Motor no longer assisting


New Member
Hey guys and gals i'm new to electric bikes and i just got my radwagon in on thursday got it up and running same day i've been having a lot of fun with it but tonight when i was riding it around my neighborhood (still just really getting used to it) the power went out but only for the motor i was still getting head light and display power however there was no power coming from the motor. i got back home and looked at the owners manual and troubleshooting said to check the wiring which i did but still nothing. any tips or advice to get it back up and running?
First place to check would be those connectors from the console & battery to the motor, @BluSkyy. Otherwise, had the battery gotten a good charge before the night ride? A new battery might look 'full' but not really be 100%, a low battery could cause a motor cutout. Third thought, check your brake lever motor interrupts; if a brake were too tight or the sensor misaligned, you could cause the motor to cut out without the brakes being pressed.
sure you tried this but did you take the battery off for a bit and then put it back on? from reading on other stuff that seems to reset things sometimes