receive, the total price, and take a picture to make sure this is what they want.

Joe-Exactly-If I am buying online a particular bike in stock, I will not close the deal unless I am sent some photo shots of the bike I am purchasing. That is just good ole' consumer awareness that s/b honored at point of sale. If the dealer refuses, then you know there is a red flag somewhere in the transaction.
Besides a couple of problems outside their control, I would buy from them again. I dealt with Mark and he treated me fairly.

James-This guy has sold more bikes than most of the competition during his time in business. He also has the BEST prices hands down compared to anyone on the internet by $1000s of dollars. My understanding is they gets bikes by the truckload so he can undercut competition by a very large margin.
I ordered a bike online in the Fall of 2015. It took about 4 weeks for them to get the bike I wanted, the Evo 29er was in very short supply here in the US. Of course I, like everyone, wanted the bike yesterday, but I let it ride and I didn't feel the need to call or email to push them along. Patience over the squeeky wheel often works better. The owner was my sales person and he gave me his personal cell phone number, which I never had the need to use. BTW if anyone has the opportunity to talk to him, he's a fun guy and easy to get lost in a 20 minute conversation about anything, especially the ebike industry.

Most of us have had gripes over the lack of ebikes to test ride, that's not the case there. So many bikes and many available to test ride. The bikes are still new though. Like a car, I've never purchased a new car with zero miles on the odometer, I don't think it's reasonable to expect an ebike to have zero miles either. Often dealers are caught in a catch 22; they may not sell bikes without offering test rides and with miles on a bike, buyers want a used bike discount.

I'm in Pennsylvania and have referred many would-be ebike owners there, two this year have purchased bikes. One new in box and one demo with some cosmetic damage. Both very happy with their new bikes. We all got great deals.
I'm in Pennsylvania and have referred many would-be ebike owners there, two this year have purchased bikes. One new in box and one demo with some cosmetic damage. Both very happy with their new bikes. We all got great deals, and I'll continue to refer friends and acquaintances.
I understand your sentiment, but the condition in the pictures is beyond what I'd call a low mileage floor model. I'd never ship a bike in that condition. At least detail and clean the bike up...
I understand your sentiment, but the condition in the pictures is beyond what I'd call a low mileage floor model. I'd never ship a bike in that condition. At least detail and clean the bike up...
That may well be true. The only picture I can tell what I'm looking at is that chainring. There are no clear captions and I can't make a value judgment from a low res picture on a forum. Maybe it's my tablet resolution. It also appears that not all diplomatic avenues were exhausted before going public. Again I can't be sure of that either, from a forum post. We don't know enough, and likely never will.
I agree the bike looks far more worn then advertised. Lenny did refund money in the end and do believe he is a good guy.
Has anyone gotten a respond from them using the send a message page on their website? It's been well over a month and still no reply. I hate talking over the phone since you can't hold them accountable without a paper trail.
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Has anyone gotten a respond from them using the send a message page on their website? It's been well over a month and still no reply. I hate talking over the phone since you can't hold them accountable without a paper trail.

I have used facebook to send a message at the site and received a response within 24hrs and all questions were answered in full. If you need anything for accountability, you simply ask their staff at the time of sale to 'put it in writing' so both parties are not in the dark. I always do this with home remodeling contractors before I sign a contract. This way if they come back and say it was not included, I simply produce a written copy to back up my claim. Hope this helps!
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The OP never mentioned a shop or a name. I know there are more than one eBike shops in WI. Now I see why there is so much friction.
That may well be true. The only picture I can tell what I'm looking at is that chainring. There are no clear captions and I can't make a value judgment from a low res picture on a forum. Maybe it's my tablet resolution. It also appears that not all diplomatic avenues were exhausted before going public. Again I can't be sure of that either, from a forum post. We don't know enough, and likely never will.
I can say without question that this is NOT 15 miles of n00b wear....there's enough resolution to see the wear. I'm attaching pictures of a chainwheel I ran for more miles and sold as a used chainwheel...Maybe there's a problem with the chain sizing and the chainwheel fit. I can't say, I just
can't swallow that amount of wear on a bike with 15 miles on the ODO, unless someone somehow disconnected or rolled back the ODO. NOW PLEASE I'M NOT IMPLYING ANY IMPROPRIETY. Just the facts don't fit. From my experience. I have 6 builds have done many more...

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The OP never mentioned a shop or a name. I know there are more than one eBike shops in WI. Now I see why there is so much friction.

I can say without question that this is NOT 15 miles of n00b wear....there's enough resolution to see the wear. I'm attaching pictures of a chainwheel I ran for more miles and sold as a used chainwheel...Maybe there's a problem with the chain sizing and the chainwheel fit. I can't say, I just
can't swallow that amount of wear on a bike with 15 miles on the ODO, unless someone somehow disconnected or rolled back the ODO. NOW PLEASE I'M NOT IMPLYING ANY IMPROPRIETY. Just the facts don't fit. From my experience. I have 6 builds have done many more...

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I really don't see why you hit the reply to me, as your comments had nothing to do with my post. I made no argument the wear was appropriate or not. I made no argument at all about anything. "That may well be true." and "I can't make a value judgment from a low res picture on a forum."

Have fun with it, I'm done.
I really don't see why you hit the reply to me, as your comments had nothing to do with my post. I made no argument the wear was appropriate or not. I made no argument at all about anything. "That may well be true." and "I can't make a value judgment from a low res picture on a forum."

Have fun with it, I'm done.
Easy, does it, sometimes threads get confusing. No intention to poke at you. We're good...
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