Merciless (on the inside)
- Region
That is very naughty of you (cuz we both know Vruzend is garbahhhhhgeIf you want a Vruzend kit send me a PM. I'll sell for half of any listed price.
So much negativity in this thread. You would think that ebikers, who got a dose of hatred from analog cyclists for years and still have some prejudice to overcome - would be the last ones to be narrow-minded prudes about what other people ride. Nope.
Bring on the Super 73's! I hope they and their clones continue to sell out their entire stock. Every urban mobility bike is one less car. And one less internal combustion engine. Not everyone wants to be a cyclist and we have no business shoving our beliefs down other people's throats. People who, by the way, don't harm anyone else one bit by not pedaling. All the vitriol is just all soiled underwear and bruised ego.