Misalignment of chain with chainring


New Member
My wife's Creo started making noise in the lowest two gears on a ride a couple of days ago. Riding next to her, it sounded like a derailleur out of adjustment. However, when I was able to look at it closely, it turns out the the chain is making micro-jumps as each cog moves onto the tooth (see video, which is in slo mo). In several decades of wrenching, I've never experienced this kind of behavior.

Prior to this problem showing up, her chain dropped (on a very bumpy descent), and ended up between the frame and the chainring, FWIW.

Any thoughts as to what may have happened, and a potential fix?

You have to align outer chain link with the inner tooth. In your video, the outer chain link is on the outer tooth.

My wife's Creo started making noise in the lowest two gears on a ride a couple of days ago. ...
, her chain dropped (on a very bumpy descent), and ended up between the frame and the chainring, FWIW.

Any thoughts as to what may have happened, and a potential fix?
Look for the drawing on the inner side of your chain ring and check (link refers to Vado or Como narrow-wide chainring):

How many miles?
Your two smallest cogs might be worn if used too often.
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You have to align outer chain link with the inner tooth.
Which system uses the Creo?
Vado and Como might use narrow-wide chainring, or wave.

The outer link belongs to the outer tooth with the narrow-wide chainring.
And you're showing the wave system which is a different system.
Link for wave:
Some people have swapped their wave chainrings to traditional narrow-wide chainrings to prevent further chaindrops.
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Interesting. My Vado's chainring is Wave.
I doubt that. Please have another look. ;) This shows a wave chainring:
The Wave system is a new sub-category of narrow-wide but differs.
Vado and Como do use narrow-wide but not or wave, so it is wrong to name the Praxis chainring for Vado "wave" . Even if shops do so. :rolleyes:

"MRP has launched into the narrow/wide single chainring fray with their unique Wave ring that features offset left-center-right alternating tooth configuration. MRP says the design wears better than traditional narrow-wide rings while providing increased chain security-though they still recommend a 1x guide for rowdy conditions, and a clutch-style derailleur is highly recommended for all conditions."

Now take a closer look at the pictures I had linked and then on your Vado chainring. Got it? Vado has narrow-wide but not or wave system (because the chainring teeth alter from wide to narrow but not or from alternated flattening of one side of the tooth combined with offsets).

Notice: the wave system is not as save in "rowdy conditions" as the traditional narrow-wide. That's why some riders mount a chainguide to the wave chainring, or switch back to the traditional narrow-wide chainring. It is reported that the Creo MY2021 comes with an additional chainguide.


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My Turbo Vado 4 has a Praxis 40T Wave chainring - can’t be much clearer than that. Don’t understand why you say you can’t call the Praxis a “Wave” chainring as that is exactly what Praxis call it and as far as I can see they have the trademark for the Wave technology. Perhaps some Vado/Como come with a different chainring. I have over 2.5k kilometres over varied terrain and the chain has never dropped off the chainring. Seems that at least for me the Wave chainring along with the clutch on the Deore derailleur keep the chain well and truly in place. It’s important to make sure that the chain is correctly aligned on the chainring as shown by the picture on the ring itself.
NOW.....it all makes sense as to why a brand new chain with a brand new sprocket with a brand new chainring makes that noise.
Can’t see clearly from the video but it looks like you may have threaded the chain incorrectly through the derailleur hence the noise. I made that mistake recently. Attached is a picture of my derailleur which is how the chain should go. There is a small plate in the cage between the jockey wheels and you must thread the chain the correct way around this plate. Hope this helps.


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My Turbo Vado 4 has a Praxis 40T Wave chainring - can’t be much clearer than that. Don’t understand why you say you can’t call the Praxis a “Wave” chainring as that is exactly what Praxis call it and as far as I can see they have the trademark for the Wave technology. Perhaps some Vado/Como come with a different chainring.
Well, my MY2018 Vado Praxis chainring did not carry the wave trademark so there may be differences in equipment and features.
Does your Praxis chainring look like the one on the picture attached to my #013, or does it look like the one in #5 ? What MY is yours?
My Turbo Vado 4 is for the UK market and was manufactured in 2020. I have a spare chainring and have attached photos. From what you are saying there appear to be differences between your model and mine.


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In reply to an earlier post it’s correct that some chain makes are directional but the one fitted to my Turbo Vado 4 (2020 model) which is a KMC e10 is NOT directional and hence can be put either way around. I believe some Shimano chains are directional. The important points are to thread the chain correctly through the derailleur cage and if you have the Praxis Wave chainring to ensure the links are correctly placed as per the diagram on the chainring. Hope this helps people when changing chains etc.
Found this picture from Shimano that clarifies how the chain should be threaded through the derailleur and how it looks when it’s done incorrectly. Click on the image to see the 4 examples and explanatory text box. I know from bitter experience that it’s easy to thread incorrectly as the correct way is counter intuitive until one knows better.


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