Meet your new overlords.

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You keep dangling Scott Atlas out for bait. Why be so coy? What did he do that you'd like to share?
He did nothing but insinuate that herd immunity without the need for vax was the way to go. He has no credibility in a pandemic and the only reason he was the puppet at the podium is because an idiot listened to him instead of reality.
He did nothing but insinuate that herd immunity without the need for vax was the way to go.
Well, that is Merck's new position too.
"This decision follows Merck’s review of findings from Phase 1 clinical studies for the vaccines...the immune responses were inferior to those seen following natural infection and those reported for other SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 vaccines."

And now even proponents say the vaccines might not prevent transmission.

Let's see how the vaccinated people do when they get infected. If they might have an over reaction. How well this all goes with having babies. Oh, stuff like that. Details.
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It's mere coincidence that all health officials told people to not wear masks, as the CCP had the WHO do their bidding with disinformation.
Canada's PM sent all the stock of PPE to China as well, and all available supplies of masks worldwide were bought up and sent to China by CCP supporters in those countries.
Well done, Smooth Tony! Well done, Justin Trudeau, for sending it all to China, and well done, Theresa Tam, also working for the WHO, and advising keeping borders open to China.

May 2020
"This Wednesday, when Theresa Tam announced the value of wearing a mask to prevent COVID-19"
Yup, I assumed. It's the same macho bullshit. Any person with even a meager understand of what freedom is wouldn't be trying to say this is about freedom.
You assumed improperly so that you could make your character slur.
I have my record of posting how to make higher performance masks than n95 mask, in FEBRUARY 2020.
That person you put faith in didn't post about masks until about a week ago.
Oh, you all knew about using UV light to activate a common disinfectant applied to the covid affected area ?
Carry the orange buffoons water if you want but we all saw what he said , most know sanitizer kills most virus's . I've known for many years about UV light kills most virus's. Dummy was suggesting using sanitizer to treat a human beings lungs AFTER they were infected. He also suggested somehow "getting the light inside the body"......
For anyone who wants to actually spend time reading the full picture and not rely on wikipedia, this GAO report highlights all the failures and how many of their recommendations over the last year have been ignored.
No your supposed to believe trump did a great job you just have to totally ignore the results...
"The federal government does not have a process to help systematically define and ensure the collection of standardized data across the relevant federal agencies and related stakeholders to help respond to COVID-19, communicate the status of the pandemic with citizens, or prepare for future pandemics."
It's gotta be that one guy's fault. Not Fauci, who predicted a surprise outbreak. Making sure everyone stocks up in PPE would all be that one guys' fault. Not any of those other guys, before, or maybe after, him.
Just that guy.

"As a result, COVID-19 information that is collected and reported by states and other entities to the federal government is often incomplete and inconsistent. The lack of complete and consistent data limits HHS’s and others’ ability to monitor trends in the burden of the pandemic across states and regions, make informed comparisons between such areas, and assess the impact of public health actions to prevent and mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Further, incomplete and inconsistent data have limited HHS’s and others’ ability to prioritize the allocation of health resources in specific geographic areas or among certain populations most affected by the pandemic. "

Oh, so that one guy, it seems to all be his fault. With everyone else, it was good, even when he, Fauci, of the NIH for what, 40 yrs(?), predicted a surprise outbreak of disease.
trumps the one who dismissed the pandemic response team and threw the response plan out, it's like everything from his marriages to his so called businesses -whatever he touches turns to crap. I'm curious if this exact same response was from President Hillary if you'd be saying the same.
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Carry the orange buffoons water if you want but we all saw what he said , most know sanitizer kills most virus's . I've known for many years about UV light kills most virus's. Dummy was suggesting using sanitizer to treat a human beings lungs AFTER they were infected. He also suggested somehow "getting the light inside the body"......
OK, then post the quote and show what is wrong. Evidence and your reasoning, that's all you're lacking so far.
No your supposed to believe trump did a great job you just have to totally ignore the results...
I, for one, do not believe everything he did was good, right, or correct. Who you are talking about, doesn't matter, because you are making things up and not providing evidence that would potentially be support for your claims.
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