Love my Allant+7 BUT...


Thanks for all your helpful feedback to the community. Particularly you and Alaskan have really help me and I many others feel the same. THANK YOU! Can you elaborate on why you "probably would have gotten a range booster setup" instead of hauling along a second battery? I too am at that stage too where I'm deciding either to purchase a full second 625wh battery (and also get a top-tube carrier for the battery), or purchase the 500wh range extender setup. The range booster looks ugly and is 500wh instead of 625wh, and I think even costs more, but I might be missing something. Can you steer me one way or the other? Absent more feedback, it seems a second 625wh battery seems the way to go... bringing it on the bike with me only as needed.

As background, I'm a pretty new 8s owner, and based on how I ride I'm getting about 60miles on a single charge (riding most all in "tour," mostly on the flat, averaging 18mph). But my goal is some weekend trips hitting just over 100 miles between charges, so I'll need some more juice to keep me going!

A second unrelated question --- 8s came with the cobi/smartphone hub, and for the life of me I can't find an odometer reading... any suggestions?
The smarthub is indeed confusing. You can get trip mileage by saving a trip to Strava. You can get overall mileage from the motor information screen. It's a poorly documented app, one that I've complained about before, but I doubt much will change. It doesn't seem to be a focus for Bosch.