Magura MT5e front RCS brake

I think the MT5e is the one I will go for.
If you're getting them direct from Magura, they're out of stock right now. I had to wait to get mine from them, but it was during the winter. Other bike shops carry them, but you need to be real careful when ordering.
Hey, I need to know if I can use one rotor 180 or 203 if the manufacturer of my frame tells 160?
I think so, but you'll need to buy 2 Magura adaptors for the front and rear no matter what size rotor you use. Magura can tell you which adaptors you will need for your bike and the rotors you choose. I sent them pics of my bike and they knew which adaptor to send.

ah good. Do you think that's possible technically to use discs 160mm with eMT5?
Well, I'm no expert, but I'd say going with an undersized disc defeats the purpose. The 4-piston MT5e works best with the Magura 180-203mm disc.

I'm off to work now
Yes, like you said!
Are you sure that the magura lever Higo red is one 3 pins connector?
Because I don't understand why it's not a yellow Higo? This one is 3 pins.
Yes, like you said!
Are you sure that the magura lever Higo red is one 3 pins connector?
Because I don't understand why it's not a yellow Higo? This one is 3 pins.

Not completely sure. If you contact Magura, you can tell them what you need. The guy I talked to is Jude. He's real good at fitting their brakes onto your bike. You can still buy it elsewhere, but he can answer your questions about connectors, adaptors and general fitment.