Montague Navigator with Magnum R2 Conversion Kit


New Member
Hi everyone,

A few facts about me.
1. New to biking
2. I am mechanically incline (rebuilt a car)
3. Never built a bike, let alone a conversion

So I am looking to buy an eBike and settled on the Magnum Premium II High Step. I have not purchased it yet and ran across a full size folding bike which seem more compact when folded, Montague Navigator.

I have searched for videos and/forums without luck of anyone building this bike with the R2 kit.

1. Is this kit compatible with the Montague Navigator

2. If installed, will I be able to drop the trunk as a kickstand as the OEM trunk?

3. Freewheel recommendations?

** I have emailed both Magnum and Montague to see if the kit is compatible. Magnum replied that it should be a great fit but thinks it may need a different freewheel. I’d rather hear from people not associated to the companies as well.

Montague Navigator-

Magnum Conversion Kit-

My reason for building now is that I can always get another kit or just end up with a decent light weight bike if not. I am concern with OEM replacement parts and service long term with buying an eBike.

Please me know your thoughts and opinions and if I should just buy the Magnum Premium II High Step.
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i think endless sphere has a few montague builds also but not sure if they were all mid drives or not

good luck

anxious to see how this turns out and how you like it