Motor wattage differences question

"he difference between a 20ah battery on the CCX vs. the 13ah battery on the CCS you purchased. That's a big deal though, only on trips of 20 miles or more, where you are using a lot of battery power . . . "

But then do you consider the fact the recommended battery usage is in the sweet spot from 30% to 80% of capacity for good battery life. I am increasingly taking into consideration, only 1/2 of the battery's capacity would routinely be available. So 20 miles looms larger if it is a regular ride. And the larger battery might not only give one longer range but longer battery life, more recharges.

With this thought in mind I have upgraded the importance of a larger battery.
Larger batteries = more weight too.

Speaking from experience gained from a 14ah battery powering a 1500w DD hub, I can tell you that 20 miles is pretty easy - without worry of over discharge. This with speeds in the 8-13 or 14 mph range, PAS levels from 1-3 (so I AM contributing some power), all paved surfaces with some hills. 25 miles is doable, but only if I don't use PAS 3 often.

One factor is your mission. If you know you're going to need to travel distances over 20 miles regularly, then by all means go for the bigger battery. When I first got into e-bikes, I dreamed of all day 50 mile trips and bought a battery that would let me do that. What I hadn't considered is that my butt is only good for 20 miles. That meant I was lugging that high capacity battery around with me full time, and at best, all that did for me was to allow me to charge every 2-3 rides instead of my more typical 1 or 2.

And that "sweet spot" thing? Keep in mind, that's all on paper. From a more practical standpoint, as long as you avoid over charging and over discharging, your battery has a good chance of lasting as long as anyone else's. My thoughts anyway, FWIW. -Al