Low Inventory offer


New Member
I ordered a (gray) Flow a few weeks ago. Just got this email. Just curious what your thoughts are about this 'offer' from Espin.

Due to extremely high demand of Gray Flows during Black Friday, we are running low on inventory. We would like to extend a special offering to our VIP customers which we believe will be a win-win for all parties.

  1. You can exchange the Gray Flow for the Nesta at no additional cost. This means you would be getting the Nesta for the price you paid for the Flow. The Nesta is our newest offering we just released. It has a 750-watt motor and hydraulic disc brakes. It comes fully equipped with front and rear racks so it is a very utilitarian bike for everyday use while also being able to fold into half its size. The Nesta is currently priced at $1265 for the Black Friday sale and is scheduled to ship in January
  2. You can exchange the Gray Flow for a Premium Nero at no additional cost. This means you would be getting the Nero for the price you paid for the Flow. The Nero is our sport utility bike. The 2021 model comes with a 750-watt motor and hydraulic brakes. We will offer you the premium model with front and rear racks. The premium Nero is currently priced at $1299 for Black Friday and is scheduled to ship in January.
  3. If you are willing to exchange the Gray Flow for a Black Flow, we can still ship it to you according to the original schedule and we will gift you an Espin Pannier bag when the next batch becomes available in February. So you would be receiving a Black Flow in December and a free pannier bag in February.
  4. If you are willing to postpone shipping of the Gray Flow until February, we will give you an additional $50 refund from your purchase.
I have not clarified that yet. They didn't really make it clear what the status of an unchanged order is. In any event I kinda want to know what they mean by "spring" -- I live in New England so even though I am as impatient as anyone waiting for a new toy, the # of days I can actually ride a bike between now and say April are limited. I don't want to wait past April though.
I have a feeling it is going to get harder to get an Ebike in a timely manner. Whats the old expression? A bird in the hand...
Really great Customer service to give you so many options. I can offer that I ordered a Levo at the end of June and it took over 3 months to arrive. I ended up missing the opportunity to ride it on a trip planned for it, and instead rode my Vado. Now the Levo has been in my garage waiting for the right opportunity. It kinda took the excitement out of the order having to wait so long. But as commented this may be the new norm for a while. The Levo's time will eventually come. I would say - look at their offerings. If you are set on your original order - February is not that far off. Their offer multiple choice offer is very generous, so you are working with a good shop. Happy Thanksgiving and Good Luck!
I'm also shopping for an Espin(sport) good to see the good CR. Being from the NE myself, i would keep the original order, get $50 back and delayed start of warranty works out better. IMO
I can’t believe you can buy the Sport now for $999 with the $50 discount code. That is crazy. I bought mine in July with delivery on September 1 and I paid $1,199, which I thought was a great price for the components and accessories included. I’ve really enjoyed the bike. It’s my first Ebike. I know Taylor said his new Sport had some different components and maybe Espin got better pricing on those so they could drop the price. But I still don’t know how they’re making anything with free shipping included. $200 off is a lot! I kinda of wish I had waited to buy but hindsight is 20/20.
Poor choice of words on their part or they doing something funny? Was ready to order 2 of the Sports, but didn't do it, seems like they reserve the right to charge you more $$ once they ship "Prices are subject to change depending on delivery date."
I don't think they could do that if they charge your CC when you checkout, at least without confirming with you prior. If you just paid a deposit to hold one that might be a different story.
Yeah, $999 for the Sport is a very good deal especially when I thought $1199 a few months ago was the best deal (and that was after researching for a few months). :)
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Poor choice of words on their part or they doing something funny? Was ready to order 2 of the Sports, but didn't do it, seems like they reserve the right to charge you more $$ once they ship "Prices are subject to change depending on delivery date."
Did you order a Sport?
@Movie Star

The one thing I didn't like is Espin charged you when you ordered... usually most companies charge you when an item ships but I don't know how it works with ebikes (although I'm sure they have to do it that way to get the funding for their shipments).

But the plus about that is they can't charge you more later... the price you pay is it. What they mean by "Prices are subject to change..." is if you haven't ordered yet. So tomorrow or next week, the price can go up or down. But once you pay, you're locked.

Hope that helps.
Poor choice of words on their part or they doing something funny? Was ready to order 2 of the Sports, but didn't do it, seems like they reserve the right to charge you more $$ once they ship "Prices are subject to change depending on delivery date."
Once you buy a bike from them the price does not change. They mean price may vary depending when you order it. I bought a Sport for $1200.00 in May 2020. I bought the Espin Nero on sale for $999.00. Special introductory price. Delivery is expected in next two weeks. Espin is having a Thanksgiving sale now. After the sale the price will go up. They are a straight forward company based in CA. If you order and then cancel there is a 3 percent cancellation fee. Other companies, like Ride1up, have a similar cancellation fee.
So if you want your original order of a Gray Flow, you get an additional 50 off?
Only is you defer shipping to February. OP has lots of choices. If it were me I would just get the black Flow with original shipping date.
Once you buy a bike from them the price does not change. They mean price may vary depending when you order it. I bought a Sport for $1200.00 in May 2020. I bought the Espin Nero on sale for $999.00. Special introductory price. Delivery is expected in next two weeks. Espin is having a Thanksgiving sale now. After the sale the price will go up. They are a straight forward company based in CA. If you order and then cancel there is a 3 percent cancellation fee. Other companies, like Ride1up, have a similar cancellation fee.
The 3% cancellation fee covers the credit card fees incurred by the merchant. Some merchants will waive that fee if you offer to mail them a check for payment, or pay in cash if you live near them.
Remember you will lose a lot of CC protections doing it that way.
No neg comment on Espin but these are all like startup companies and could fold up or change hands anytime.
I got the same offer. I decided to delay till February and get the extra $50 off. I really prefer the gray, dont need a pannier, and I was already expecting delivery in Jan. 1 more month isnt that bad. The Nero and Nesta are attractive, you get a lot, especially with the offer. but I love how the battery is set on the Flow and it has known and verified parts (Shimano, Bafang) . I've never heard of S-Ride, and an ESPIN brand motor? Who knows the quality of parts there.
I got a Flow for my wife. It came quickly in matt black, which apparently isn't the popular color (although impressive in the flesh).. But when I kept getting these "shipment delayed" messages from espin regarding my Sport order, and couldn't get ANY response to several voice messages left on their phone, I began to worry that if there are issues, I may find myself outside the credit card challenge time frame. I decided to pull the plug, and asked (via email) and received a full refund.

After much additional research, I zeroed in on an NCM "Moscow plus" bike. Slightly better overall specs, but $150 more in cost. The plus? The bike arrived in Austin from the West Coast just 5 working days after my order. On assembly and startup, there was an issue with the battery. Late in the afternoon on the same day of arrival, I called the distributor, Leon Cycle, and within an hour a replacement battery was on its way. Shipped Monday, and will arrive next Monday (with Christmas holidays in between). NCM is an international company with presence throughout Europe and Australia, as well as the U.S. It was well worth the slightly higher price to know that replacement parts and warranty support will be immediately available, when I need it. Without the battery, I've only been able to ride in unassisted mode, but I find the bike to be well made, sturdy, and comfortable. Will update on performance once my replacement battery arrives.